
Rebirth of the Primal Soul

Gods seem to have long disappeared. A beginning has an ending. And an ending inturn must make way for a new Beginning. The New gods are to come. And a new era must be unleashed. Join the journey of Agni Oroboros becoming the new Primal Supreme God.

Derek · Urban
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6 Chs

Parampita (2)

"This was the spark that started the fire which consumed all the pantheons including us too. Our deities who had our protection became high and mighty and little attention to their people. So, when the war came they got caught unprepared and were killed in the first round itself. Many of the other peace loving races like elves, fairies, druids, cavemen, seamen, were the first to perish. When we 3 woke up we saw too much destruction that we couldn't understand why this happened."

" We started to save all whom we could and rushed into the war along with our children. A war were there were no clear enemies. We didn't know whom we were fighting. After many rounds of war Parampita came in our dreams and asked us what happened. We couldn't utter a word in front of his presence."

I asked, " So what happened then? Did you find the enemy?"

Vishnu replied grinningly, " No.. We couldn't mark the enemy, not untill Pangu was born."

"Pangu??!!! I thought that was a myth!"

Vishnu answered,"No he was very much real as were us. His birth brought to us the knowledge of Yin and Yang. It was him who thought our enemies were but ourselves. Our dark desires that later were termed as Sins. 7 were there numbers, born in our unconcious minds often took control over us."

" Hearing him Parampita got very angry. He never thought he had created something which would destory the universe, which actually he didn't create but who could argue with him, right? But things turned far much worse than we ever could imagine. Just like Parampita was borne of himself, the Sins grew up the soul themselves. The war we had fought a little while ago turned into one great fight with Parampita at the centre of all. Sins trying to control Parampita's power and us trying to protect him."

"But why would you need to protect the most powerful god? Couldn't he just snap and kill all of them?"

"No, he couldn't. You see He was most powerful, but he couldn't control all his powers well. Obviously he could just kill us all and then recreate us but then again he who had the most untainted soul couldn't bring himself to do so. And this caused the downfall of all of us."

" The Sins tainted his soul causing him to self destruct his very soul. while doing so he gave all his powers to Pangu in the form of an axe which due to his special condition of having both yin and yang helped him to control. After the war the universe we lived in couldn't stand all the destruction that had happened, so Pangu with help of all of us separated the universe into Yin(earth) and Yang(sky) using the axe with his soul as a medium and our powers as the fuel."

"This is what created big bang causing universe to spread away and saving it from the collapse as a result. We created many worlds with all the rest of our powers and finally a new Earth for human beings sealed away."

I asked, " So, thats the truth. But why? Why are you telling me all this?"