
Rebirth of the financial giant

In the bloodless capital struggle, plain and unpretentious words can also become warriors in steel armor and iron armor, and the rules of the chest can also become eighteen weapons like arms wielding. It turns out that this war without gunsmoke or cold weapons can be so exciting... —— Talking to people is a cool article about making money in the city, telling the soul of an asset management boss from the future to 2014, with a principal of 100,000 Entering the market and working hard for the big A as a starting point, to the founding of "Tiansheng Capital", eventually became the world's largest financial giant in asset management. The companies invested by the protagonist will also have some near-future high-tech products that have not yet appeared in reality, and they are also related to the black technology literature, which can be understood as an urban business technology literature.

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2.Entering the Market

The next day, October 30.

Wake up in the morning, Lu Ming simply washes up, sits down in front of the computer at about nine o'clock, starts the computer to log in to the securities trading software, and then transfers 100,000 yuan from the bank card to the securities account. The account opened yesterday, but he still can't today. The target of the GEM is traded, but the target of the main board can be traded normally.

Yesterday, when he was idle, Lu Ming also selected the investment targets he wanted to do today. In fact, he never reopened the market for short-term speculation in individual stocks. He should not deliberately choose varieties. He always selects the target in the market.

Lu Ming has a strong talent for his sensitivity to the capital market, his sensitivity to emotions, and the flow of funds. The rise of stock prices is driven by funds, while funds are affected by emotions, and emotions are controlled by human nature.

Even without the foresight advantage of crossing, Lu Ming can easily stand at the top of the food chain of the capital market.

The reason why I chose a target yesterday, there is really nothing left to do.

The subject is Bluestone Heavy Equipment (603169), a new stock listed on October 9 this year, with military themes. So far, since its listing, it has continuously gone out of 14 high-specification daily limit prices.

Due to the distortion of the current pricing mechanism for new stocks, a large number of "demon stocks" have continued their daily limit after listing. Among them, Bluestone Heavy Equipment seems to have become the king of monsters this year.

Behind the frenzied link is the wave of drumming and spreading of hot money from all walks of life, and bargaining for chips is the main driver of its skyrocketing.

One of the reasons why Bluestone Heavy Equipment has been upset is the theme of nuclear power. Its demonization is also inseparable from the overall strong environment of this year's new stocks, and the issue price of Bluestone Heavy Equipment at 1.68 yuan is also rare and cheap, hitting a record of nearly 12. The lowest record of issuance of new shares in the year is also the main factor for its skyrocketing.

Lu Ming's current capital needs to quickly complete the early primitive accumulation in the capital market of Big A. Catch the demon is the best way, of course, he must have this strength.

The call auction started at 9:15, Lu Ming glanced at the handicap information, and before the last minute of the bidding reached 9:24, he directly listed the daily limit for Stud Bluestone Reloading.

The call auction starts at 9:15 and ends at 9:25, a total of ten minutes, the first 5 minutes are basically fake actions, because the order can be withdrawn, and the next 5 minutes is a real game of money and silver.

However, Lu Ming directly listed the daily limit buy bidding on the board. He didn't know whether he could enter the board today. If he couldn't make a deal, he would continue to open the board directly, and he would not continue to wait in line on the board, and he would directly withdraw the order and go to the market. Looking for other opportunities, Lu Ming won't let the funds line up on the board to waste time and cost.

Time passed by every minute.

At 9:25, today's call auction result of Bluestone Heavy Equipment came out. It did not open with a single board, but opened +6.01% higher at a price of 9.74 yuan. Lu Ming couldn't help but be pleased when he saw the opening price.

His commissioned purchase was to peg the daily limit to participate in the bidding. The current bidding rules of Big A are based on the principle of price-first and time-priority matching. There is no doubt that Lu Ming's bid is definitely sold.

Ordinary retail investors see that Bluestone Heavy Equipment does not have a board today, and most will choose to leave, because there are already more than a dozen boards in a row. Today, if it is opened, it may weaken. This is the opinion of most people.

