
Rebirth of the Reverse Eyes

In his entire life, Rion had never felt happy. He didn't even remember smiling or laughing. When he decided to end it all, he lost his life. Surprisingly, he didn't feel angry. Instead, he felt free for the first time. Instead of going to the afterlife, Rion woke up in another world full of magic. He even had a new name, Arion. This time he had parents who loved him and siblings who adored him. Finally, he could feel true happiness. However, trouble doesn't leave Arion alone. There was a group that wanted to eliminate magic users, especially those from great kingdoms. His family was one of their targets. Somehow, Arion was connected to the mysterious power of a long-lost kingdom. The power symbolizes the past and the future. That makes him the main target of everyone. Both from his side and from the enemy's side. Because that's how much power he's got. “The greater the power gained, the heavier the burden to be carried.” He is the chosen one. Chosen as a human being loved and protected by the gods. And as the holder of the greatest power, with the fate of the world on his shoulders.

CameliaZ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
74 Chs

47. Trapped

Hans jumped forward and slashed his sword at Nova, who prepared with his lightning magic. Nova jumped back and fired her lightning, which Hans dodged.

Dean threw his dagger at Nova, who dodged and countered with her lightning. Unfortunately, Dean managed to dodge her attack as well.

"Protect the princes adn princesses and get out of here! I'll hold them off!" Nova shouted, not taking her eyes off the enemy. Time was running out.

"Miss Nova--"


Nova let her lightning strike everywhere so the enemies couldn't catch up. She had to make sure the twins left before the third enemy arrived. She wouldn't be able to keep all three together for long.

Hans, seeing that their target was about to escape, immediately planned to pierce the lightning in front of him. But Dean stopped him, "Just let them go."

Hans gave him a sharp look before he saw Dean grinning and pointing upwards, "The game has begun.''

Hans, understanding the gesture, chuckled happily. He saw that once again the lightning didn't last long and finally disappeared.

Nova boldly stepped forward to face her opponent with her hands still covered in yellow lightning.

She stared intently ahead, "Your opponent is me!"

Dean chuckled amusedly, "Take it easy."

His smile widened as he pulled out more daggers, "They'll get their turn after we finish you off."

Nova immediately created more lightning magic to attack the two, while making sure some lightning protected the prince and princess as they fled.

With her small amount of remaining mana, it was possible that she wouldn't make it out of here alive. But she would not regret it as long as the children she guarded were safe. They were her priority.

Seeing Nova defending them with such difficulty made these nannies inevitably obey her orders.

They might be just ordinary servants. But that didn't mean they were willing to leave their allies to face the enemy alone. But they also realized that their presence here would only be a burden to Nova.

The governess of the Kingdom of Glatteis swallowed in fear before urging the children to leave immediately, "Come, Prince, Princess. We have to get out of here."

Without a chance to protest, the nannies quickly grabbed the children's hands and pulled them away. One of them made sure Eric didn't fall because he had Arion in his arms.

In the middle of their escape, Hana turned to her brother with a worried face, "Brother, we can't just leave Nova.''

Eric snorted, "I know that." He looked at Arion in his arms, still holding on to his clothes with a body that was still shaking slightly.

Arion closed his eyes tightly, 'Nova could die. She could die if she faces them alone.'

Not to mention if that third enemy who screamed angrily appeared. His large body would allow him to finish off Nova, who would definitely be in a weakened state after fighting the other two.

Arion didn't want Nova to die. He didn't want someone he cared about to die because of him.

Noam turned to his rival, "And now what, Eric? You want to leave your servant to face them alone?''

Eric growled angrily, ''Of course not, you fool!''

Arion flinched slightly at the high-pitched words that contained anger. He could not afford to hear any more high-pitched remarks tonight. Unable to help himself, his baby body trembled again.

Eric, who felt his baby brother's body tremble, was immediately overcome with guilt. He immediately whispered between his exhausted breaths, "Sorry, Arion.''

Arion took a deep breath before exhaling, 'Calm down, Arion. Regain control of your body. This is no time to be weak.'

Noam felt guilty after hearing Eric's frustrated growl. It seemed that his words didn't relieve his friend's burden of thoughts, but rather added to it. He looked to Zane for help.

Zane took a ragged breath before speaking, "It's better if we stay away and see what the situation is."

