
A lot of hair!

Especially people off base. When he came back, Li Yu warned himself not to trust anyone except his family!

So even now, those workers have been with us for so long, but they don't have the right to hold a gun. That's why.

He has to pass the test of time, through various events, and is willing to give part of the trust. Even if trust is given, countermeasures are planned in mind. Prepare for the worst, so that you can have a way to deal with any situation when it comes.

Li Yu thought, it is better to let Song Min they, in the periphery, help block some of the people who fled, so that Song Min and others have been in, there is no possibility of reporting.

And it can be used. It might actually help.

Li Yu thought well and said, "Good! You'll come with us and we'll make arrangements then."

Song Minyuan thought Li Yu would refuse, hear Li Yu answer, suddenly let her did not react. But soon, Song Min is very happy to be able to engage in the Salvation Army together, big happy things, to be able to participate, that is not very good.

Then he smiled happily and said, "OK, we follow your command."

Li Yu nodded and looked at the people beside Song Min one by one.

A thin a lot of small fat, from her body shape, vaguely can see that she was once a fat, at the moment a face curious looking at Li Yu.

A lively and cheerful little girl, a face of worship at Li Yu, smiling like a flower.

A half big boy, face is very young, but the head is not short, next to 183cm Li Yu, it is less than half a head, at this time a face of fanatical worship looking at Li Yu, just secretly listen to Li Yu and Song Min dialogue, at this time some eager to try. Do all Song's like to fight so hard? Li Yu thought in his heart.

A black long straight hair teacher Liu, soft face, eyes are also a lot of perseverance.

Back to the back of Li Tie and others said a plan. Everyone has no objection, in the base, during the discussion, there will be two uncles and other people to give some advice.

But when it comes to the specific things to be done outside, it is often all Li Yu's advice.

It took a very short time to put together a plan.

It's just down the road, somewhere around the bend.

This place is just right, on the right is a vast farmland, on the left is a height of almost 4 meters cliff, when the road was built, this place was also hollowed out.

Just at this turning, Li Yu they can hide on this cliff, occupy the geographical advantage, high down, when the shooting will be very convenient, and is at the turning place.

If they were to run to the right, they would have to cross nearly 200 meters of farmland, on top of the unimpeded farmland, running over there would be a clear target! Moreover, it is raining now, and the farmland that has been abandoned is muddy and difficult to walk.

The next step is to figure out how to make them stop!

Song Min volunteered, said to let her go to the front, pretending to talk to the Salvation Army about something.

Li Yu smell speech, some accidental picked up eyebrows, blocking the road, but there is a certain danger.

Finally rejected by Li Yu, danger is not dangerous on the one hand, Li Yu is more concerned about, absolutely can not let them run away!

Finally, on the side of the road, we found a big truck, but it was out of gas!

Trouble! Today, Li Yu and others came out to drive new energy vehicles, no oil! We looked around the other cars for a while, and we finally got some gas.

Kankan drove the big truck into the middle of the turning road, and then spilled some nails in the back. Nail this thing, Li Yu they come out, often bring.

According to Li Yu's plan, on the side of the cliff, prepare four people, and then shoot directly from the top.

One man in front of the road, one man behind the road. Block both sides.

Another person is in the forest behind the farmland, Song Min and others are also here.

Everything is ready, waiting for the Saviors to arrive.

All the way, it was great.

None of them can fight! Hah!

After the arrival of the last days, it was very difficult to survive for a while, until I met the Salvation Army, watching the Salvation Army grow a little bit, and the smelly fart hair became a little hair, and then from a little hair became a big brother.

Now it is a small person in charge, although more than 20 people, this time he is also responsible for transportation protection, and so he slowly done, you can climb higher and higher!

I could be a team leader by then. Hee Hee Hee...

Half the wind, half the Moo. He had heard someone say it was a kind of loneliness.

The first time he saw this sentence, he felt a rush of pretense. 

  Looking ahead at a small bend, like an elephant trunk.

With so many emotions in my heart, it seems that I must recite a poem or two to express my inner happiness.

"Facing this scene, it is really beautiful!"

"Thousands of miles of warblers cry green and red, water village mountain Guo wine flag wind."

Well, when the mountains are exhausted and there is no road, the willows are dark and the flowers are bright."


"Hey, hey, hey! 

The car was turning a corner. Suddenly!


The car slammed on its brakes.

He shook him up and hit his head hard on the window!

I think it got pinched somewhere. This hair just got pinched. Just hit the window, thought the pain was hit, but now it seems more likely that the hair was pinched!

  A very crazy expression appeared on the face, and the breath on the body seemed to be trying to fight with people!

"Fuck ******, fuck *****. ."


A shot rang out!

Just shoot out the window and shoot the driver in the head who was just being scolded!