But Lu Ming looked at the flow of funds and sentiment. The current market sentiment is very good, and the fund relay is extremely strong. Basically, the market will be closed quickly after the opening. Large funds will sweep the goods and the small funds will not be able to grab a bargaining chip at all. There is no bidding stage. Go in, basically you can't grab the chips at the opening.

Sure enough, after the Blue Stone reloaded the market at 9:30, it was immediately swept up by 230 million yuan in the second board, but it did not last more than ten seconds and opened again. At this time, there is actually a chance to grab the money.

But it only fell by about one point from the board, and within three minutes, the daily limit was closed again. Obviously, the cheapest bargaining chip today is the bargaining chip, and Lu Ming can be regarded as the cheapest bargaining chip today.

Take a look at the position.

Subject: Bluestone Heavy (603169)

Quantity: 10200 shares

Cost: 9.74 yuan

Current price: RMB 10.11

Market value: 103,100 yuan

Profit and loss of the day: +3774 yuan (+3.79%)

Floating profit and loss: +3774 yuan (+3.79%)

Seeing the surplus of today's earnings, Lu Ming didn't feel anything. The blink of an eye in his last life was several times or even ten times this number.

But for an ordinary working class today, today's income is more than Lu Ming's original monthly salary when he was working.

This is the charm of the capital market. One positive and one negative number can make people get rich overnight, and they can also make people get rich overnight. After all, those who get rich are very few examples, and most of them are basically violent losses.

After Lanshi reinstalled and sealed the board, Lu Ming didn't pay attention to it, and directly closed the trading software and Tonghuashun client.

There is already a full stud, and there is nothing to look at. The next step is to lie down and win the blue stone reloading market to the top. For this target market outlook, Lu Ming is very optimistic about continuing to walk out of the Lianban Lianyang market.

Turning off the computer, Lu Ming went to a nearby restaurant and had a simple lunch.

While eating, I am also thinking about future long-term plans. Obviously, it is impossible to just be a retailer who realizes the freedom of wealth. The ceiling of retail investors has reached the limit of tens of billions.

I calculated my current situation,With a capital of 100,000 yuan, there is basically nothing else.

However, Lu Ming was not worried. As long as he had one thing, he would automatically come to the door for everything. Such a thing would be - fame!

Fame is very important to grow from a little-known small-scale investor to the world's top investor. No matter how good you are, you have to let the world know about it. The funder will come here and entrust his money to you to manage the operation.

Lu Ming chose not to add leverage to make excess returns, also in order to be able to make a better reputation.

As for the current situation, it is still only a small retail investor with no name. The capitalist who has entered the market only costs 100,000 yuan. The advanced level of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is the newly-known Niu San.

Leaving the restaurant, Lu Ming did not rush home, but chose to buy a few new clothes. The original owner of the body basically did not have a few decent clothes, and did not cost much. The two sets of clothes cost a total of six to seven hundred. Block, and then went to the barbershop to get a haircut.

Lu Ming's appearance is not bad, it's just that the original Lu Ming can't dress up, and his height has reached 1.83 meters. With a little bit of image management, a vigorous man will come.


When he returned home, Lu Ming came to the computer again. It has been more than half an hour since the midday trading started, but he did not open the software to watch the trading.

Lu Ming opened various social networking platforms and registered a self-media account on platforms including Taoba, Toutiaohao, and Weibo.

In the current situation, if you want to have no connections, no resources, no resources, and no capital, you can only use the Internet if you want to become famous.

Become a Niu San, and get a group of fans.

Once you become famous, you have accumulated a certain number of fans, and after gaining the approval of a group of fans, you can start a group to bring some fans to make money. It doesn't need to be too many. A group of 200 people is enough. Bring them for a month or two. Getting rich, through the fission of this batch of fans, the word-of-mouth effect can be achieved, so that fame can be further upgraded to a whole new level.

By that time, his own capital has almost accumulated, his fame has also been established, and he has also gained a group of firm followers, so he has the basic conditions for private equity.

Naturally, big money will be attracted at that time.