
Chapter 144 Item

As a result of the situation that existed at the time, Wu Mei was left feeling exhausted and helpless, and as a result, she cupped her hands around her throbbing head. It is impossible to avoid getting a headache in this situation.

Suddenly, Wu Mei had a thought pop into her head. She recalled that someone had told her that even though that individual had been evading capture and concealing himself for a considerable amount of time, there may be some people keeping an eye out for him. It would be successful, wouldn't it, if she just had the opportunity to create something exciting enough to make him come out to find her on his own, all by himself?

She went back to sleep with a grin on her face and made the conscious decision to let the natural process take its course. It was inevitable that a storm would shake the nation.


Another storm was developing beneath the city's surface.