
Rebirth of the Global Banker

When 39-year-old financial genius Ethan Blake is tragically killed in a car accident, he finds himself reborn in a fantastical world as an 18-year-old with a second chance at life. In this new realm of magic and mystery, Ethan unlocks an extraordinary cheat code: the Global Bank, a powerful system that grants him unparalleled financial prowess and magical abilities. Ethan's path crosses with Princess Seraphina, the third princess of the wealthiest family in the kingdom. At 16, Seraphina's life has been far from a fairy tale. Used as a pawn in her father's schemes to expand his empire, she dreams of freedom and true love. Ethan and Seraphina's worlds collide as they form an unlikely alliance, determined to defy the odds and take control of their destinies. As Ethan navigates his new life, mastering the Global Bank's capabilities, he must protect Seraphina from her father's ruthless ambitions while unraveling the secrets of this fantastical world. Together, they will challenge the established order, fight for justice, and perhaps, discover a love that transcends worlds. ---- Tags and content warnings are mainly to give me creative freedom later on. This is my first real novel, so go easy on me. Any feedback is more than welcome, of course.

LJDRLwanen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Echoes in the Dungeon

*Year: 18900, Month: February Day: Thursday Morning*

Princess Seraphina's morning begins with a soft flutter of her emerald eyes, as if dawn itself graces her awakening. The room is bathed in morning light, casting a golden hue on her delicate features that seem to glow ethereally. Nestled in the silken embrace of her bed, she stretches languidly, each movement painting a picture of grace and allure.

As she luxuriates in the bed's comfort, the sheets whisper against her skin like a gentle caress, her fiery red locks cascading across the pillow in vibrant waves. The strands frame her face in fiery hues, enhancing the regal beauty that defines her presence. Half-naked from her belly down, a hint of vulnerability lingers as she stirs from sleep, revealing an enticing expanse of bare skin.

The torn remnants of fabric cling loosely to her form, a reminder of past events that led to this moment. Memories flood back into focus, momentarily clouding her thoughts with disorientation. With a soft sigh carrying weariness and determination, she shifts slightly on the bed, accentuating the alluring curve of her silhouette.

In this suspended moment between vulnerability and strength, tears shimmer in Seraphina's eyes like dewdrops glistening with unshed emotions. The weight of her circumstances presses upon her heart like an unspoken burden mingling with newfound resolve flickering within her gaze. Despite lingering uncertainties on the horizon, there is undeniable resilience etched into every line of her being.

A sudden knock echoed through the room, prompting Ethan to stand by the closed door. "May I enter?" he inquired, his voice steady and composed. "Yes, please come in," Seraphina responded gracefully, swiftly reaching for a blanket to modestly veil her bare legs.

Ethan pushed the door open, its ornate hinges creaking softly as he stepped into the dimly lit room. With a gentle click, the door closed behind him, enveloping the room in a hushed stillness. "How are you feeling?" His voice, calm and measured, filled the space as he approached the bed.

Seating himself at a respectful distance on the edge of the ornately carved bedframe, Ethan leaned forward slightly, his gaze fixed on Seraphina. The flickering candlelight danced in his piercing green eyes as he spoke. "I cannot fathom why your guards would turn against you and attempt such treachery," he acknowledged, his tone laced with empathy for her plight.

Seraphina's voice trembled with a touch of sorrow as she voiced her confusion. "I don't understand... Why would they betray me?" Her eyes, pools of glistening emerald meeting Ethan's unwavering gaze, reflected her inner turmoil.

"I may not have all the answers now," Ethan's words carried an air of assurance, his confidence unwavering even in the face of uncertainty. "But rest assured, I will uncover the truth soon enough." His commitment to unraveling the mystery resonated in each syllable he uttered.

As Seraphina searched his eyes for understanding, a question lingered in her gaze. "Why go to such lengths to aid me?" Her inquiry held a mix of curiosity and vulnerability, seeking solace in Ethan's enigmatic presence.

Ethan's lips curved into a gentle smile as he reached out, his fingers delicately twining around a strand of Seraphina's fiery red hair. "Our first meeting may not have been the smoothest, but since then, I've found myself unable to shake off my concern for you. So, I've taken it upon myself to look after you," he confessed, his gaze locked with hers.

Stammering slightly, Seraphina felt her cheeks flush with warmth as she attempted to respond, yet words seemed to elude her in Ethan's captivating presence. Before she could gather her thoughts, a soft knock interrupted the moment.

"My lord, her garments and belongings are prepared for her," announced one of the maids before discreetly excusing herself from the room.

Ethan chuckled softly at the interruption, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "It seems our time alone is cut short by practical matters," he remarked playfully, a hint of mischief dancing in his gaze. "Shall we continue this conversation later when we're not at the mercy of wardrobe choices?"

Without a word, Ethan gets up and exits the room, leaving the maids to take care of Seraphina. As he walks away, a large figure materializes behind him - one of his shadow guards. "Sir, we have apprehended the intruders and they are currently locked up in your dungeon." Ethan turns to face the guard with a small grin. "A dungeon? How intriguing," he remarks before motioning for the guard to lead the way.

Entering the dimly lit Room of the dungeon, Ethan's keen eyes immediately spot three men sprawled on the cold stone floor, encircled by six imposing shadow guards brandishing their gleaming swords. "Lower your weapons," Ethan commands as he strides forward, a commanding presence that demands obedience. In a synchronized motion, the guards resheath their swords simultaneously, standing tall with unwavering resolve.

"You are the ones behind the plot to harm Princess Seraphina. Explain yourselves," Ethan's voice cuts through the tense air like a blade, his tone authoritative and unyielding. The weight of his words hangs heavily in the room, each syllable laced with a steely determination that brooks no defiance.

The silence that follows is palpable, broken only by the faint echoes of distant footsteps reverberating off the damp walls. The men exchange nervous glances, their expressions betraying a mix of fear and uncertainty in the face of Ethan's unwavering gaze. Slowly, one of them steps forward, his voice trembling as he begins to recount their treacherous scheme with a hint of desperation clinging to his words.

As the truth unravels before him, Ethan's features remain impassive, his piercing green eyes betraying nothing of the storm raging within him. With each revelation, a flicker of something primal dances in his gaze, a silent promise of justice tempered by an icy resolve. The air crackles with tension as Ethan listens intently, every fiber of his being coiled like a tightly wound spring ready to unleash its righteous fury.

"Disgraceful," Ethan uttered with a controlled tone, his hand moving fluidly to summon a dark blade from the shadows that swiftly severed all three men's heads in a single, lethal arc. "Tidy this mess. I'll be in my study," he commanded, turning away without a hint of hesitation. "One of you, fetch Gaia to my chambers. I require her presence," he added as he strode off. The guards sensed the palpable aura emanating from him, struggling to contain the seething anger that threatened to unleash and shatter the very foundations of the kingdom.

*Year: 18900, Month: February Day: Thursday Morning*