
Rebirth of the Reverse Eyes

In his entire life, Rion had never felt happy. He didn't even remember smiling or laughing. When he decided to end it all, he lost his life. Surprisingly, he didn't feel angry. Instead, he felt free for the first time. Instead of going to the afterlife, Rion woke up in another world full of magic. He even had a new name, Arion. This time he had parents who loved him and siblings who adored him. Finally, he could feel true happiness. However, trouble doesn't leave Arion alone. There was a group that wanted to eliminate magic users, especially those from great kingdoms. His family was one of their targets. Somehow, Arion was connected to the mysterious power of a long-lost kingdom. The power symbolizes the past and the future. That makes him the main target of everyone. Both from his side and from the enemy's side. Because that's how much power he's got. “The greater the power gained, the heavier the burden to be carried.” He is the chosen one. Chosen as a human being loved and protected by the gods. And as the holder of the greatest power, with the fate of the world on his shoulders.

CameliaZ · Fantasy
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74 Chs

40. Reunion of Queens

The queens decided to sit closer together so the babies could see and recognize each other better. It just so happened that the babies were still awake and babbling a lot at this time, except for Arion.

Arion saw two other babies he had never seen before, 'Two baby girls. One named Fiona and the other Kalyca.'

He tried to remember both names well before he let out a tired sigh, 'Too many new names to remember in one day.'

Arion looked at the black haired baby girl, 'Especially her name. It's a little hard to remember and pronounce.'

"Hey Jane, Daisy, are you guys staying over or going straight home after this party? I want to show you all something!" Martha's sudden question made her three friends look at her in confusion.

Jane shrugged, "I'm not sure if we're staying the night or not. But if we don't, we'll probably be home late. Edric said the kings want to discuss something in private."

She could guess what the kings were discussing tonight, but decided not to say. After all, there were still many pairs of eyes and ears watching them. This information was too dangerous to say in public.

Arion blinked a few times, 'Even during a celebration like this, it seems like the kings are still busy.'

Although he did not know what the kings were discussing, it was probably about the state of their respective kingdoms. Otherwise, it was impossible for the discussion to sound so private. Arion suspected that they were discussing something rather sensitive.

Daisy nodded in agreement, "The children will want to stay longer anyway." She turned her head to look at the kids' table.

They looked very happy, although Eric and Rose remained true to their flat expressions. But Daisy could see a small smile on Rose's lips that no one else could see.

It made Daisy happy to see her daughter having fun with her friends. Her daughter was too quiet and often kept her distance from others to worry her.

Martha hummed happily, "In that case, I also propose a private meeting for the queens!" She said rather demandingly, earning resigned sighs from her friends.

"What is it you want to show us, Martha?" Daisy asked with a resigned look on her face. She could already guess what the answer would be.

Martha grinned proudly, "My latest clothing design, of course!"

Arion frowned in confusion, 'Clothing design? She's a clothing designer or something?'

He thought the work of a queen was very hectic. But Queen Martha even had free time to design clothes. Or could it just be a hobby?

Jane snorted, then muttered, "Why am I not surprised?"

When Martha started to continue, Natalie immediately cut her off, "Wait a minute! Even if I want to agree to this, what about the children?" She said worriedly. It was as if she had seen this scene before.

Martha thought for a moment, "The babies will be going to bed soon, it's very late. Let the nannies take care of them. It's not like they can run away anywhere."

Jane, who was beginning to get interested in Martha's suggestion, decided to intervene, "Like Daisy said, the kids will want to hang out later. So just let them do what they want."

Martha grinned at Jane for her help, "That way we can chat without worrying about the kids!"

Natalie looked doubtful, "I'm not too comfortable leaving Arion alone." She whispered worriedly.

To be honest, she was interested in spending more time with her friends. But she also couldn't bear to leave her baby, even if he was with Nova.

Arion patted his mother's arm, 'I'm not alone. Nova will accompany me for sure. So enjoy your time with your friends.'

He didn't want his mother to miss the chance to have fun with her friends just because of him. Besides, Arion was in the mood for some alone time as well.

Martha patted Natalie's shoulder, "He won't be alone. The other babies and the nannies will be with him. Don't worry."

