
Rebirth of the Galactic Conqueror.

Jason Wake transmigrates into the body of a fallen galactic warlord named Darius Kross after being assassinated on Earth. Darius was once feared throughout the galaxy for his immense fleet and ruthless conquests but has now been overthrown and left powerless. With the help of an advanced AI system implanted in his mind, Jason must slowly rebuild Darius's forces, consolidate power, and exact revenge on those who betrayed him. Along the way, he tangles with intergalactic warlords, discovers mystical powers, and finds himself drawn to Darius's former lover, the enigmatic Lady Amber, who has secrets of her own. Can Jason reclaim Darius's former glory and dominate the galaxy once more? Or will the sins of Darius's past ultimately consume them both?

Prince_Rajpoot_0838 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

A Rogue's Welcome

The Kotari system hub was abuzz with activity when Jason's flagship glided into dock. Merchants hawked exotic wares from across Coalition space while traders and pilots mingled in the bustling concourses.

Zara led the way through the crowds, making their party appear like random off-worlders. But she discreetly guided them toward the seedier entertainment district beyond the commercial plazas.

"Ah, takes me back to my smuggling days," Zara remarked as they passed grimy drinking dens and flashing casinos. "So many jobs moving 'unregistered goods' through here."

She caught Jason's glance. "What? You think your shiny fleets were solely responsible for your rise?"

"I've always appreciated enterprising souls who see opportunity outside the rules," Jason replied diplomatically.

"Ha! Is that what you call us rogues?" Zara laughed. "Well, this rogue's rule-bending kept your armies equipped and pleased, my warlord."

Their banter was interrupted by drunken shouts. A brawl had erupted, blocking the passage ahead. Bulky aliens grappled furiously amid overturned tables.

Zara rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Typical spaceport trash. Allow me to clear a path."

Cracking her knuckles, she marched up and delivered a series of swift nerve pinches. The hulking fighters collapsed unconscious. Zara gestured for Jason and his guards to proceed.

"You always did know how to handle the unsavory elements," Jason remarked.

"Unsavory is a polite term. But I'll take it as a compliment from you, my lord."

Further on, Zara turned down a dingy alley and approached an unmarked door flanked by shifty-looking aliens. She pulsed a coded knock, and the door creaked open to reveal a shadowy staircase descending into the district's underworld.

Jason's guards moved to follow them down, but Zara halted them. "No offense, boys, but your pretty uniforms will attract the wrong attention where we're going. Wait up here, and try not to start any riots before we return."

The concealed sub-level was a maze of smoky neon-lit clubs, gambling parlors, and worse. Dangerous eyes followed their passage, but none dared confront the formidable woman leading the way.

Eventually, Zara stopped at an establishment dubbed 'The Black Hole' in garish pulsing holograms. She grinned back at Jason. "Time you got another taste of how the lawless live!"

Inside was utter mayhem, like some space pirate rendition of an ancient Earth tavern. Patrons of countless species drank, brawled, and gambled with abandon. In a corner, a band pounded out discordant alien tunes to add to the din.

Zara flagged down a bartender and ordered Vurgarian liquor, renowned for being strong enough to knock even a Komari unconscious. She took a swig and offered the glass to Jason.

"If I recall, you enjoyed playing pirate back in the day. So drink up me hearties, yo ho!"

Jason allowed himself a nostalgic smile as he accepted the glass. "I admit a rogue atmosphere has its charms." He took a sip and struggled not to cough as the liquor seared his throat.

Zara's uproarious laughter drew nearby eyes their way. She draped a casual arm around Jason, leaning in conspiratorially amid the din.

"That's the spirit! We'll make an honorary scoundrel of you yet. Then we can share old times over drinks when your empire bullshit gets too serious."

Despite the façade, Jason was warmed by her familiar closeness. With so much uncertain ahead, these last untroubled moments had value.

But the boisterous mood was cut short when a hulking alien stomped over to loom over their table. "Your face don't belong here, richboy," the pirate growled at Jason. "Take your soft hide back to the pretty parts before we get mean."

Zara shot to her feet, emerald eyes blazing. "You've got one chance to walk away intact, spacer trash."

