
A Warm Cup Of Tea

As Barbara was occupied in court, Karyan seized the chance to visit Victoria's chambers and headed to the kitchen.

Getting an opportunity, he gathered herbs and ignited a flame, expertly preparing tea in a peaceful kitchen.

"What in the realms are you doing here, meddling with my kitchen, you pathetic intruder?"

Karyan turned around and saw the chef standing, "My apologies, good sir. I merely sought a bit of warmth in a cup of tea while the mansion was busy."

"Warmth, you say? This is my domain, and you're nothing but a meddling bastard! Do you think you can just come in and play at being a lord?"

'This bastard…'Karyan thought, "I meant no disrespect, sir. I'm but a humble soul seeking solace in a quiet corner."

Chef sneered, "Humble? You're a fool! Servants and lords alike know their place, and it's not in my kitchen. You're nothing but a wretched intruder!"

"I assure you, sir, my intentions were pure. I didn't mean to disrupt, only to find a moment of respite."

Chef raised his eyebrows, "Respite? You're a disgrace! A lowly bastard child who doesn't understand the order of this mansion. You're not fit to be here."

"I may lack noble blood, but I've learned to appreciate the simple pleasures. Your kitchen is a realm of warmth and comfort, and I sought only a humble cup of tea."

"Humble? More like insolent! You dare speak back to me, you insolent wretch?"

Karyan continued, "I dare to speak the truth. A cup of tea, sir…"

"Your words are as tasteless as your intrusion. I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget!

As the chef advanced aggressively, Karyan, though outnumbered, stood his ground.

"Names and insults won't change the fact that kindness is a language understood by all. I sought solace, not conflict, you idiot."

Despite the growing tension, Karyan held firm, defending his simple act of seeking warmth with this cup of tea.

"Idiot? You bastard!! What makes you think you can speak to me like that iin my kitchen?"

'Is he an actual idiot?' 

"Oh, sir, the warmth of your anger is truly unmatched," Karyan replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Mockery won't save you, you useles child! You're nothing but a stain on the mansion's honor."

He chuckled, "A stain, you say? More like a dash of unexpected flavor. Perhaps I'm adding a sprinkle of excitement to your routine."

Chef stepped back a little, "Excitement? I've had enough of your nonsense. I'll have you thrown out!

Karyan lifted his eyebrows too, small wrinkles formed on his forehead. 


"Thrown out? Ah, but the exit is so far, and my legs are skinny. Perhaps you could carry me to my room?"

" Stop playing games! You're a disgrace, an unworthy presence in this esteemed kitchen."

"Disgrace? I prefer to think of myself as an uninvited guest."

"Spontaneity? You're pushing your luck, you rascal!"

Karyan, glancing around to ensure no one witnessed the exchange, smirked with a mischievous grin.

"Luck, sir? Luck is like seasoning. A bit too much, and it ruins the dish. But just the right amount, and it becomes a masterpiece."

"What are you blabbering about? I'll have you know…"

But Karyan had time, "Knowledge is a herb. Too little, and the dish lacks depth. Too much, and it overwhelms the senses. You see, I'm just balancing the flavors of our conversation."

Chef, taken aback by Karyan's unexpected wit, was too stunned to speak.

"You... you're quite different from your usual self today…"


Karyan nodded, "Different, indeed."

Karyan carefully picked up his tea, leaving the arrogant chef behind in the kitchen.

"Well, sir, it has been a pleasure adding a pinch of unpredictability to your day."

As he strolled toward the exit, Karyan couldn't resist glancing back at the ignorant bastard.

His eyes glinted with a serpent-like mischief, it looked like a subtle threat to him.

Without uttering another word, Karyan continued his departure. 

Behind him, the chef, still fumed with anger, attempted to regain his composure.

 However, as their eyes met one final time, an unseen force seemed to snake its way into the chef's senses. 

Karyan, now at a safe distance, maintained his smile, "all this mansion's servants are quite stupid…" 

Karyan was finally close to Victoria's chambers, adopting an innocent face. He glanced around, feigning shyness as he approached the door.

Victoria, catching sight of him, beckoned him inside.

" Karyan, come in. What brings you here?"

"Oh, um, Lady Victoria, I... I just thought I'd check on you. You seemed a bit upset, and, well, I wanted to offer you a cup of tea."

Victoria's eyes still showed traces of recent tears, 

"Tea? Why would you think of that?"

Karyan, maintaining the act, "Well, my mother always drinks tea when she's mad. It helps calm her down, you know?"

Victoria, with a faint smile replied to the child, "does it now? That's thoughtful of you."

Karyan, offering the cup of tea he had prepared earlier, "I made it myself. It has herbs that are supposed to bring comfort. Just a little something to make you feel better."

Victoria, touched by the gesture, took the cup, "Thank you, Karyan. It's kind of you to think of me."

Karyan, still playing the innocent card, "Of course, Lady Victoria. I just want everyone to be happy in the mansion…very very happy…"