
Rebirth of the heavenly demon in DC

What will happen when the strongest man from the world of magic ( murim ) enters DC universe ?

preet_dhaliwal8077 · Action
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Sigh, he's too weak. Almost at the level of third class worrier form murim but at weakest level,  But I do like his ruthlessness and spirit. Then he sent a drop of his blood toward the Batman with medium level of healing techniques attached to it. We'll that's how much I can do for you. 

Batman 'pov

I'm chasing a few normal criminals who looted a bank and I'm just beating them and after I'll hand them to police but then he felt something entered his body. Then he felt intense pain that there's water in his eyes but he still hold into it as he's also have the heart of knight. When criminals got a chance they run away without looking back. Then Batman 's fell on his knees, due intense pain , every bones in his body broken and he felt completely defeated and hopeless and I thought it's my end. But then my injuries began to heal, the healing is too fast. Just like an ability. Did..... Did.... After a hours of struggle the pain finally subdue but I can feel that I'm not my old self. Did I awaken or something.  But what's my ability.. Batman come back to his base and with pennyworth, he went to training ground, then I open my suit to see my injuries but I was completely shocked my face become more refine and muscle become more visible, importantly every scars in my body disapread. Next I began to lift weights to see my increased strength.  Last time I lift 1 ton but now it's too light for me. Then he continued to increase the weight, the expression of his butter was completely of surprise, what happen to you young master but Batman said increase..

The current level of my strength is 40 ton but I again said increase 10 more, at 50 ton I got fracture, but I instantly healed and I become used to that weight. Next I said, increase of 30 ton at 80 ton it broke my arm. Peemyworth immediately bring medical kit but when he returned I healed automatically.  I got used to this weight to. After 2 days I can lift up to 200 tons. At that time, I saw a letter which is hanging on my suit. Then I read it ' hmm well it's not like you don't deserve superpowers but it's just that you're in wrong world so don't waste time and continue training.  What, Batman said in amazement, so it was someone who given me this powers. Ohh

Sighhhh  , after a long of research Batman didn't able to find the source of his new abilities but one thing is certain that he's becoming stronger and darkness is his ally. He also felt that darkness is protecting him, after one week, Batman strength become more stronger as he continued pushed it to limits and by healing it again again, now he can lift up to 500 tons.

After a month when Batman able to lift 1500 tons and his body strength is still increasing he felt a huge pressure like a god is coming, the entire night is welcoming him, Batman opened the window as he knows that someone special is coming. After that he saw a black figure in black energy and just when he entered he said attack me with everything you have. Without any further conversation they began to fight. No matter how much Batman fight him ,nothing is working on this guy. After one hour , Batman stopped and said who are you. At that the shadow figure said the cult leader of the heavenly divine to cult, the cheon -ma. At that demon, it felt like the time stopped and Batman felt pride in him due to unknown reasons, Next he said, the heavenly demons bloodline runs in you're veins so you're potential is limitless. Just when that black figur's was to lift. He turn back and said don't forget you have the whole someone to back you up.

Batman only have his butter who he can trust but he fought his whole life alone but now when he heard that black figure talk ,his eyes shown emotional,  he does not why he want to trust  that person who didn't even reveal his face but there's one thing that, he's not lying, he will kill anyone,  Batman can see that the eyes much deeper than his own, pride and trust in the eyes. After black figure left Batman stayed silent and after few minutes he looked back, he saw a illustration of a person, with white beard looking at him like a adult looks at child. 


After next 2 years cheon- ma continued his practice without getting involved in any matter. At one day he sensed that few people are fighting in the city. Three of them is wearing black clothes and one of that fighting against them had symbol of S on his suit but cheon -ma didn't interfere and he didn't want any attention.  The fight continued for hours, just when darkness come to the city. The symbol of the bat appears in the sky. Interesting said cheon-ma and he disappears from his place and appears at tall building where he can a all the view of fight. Next Batman come in his bat car and stopped it near the fight, Then he come out and reached the people, due to night, the Superman become weak and he is injured. Batman didn't even look at superman and he directly come back to back with general zone and said alien, "go back to you're home  ". 

At that general zone just punch him in the face but it didn't even budge the Batman. Next Batman punched and send zod flying and crashing in the building. After making hole in ten or more buildings general finally stooped but his whole body is in pain. Haahahahahahaa Supreme peak level physical strength hmmm. That's much more what I expected. Next Batman get closer to general who is defeated with just one punch and asked why did you come to my city ?and again punched him but this time only air shake waves are created as he's holding the body of general zod. After beating him for 30 minute, Batman called police and decided to hand him cover to him but he's still afraid as the police does not have the power to hold him back. But next Batman saw a strange energy flow out of his body and began to absorb the powers of general zod. Batman felt pain but it was noting compared to what I been through that day he said. After few moments not even skeleton remained everything is absorbed into Batman's body. It shocked Batman as he thought only his physical powers were increased but that's not the case. Then he come back and at that times superman also recovered form his injuries and a high army with tanks and machines guns had covered the whole area. Batman come and said I killed that alien as there's no way to hold him and then looked around and saw destruction of the whole area.but someone have to take responsibility and at that he look at superman and disappeared from the view. 

At the news, people felt relief as they are out of danger.

On the tallest tower, hmmm so the bloodline of the heavenly demon accepted him. Well, even in murim his spirit would be only seen in those who reached the highest levels. Then he appeared next to e corpse of nam-ek and faora and absorbed them in seconds .{ ding }

{The heavenly demon bloodline is consuming the unknown energy } 

{New ability acquired }

{ally of yellow sun}

{ the more you stayed in the yellow sun, the more powerful will become }

hmmmm quite an interesting structure said cheon -ma . Next he disappeared without any trace. Next day, he began to notice that the energy from sun is entering his body and the heavenly demon bloodlines completely consumed the blood structure of kryptorian  , so they receive powers from son so what will happen if someone cultivate in the core of sun hmmmmm, that a interesting thing and the symbol of heavenly demon is also fire so the body of cheon -ma slowly began to enter in the next realm.