

When I came to my senses

I'm in a warm and squishy place...

And I can hear voices outside of it

" Look mother the baby is moving..The baby is moving! "

Said a happily voice

" Yes dear, we know since we saw it "

Said a elderly voice with wisdom

Hmmm....Looks like I'm reincarnated and in my mother's womb

~ 5 months later ~

(A/N : i cant make it 9 months since a fetus can only move 3 months old and above )

" push lady ! PUSH !! " said the doctor

" yes doc !!!!! UaHhHHH!!" my mother's voice

" almost there !! " said the doctor

" Ahhhh!! " last warcry of my mother

* baby cries*

The doctor lifting the baby up " good job Mrs. Fraga "

Mrs. Fraga spoke to the doctor " Can I hold my baby doc.? "

" yes off course " Answered by the doctoe while giving the baby to the mother

Mrs. Fraga was holding the baby happily and said " Your name will be Emiya Fraga Shirou "

~ 5 years later ~

You can see a red hair boy runing away from a certain Woman

" Shirou !!!! did you came to my study and took a magical vial again.???? Where are you??!!! " asked loudly by the woman

Off course me being afraid of my mother...I'm hiding to save my skin from her

In the 5 years that I spent living in this Universe..Yes you hear it correctly in this universe

I learn many things

First this universe was called nasuverse

How did I know.??

I dont know if you still cant connect it after hearing my name..

My name is Emiya Fraga Shirou

See..?? easy to determine my universe

Although I dont know the route that I will take ..

Original?? UBW ?? Heavens feel???

I crossed out strange fake and apocrypha since there is no Emiya Shirou there..

(A/N : if you only know MC kun. Tsk tsk tsk.)

Second I was a love child of Emiya Kiritsugu and Bazeth Fraga

My father seems to run away from the fact

He does not accept me as his son...

Kinda sad ..Yeah I know and fuck him too...

Third I need to grow fast or i'll be a nutrients for the strong..

I already planned my growth in this universe

My origin is Calculation and my element is numerology

It means I can crunch any formula's that Isee

If your thinking that I have cheat powers..then dont bother

As I dont have those

The only advantage I have was My above average magic circuit, the Emiya magecraft, my families rune magecraft and the knowledge that I got from my previous life.. the knowledge of being a otaku...

Now why would being otaku be an advantage..?

First is we saw many kinds of powers and techniques in almost every action anime, manga and novels we see.

Lets example.. Shunpo from bleach..Shunshin from naruto..And prana burst in nasuverse...What do they have in common..?

It's sending energy to the soles of your feet and build it up then a sudden release for proppeling youself forward and deaceasing the distance between you and your oponent...

See I already have a future skill..

Armament haki and hiero can also be replicated by reinforcing your skin as hard as possible

Shiggan by compressing your energy at the tip of your finger before releasing it

Moonwalk by kicking the wind barrier fast and to use it as a platform

( A/N : the wind barrier is the barrier that needed to be destroy to cause a sonic boom..)

Rasengan by manipulating your energy in a circular motion in many direction and coating a film around it so that the user will not be harmed..

And lastly the technique that I will try to recreate

That might be a true magic


Minato and tobirma used fuinjutsu formula's to teleport

Why cant I also try it...

I will use runes to recreate a teleportation formula

If I am right..This will be a borderline to the Fourth magic

See..? i can make many techniques that came from anime

So if you saw an otaku.. Dont under estimate it since if the two off you die and reincarnated in the same place he/she might be your superior...

As for now I will only focus on the close quarter combat and the techniques I mentoned earlier

Right now, this moment I am traing my presence concealment from my mother..In other words stealth...And if she caught me I can train my hiero at my ass..

" TheRe yOu ArE !!! "

I was cut off from my thinking As I hear my mother's angry voice

and can only weakly Reply

" please be gentle Mom "


Hydrargerumcreators' thoughts