The big alien guffawed. "Playing bodyguard for your fancy companion? Maybe you ought to join my crew instead, littlie..."

He reached for Zara, only to find her plasma dagger pricking his thick neck in a flash. "The only joining happening is my blade and your throat if you don't back the hell off."

The pirate's laughter died. He glanced at Zara's deadly calm expression and seemed to think better of his odds. Hands raised, he slowly backed away, muttering curses.

Zara rejoined Jason, flipping her dagger theatrically before holstering it. "Another round to celebrate my unmatched diplomacy skills?"

But her bravado faded as screams erupted from the tavern entrance. Patrons scattered as Coalition troopers stormed in, roughly grabbing the owner.

"Where is he? The transmission said Kross was here!" the sergeant bellowed, shaking the terrified bartender.

Zara tensed, but Jason put a steadying hand on her wrist. "We walk out. No chaos."

Pulling up hoods, they slipped through the panicked crowds toward a rear exit. But Jason caught the Sergeant's eyes widening in recognition before they escaped outside.

Alarms blared as Coalition security vehicles converged in the alley. Troopers poured from adjoining bars to block their escape.

Zara pressed a compact pistol into Jason's hand. "Any ideas, boss? Things are about to get lively."

Jason sighed. He had hoped to avoid just this scenario. So much for a brief low-profile stopover.

"Try not to kill anyone. But make it memorable."

Zara's grin turned feral. "Now you're speaking my language!"

Drawing her plasma daggers, she launched herself at the approaching troopers in ablur of precise strikes. Bodies dropped left and right as Zara disarmed and incapacitated the Coalition forces with ease.

Watching Zara flow from one takedown to the next, Jason had to admit she was even more skilled than in his memories. He picked off troopers trying to flank them with non-lethal shots.

Between the two of them, the entire undercity detachment was soon groaning in pain across the alley. Sirens grew louder as reinforcements approached.

Zara blew a mocking kiss toward the heap of disabled troopers. "Love to stay, but we've got a ride to catch!"

They raced onto the landing platform where Zara's gunship awaited, engines hot. The commandeered security vehicle roared up behind them, offloading a squad of fresh troopers.

Vaulting aboard the gunship, Zara and Jason returned fire to cover their escape. Just as the engines kicked in, a trooper hurled a magnetic grenade against the hull. The ship shuddered violently, controls sparking and going dead.

"Damn, controls are fried! We're not going anywhere," Zara growled, slamming the console. She grabbed a rifle off the rack, firing out the open hatch to keep the troopers at bay.

Jason closed his eyes, mentally connecting with the SENTINEL implant system woven throughout his brain. Instantly, cascades of data on the ship's diagnostics and damage poured into his augmented consciousness.

With the system's aid, he quickly identified the disruption nexus amid the fried circuitry. Then reaching deeper into the implant's capabilities, Jason focused on physically reshaping linkages around the damage via molecular manipulation. Sweat beaded his brow from effort and synaptic overload.

"Try it now!" he yelled to Zara over weapon fire. She glanced back incredulously, but jumped into the pilot seat regardless. To her shock, all system lights flickered on again.

"Ha! Remind me to never doubt you, my lord!" Laughing, she ignited the engines and blasted them from the platform. "Now let's see if this bird remembers her tricks."

Zara banked them wildly, circling back over the troopers with guns blazing. When their cover was obliterated, she triggered the ship's plasma ejectors, flash-frying the entire squad.

The gunship accelerated away from the inferno as Zara whooped triumphantly. "Nicely done, partner! Welcome back to the wild side!"

Jason wiped the blood trickling from his nose, the implant's strain taking its toll. But Zara's unconventional methods did have a certain thrill he'd almost forgotten. He gave a weary but satisfied smile. "Just like old times."

Zara grinned and leaned in close as they flew toward freedom. "Oh, once we shake off these Coalition dogs, I'll show you some new tricks..."

The war could wait a bit longer. For now, Jason let himself savor this glimpse of an untamed existence with kindred spirit reunited. With Zara at his side again, perhaps something long denied could flourish, even amidst gathering storms. A rogue's life held allure, offering liberation no empire could grant.