
373. New Addition to Yomi

"Yeah, take care of yourself don't get hurt, and come back safely. I don't want Kaede to be unhappy if something happens to you." Kenichi said as he left the room.

Natsu was a little surprised by that and wanted to ask Kenichi what he meant by that but when he left the room and tried to follow him, sadly he was unable to as a club member/fan caller out his name forcing him to adopt back to his prince Tanimoto face.

'Does he know..... about that?' thought Natsu as he mused over.

'well with Sho coming over to my house with Chikage it is it hard to guess' thinking like that he didn't focus much on these thoughts.


Days Later

"He finally came huh" said a hooded figure as he stared out of a window of a grand building.

"No matter what, you have to fight him?" asked Jisei as he approached his disciple Chou.

"Of course! even though it was a temporary position, I have been a part of Yomi. There no way I will surrender my position to some nobody just because my master wishes it!" declared Chou, pulling back his hood as the door behind him opens. He turns around glaring at Natsu who had just entered "let's risk our lives and fight for the seat of Yomi"

"My friend I have been waiting for your return" greeted Jisei to Sogetsu who had also entered the room with Natsu.

"Sorry for troubling you" return Sogetsu as he adjusted his wrist band he had this to thank for holding on the seed by he wandered around the world to satisfy his wanderlust.

"It seems we have a small problem," explained Jisei, "My disciple, Chou Enshin wants to have a 'deathmatch' against your disciple."

"Everyone who walks the path of a martial artist aims to be the strongest! And the path to becoming one of the strongest ten, the One Shaow Nine Fist, is within Yomi! There are no martial artists in the world that would let such a chance disappear in front of them!" proclaimed Chou.

He quickly turned to his master, Jisei, and bowed to him.

"Old master, thank you for all your teachings. Whether I win or lose this match, this is where we shall part."

Without any warning, Chou spun and attacked Natsu, using Uryuu Banda. Natsu immediately dodged, noticing that Chou used the same style as he did while Chou began a fierce barrage of attacks.

"Members of Yomi should be strong. If I win, I will be your disciple in his place, and be a part of Yomi once more. Is that alright, Fierce God Sogetsu?" requested Chou as he didn't stop his attack.

"Fine," nodded Sogetsu as he leaned back to watch the fight.

Natsu managed to parry a few more attacks before starting to counter-attack. The two dodged, parried, or blocked the other's attack for a few more strikes before Natsu stepped into Chou's territory, right hand wrapping around Chou's waist. Just as he so, he noticed Chou doing the same with his right hand.

"A Hakkyou move? I know that one too," snarled Chou.

Sei Shin Kou

Both fighters slammed their waist against each other with both of them trying to overpower the other. The end result was too much for both fighters as their knees buckled for a second. At that moment, both of them took advantage of the buckled knee threw each other out of the window the two quickly split off, landing on the railings of a walkway before jumping towards each other once more.

"My name is Chou Enshin!" shouted Chou, "Nickname is 'Chun Long' (Pure Dragon). Let me hear your name."

"Tanimoto Natsu" replied Natsu "Code name: Hermit"

As the two fought Natsu noticed that they were roughly the same level unlike the original timeline. In this time, he had sparred with Kenichi, Miu, Saeko and Renka more often, began heavy basic training earlier and with some guidance from Ma Kensei. All this factors pushed Natsu into a much higher level than the last time he had fought Chou, though the only one who knew about that was Kneichi.

"The one that survives shall become the official member of Yomi. Did you really think I would give u the seat of Yomi so easily!?" shouted Chou as he threw a palm strike .

Natsu dodged it thinking up a plan. He threw his palm strike down towards the liver, already planning ahead on what he would do if Chou brushed it away, only to see Chou throw his palm strike without hesitation, aiming for the same vital organ that would kill Natsu if it landed properly.

"Victory or death" shouted Chou.

As the palm strikes slammed into each other's sides, Jisei could hear that attack echo in his ear. Despite being blind, he was able to accurately draw within his mind what sort of attack had landed and where. At first, he assumed that the two had taken each other out at the same time, only to correct himself when he heard movement once more, theorizing that their arms brushed against each other during the thrust lowering the force of the attack.

The two resumed attacking, each trying to overpower the other. Chou quickly stepped in, his foot behind Natsu, trying to trap him so he set up his next attack.

'Shit, it's like being caught between a rock and a hard place' thought Natsu as he pushed back, gritting his teeth.

'Shit, it's like pushing a building" though Chou in reply as he found himself having difficult time pushing Natsu down.

Natsu, however, felt himself starting to slip from Chou's foot.

'I can't afford to lose my footing, otherwise I will leave myself open for an attack!' thought Natsu. Thankfully this is one of the moves Kenichi has used to defeat him and he had also taught him how to counter it. He let Chou think that he was losing his footing making Chou use Ten Zan Kou into Natsu's back. But before it landed on Natsu he dove forward lessening the impact of the elbow and with it's momentum, his whole body going down to the floor with his hands in front of him. As soon as his hands and whole body was on the floor, Natsu immediately pushed off, rebounding from the attack and slamming his elbow strike into Chou's chest.

Chou coughed as he staggered back from the attack as Natsu stepped forward. His two thrusts were parried, his third strike to the chest was blocked when Chou crossed his arms. Natsu merely raised his other hand and slammed it right into his forearm, breaking through Chou's guard as he went flying back.

"That wasn't a strong style fist!" coughed Chou, "That was a soft style! Ma Sogestu would never use such a fist!"

[Thank You

Nicolas Cortes


Mikeal Desta

Naguib Mohamed


Chikezie Igwebuike




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