Noam wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Why don't we split up?"

Arion frowned disapprovingly, 'It's too dangerous for you children to split up without strong adult protection.'

The memory of that Herris man talking about killing small children so easily sent a shiver down his spine. It would be bad if these children met the big man alone.

Eric clicked his tongue unhappily before looking at the nannies who were dragging them away, ''If they let us go back there.''

The nannies also started to catch their breath. They were used to working non-stop, but they were not used to going through this intense situation and running around with the huge responsibility of taking care of the princes and princesses.

They were not only physically tired. Right now, they were also mentally exhausted. They were just ordinary people who were not used to killing.

Royal servant Glatteis swallowed tiredly before speaking softly, "Sorry, Your Highness. We will not disappoint Miss Nova by letting you return there.''

Hana frowned in disagreement, "Even if we can't help much, we can at least help Nova buy some time. Or at least find a safer place for her!"

Arion let out a shaky breath, 'We will only be a burden to her.'

The servant shook his head, "It's too risky, especially for commoners like us and children like you, Your Highness. We cannot risk you getting hurt or worse.''

Before they could protest, the servant from the Kingdom of Flammen in front of them suddenly stopped, causing Noam, who was holding her hand, to stop as well.

"Your Highness!" She shouted in a frightened tone.

Arion stopped himself from flinching, 'Are we being chased?'

Noam, still catching his breath, immediately replied in an annoyed tone, "Why are you yelling like that?"

Before the Flammen Royal Steward could say anything, the Schatten Royal Steward immediately cut him off while pointing up, "There's something up there!"

They immediately looked up and found a transparent dome covering a large area around the palace.

Hana leaned closer to her brother, "What is it?"

Zane blinked in confusion, "A barrier?"

"The barrier that trapped us, you mean?" Rose continued with an annoyed snort. This whole situation was not working out for them at all.

"Your Highness!" shouted the royal steward of the Flammen in a frustrated tone, as no one paid any attention to his first remark.

Noam groaned in exasperation, "What this time."

"Our way is blocked!" The servant pointed in that direction with an almost hysterical tone of voice.

Immediately they focused their gaze in a direction ahead that they hadn't paid much attention to in the first place. There was a transparent barrier connected to the dome above, confirming the truth of Rose's statement.

Arion stared at the barrier in horror, 'No!'

At this rate, not all of them would be able to escape and call for help. And what about Nova's fate?

Noam groaned tiredly, "That was great.''

He had never felt so tired in his entire life. Usually he was known as a very hyperactive boy who never got tired. But right now all he wanted was to sleep for 24 hours and think this was all a dream.

Well, reality is not so beautiful.

Rose remembered the intruders' words and sighed immediately, "So that's what they mean, that help will never come until we're all dead. They're trapping us inside."

If the situation hadn't been so dangerous, Hana would have been amazed that this was the first long sentence Rose had ever spoken. She immediately shook her head vigorously to dispel her strange thoughts. It was no time for jokes.

When he saw Zane approaching the transparent barrier, Eric immediately stopped him, "Wait!"

Zane turned his head in confusion before Eric continued, "Don't go near the barrier! Something's wrong!"

They immediately studied the barrier closely before slowly retreating in fear as the barrier moved as if it were approaching them.

"The barrier is getting closer?" Hana asked a little shakily. Would they not be able to get out of here?

Arion swallowed nervously, 'Does that even make sense? A barrier that can move?'

He shouldn't have been surprised. This is a world of magic. Anything could happen. Who knew what he would find in the future. That was if he made it through this night alive.

Zane narrowed his eyes, "This dome is getting narrower. Maybe whoever made this knew someone would try to escape."

Noam stared in disbelief, "In other words..."

They watched the narrowing dome with expressions of frustration, seriousness, and fear. All they found was a dead end.

"They deliberately tried to push us back against the intruders."

What would they do now? They had no choice but to fight the invaders.

But they were no match for the invaders. If they made a wrong move, they might all die, and the Gewitter Kingdom would take the full blame for it, no matter the reason.

It might also cause the war between the kingdoms to start again, no matter how good their relations were in the past. Everything would just destroy each other.

Arion closed his eyes tightly, feeling hopeless about everything that is happening, 'It's all messed up.'