
Rebirth of the General's Granddaughter

Lan Xuan smiled gently as she said, “My dear sister, who told you to obstruct my path? Your man belongs to me, your dowry belongs to me, your everything, belongs to me.” With bloodshot eyes, Zhao Hong Xiang bit his tooth and said clearly, ”Don’t blame me, when you were alive, you were a part of the Zhao family, even when you die, you will remain a ghost of the Zhao family. I will not allow myself to be mocked by the world because of you. Instead of living so miserably, why not die early and reincarnate early? Xuan’er has said that your dowry consists of 60 thousand liang of silver, I can’t let you take it away, so… why don’t you… GO TO HELL!” In the midst of a night thunderstorm, the kindhearted but cowardly daughter of the general of the Great Yan Empire, Mu Zi You, was strangled to death by her closest friend and husband using a rope. When she died, she had a stomach full of regrets and grievances. Just when she thought she died wrongfully under the hands of her friend and husband, she opened her eyes once more only to realize that she had been given a second chance. She had been transported back by 4 years. Forcefully breaking through the seal her mother left on her soul, she was granted with supernatural power. “I swear that I will only allow myself let others down but not the other way around! From now, I want my revenge!” Evil stepmother? It’s alright, I’ll destroy your reputation before sending you on your way to the yellow spring (TL note: yellow spring = Hell). Hypocritical friend? I’ll ruthlessly tear off your facade and give you a taste of the pain I once felt. The princess conspiring against me? I’ll just throw her into the mass grave. Since none of you are willing to let me enjoy my life, I’ll drag all of you down with me! Just when she intends to distance herself from hypocritical douche-bags, who knew that her devastatingly beautiful appearance would attract even more butterflies. That guy whom abandoned her like a dirty shoe previously is now saying that he will marry no one but her. Princes chasing after her, willing to use any methods and do anything just to get in her good graces, and a drop dead gorgeous hoodlum involving himself with her, who will she choose? (This is not my work.(novelfull)

TashaDaniels · History
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100 Chs

Chapter 11 Doubt 2

After Old General Mu's wife passed away a long time ago, he had never remarried nor take on a mistress. Thus the finances of the household was left in the hands of his second daughter-in-law, Madam Liu.

Initially, Madam Liu wanted to give up her authority to Yi Ping, however this was stopped by Zi You. Reason being, Yi Ping was undutiful. She who had just became the legal wife was supposed to show her respect to Zi You's mother on the second day of the wedding. However, Yi Ping and Ying Rui acted dumb and tried to brush the matter off.

Only after Zi You insisted did Yi Ping went over to greet Dier. This made Ying Rui so dissatisfied that he summoned Zi You into the study to give her a 'good lecture'.

Zi You was so furious she ran over to Old General Mu to tell on her father. Old General Mu subsequently 'rewarded' his son with two big slaps on his face. He pointed at him while scolding "You ungrateful rascal! Did you forget your old wife after getting a new one? To think that you have the gall to criticize Zi You when you mistreat your own daughter for your new wife! See how I'll deal with you if you ever let Zi You down again!"

Truthfully, neither Old General Mu nor Ying Yi could understand Ying Rui. Objectively speaking, regardless of looks, personality, moral values or talent, Dier far surpassed Yi Ping. But for some reason, Ying Rui preferred Yi Ping a lot more than Dier.

This may be because they did not know that even though Dier was gorgeous, she had a cold personality, additionally, she did not love Ying Rui and thus she was never attentive to him.

Ying Rui had always felt like his wife, Dier was an untouchable ice fairy and not his wife. This is also the reason why he took in countless mistresses after marriage.

Yi Ping was different. Yi Ping's birth mother was a seductive entertainer with many means. Hence, even though Yi Ping may not have other abilities, she inherited a hundred percent of her mother's 'techniques' in pleasing men.

It was no surprise that Yi Ping and Ying Rui had already fooled around during the banquet in the prime minister's estate prior to their wedding.

That night, Ying Rui who had too many drinks stumbled into Yi Ping while heading to the bathroom. When Ying Rui gazed at Yi Ping and saw her alluring smile, he lost his soul to her.

He bowed to her and acted every part of a gentlemen saying "I'm sorry miss, I was reckless, are you alright?"

Yi Ping looked shyly at him and replied coyly "sir, there's no need for your apology, I should have been more careful. Let me be the one to apologise instead."

While the two of them conversed, they shot each other with flirty gazes. Not long after, Yi Ping threw a handkerchief to Ying Rui and bidded farewell while saying "I'm Yi Ping, the seventh daughter of the Prime Minister"

After Yi Ping finished what she had to say, she once again smiled at Ying Rui seductively before turning around and walking away while swaying her hips from side to side.

When Ying Rui saw that, he went back home in disappointment. The next day, Ying Rui rushed to look for a matchmaker who would go to the Prime Minister's estate to propose marriage on his behalf. He was acting just like an impulsive teenage,

However, once the news spreaded to Old General Mu, Old General Mu scolded Ying Rui mercilessly "from olden days, children's marriages were decided by their parents and matchmaker. There is no one who would propose a marriage by themselves. Besides, it hasn't even been two years since your wife passed away and you dare to dream of remarrying? Let me warn you, there is no way I'll allow you to marry that woman before the end of your wife's three years mourning period"

Just like this, the both of them had to endure the hardships of yearning and wait for an extra year.

One year later, on the night of the wedding, Ying Rui fully experienced how different Yi Ping was from Dier. This woman was insanely passionate.

Ying Rui was originally a lustful fellow so how could he not be mesmerized?

They were indeed birds of the same feather and shared equally vile habits. That's why they even wanted to travel to Quan Zhou together.

However, in the face of Zi You's strong disagreement and the excuse that the new wife has to wait on her in-laws, Yi Ping could only stay in the capital.