Natalie frowned, still uncomfortable, "Still..."

Martha pouted and began to whine to her best friend, "Come on Natalie. We don't know when we'll get to hang out like this again. You should enjoy this moment while you can."

Jane nodded in agreement, "Yes! Especially now that Daisy is in her prime. So she can come with us without any worries. This is a rare moment, so we need to make the most of it."

Daisy sighed, "Don't mention my name." She grumbled quietly but didn't argue.

What Jane said was true. She was often ill and couldn't get out of bed. As a result, she didn't get to see her friends very often. She somehow missed the atmosphere of hanging out with them.

Once again, Arion patted his mother's cheek that was within his reach, 'Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Have fun with your friends.'

Natalie was silent for a moment before she sighed, "It won't be too long, will it?"

"It won't! I promise!" Martha replied confidently, silently hoping that Natalie would agree. It wouldn't be fun if they got together with incomplete people.

Natalie thought for a moment before deciding, "Okay, fine, I agree."

Suddenly Martha and Jane high-fived each other happily, "It worked!"

Martha and Jane's loud voices made some people turn to their table. Daisy covered her face with her hands, embarrassed by her friends' behavior. Next to her, Natalie just giggled in amusement.

"What's going on over there?" Hana asked curiously. What were the queens talking about that they were shouting so loudly?

Eric snorted before taking another sip of his orange juice, "A common occurrence. No need to be surprised anymore."

Noam shrugged indifferently before going back to munching on the cookie in front of him. Meanwhile, Zane just shook his head in resignation. Rose didn't even react to the loud voices of the queens.

After the time showed that the night was getting late, the members of the royal family decided to leave the celebration, where many nobles were still there.

The kings had already left to have their own private meeting. Meanwhile, the queens explained to the children what they had decided.

The babies were now in the arms of their respective nannies. Everyone except Arion had begun to whimper with sleepiness. Arion himself was still watching the queens and their children.

"Really?" Hana asked in a surprised tone. She thought her mother would forbid her to play with her friends and tell her to go to bed right away.

"We can do this?" Noam asked with a big smile. His energy never seemed to run out. Maybe he had eaten too much chocolate in the party room.

Natalie smiled gently, "Don't overdo it, okay? It's late and you should be in bed. But I'll make an exception this time."

Hana greeted her mother, "Don't worry, Mom! We'll be good children!" She said solemnly. Just like Noam, she still had a lot of excess energy.

Blame it on her sweet desserts and her father's cruel punishment that made her eat too much. Good thing she doesn't get fat easily, even if her cheeks look even chubbier.

Eric shook his head at his twin sister's behavior before turning his attention back to his mother, "Can we sleep with Arion afterwards, Mom?"

Natalie nodded happily, "Of course! Arion will be with Nova, so you can come over to him when you're done playing. But not too late, okay?"

Eric and Hana nodded obediently, which made Natalie smile softly. She gently rubbed their heads.

"Seth, Fiona and Kalyca will be put in the same room as Arion. So when you're tired of playing, go to them together, okay? Don't wander around alone, it's late." Natalie added to the three remaining children.

Noam, Zane and Rose nodded obediently, "We understand, Auntie." The three said at the same time. They also knew the dangers of wandering alone for children their age, especially now that it was late at night.

"Don't worry, Auntie! I'll keep an eye on her!" Noam said confidently. Zane and Rose looked at each other, hesitant to believe Noam's words.

Eric snorted, "It's more like we're looking out for you." But Noam didn't pay any attention to him, too excited to be running around free anytime soon.

The queens laughed at his words. Each of them gave their children kisses and hugs and told them to be good.

Natalie kissed Eric and Hana's cheeks affectionately, "Have fun." She hugged them both tightly, which was returned no less tightly.

Hana smiled happily, "We will, Mom." She kissed Natalie on the cheek, followed by Eric when no one else was looking.

Hana and Noam waved excitedly at their mother, who waved back more calmly. The others had already left, until the hyperactive duo ran after the three.

The queens decided to escort the babies to their rooms before leaving for their own meeting, leaving the babies in the hands of their most trusted nannies.

Hopefully everything will be okay and they can enjoy the rest of the night.