
Chapter Three: New Beginnings

A Struggle for Survival

Jiang Hao's new life in this modern world came with many challenges, the most pressing of which was money. The Jiang family, despite their wealth, only provided him with a meager allowance, barely enough to cover his rent and basic living expenses. As the days went by, his savings dwindled, and he realized he needed to find a way to support himself.

Drawing upon his skills from his previous life as a cultivator, Jiang Hao decided to put his knowledge to good use. He remembered the art of healing and the small spiritual devices he had once crafted in the Heavenly Spirit Sect. With these talents, he could earn a living and perhaps even gather resources to aid in his cultivation.

### Setting Up Shop

Jiang Hao spent his remaining money on a few supplies and rented a small stall in a busy marketplace. The stall was modest, but he arranged it carefully, displaying a variety of spiritual devices—amulets for protection, charms for luck, and simple talismans imbued with minor enchantments. He also set up a sign offering healing services.

The first few days were slow. People glanced curiously at his wares but were hesitant to approach. Jiang Hao remained patient, knowing that trust would take time to build. He spent his free moments meditating and cultivating, drawing in the faint qi of this world to strengthen his body and mind.

### A Chance Encounter

One evening, as the sun began to set, a young woman approached his stall. She had a graceful demeanor and an air of quiet strength that immediately caught Jiang Hao's attention. Her eyes, a striking shade of amber, held a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Excuse me," she said softly, glancing at the sign. "Are you really able to heal people?"

Jiang Hao nodded, his gaze steady. "Yes, I have some skills in that area. What seems to be the problem?"

The woman hesitated, then spoke, her voice tinged with worry. "My grandmother is very ill. The doctors have done all they can, but nothing seems to help. I don't know if you can do anything, but... I'm willing to try anything."

Jiang Hao sensed the sincerity in her words. "I'll do my best. Where is she now?"

"She's at our home," the woman replied. "It's not far from here. Can you come with me?"

### The First Patient

Jiang Hao closed his stall for the evening and followed the young woman through the bustling streets. She introduced herself as Li Hua, and as they walked, she explained her grandmother's condition. The old woman had been bedridden for months, suffering from a mysterious illness that sapped her strength and left her in constant pain.

When they arrived at Li Hua's home, Jiang Hao was struck by its modesty. It was a small, well-kept house, filled with the warmth of family despite the evident hardships. Li Hua led him to a dimly lit room where her grandmother lay on a bed, her frail form barely stirring.

Jiang Hao approached the bed and gently took the old woman's hand. He closed his eyes, focusing his senses to assess her condition. He could feel the faint traces of spiritual energy within her, disrupted and weakened by the illness.

"Please, can you help her?" Li Hua asked, her voice breaking with emotion.

Jiang Hao nodded, his expression resolute. "I will do everything I can."

### The Healing

Drawing upon his inner reserves of qi, Jiang Hao began the healing process. He placed his hands over the old woman's body, channeling his energy into her. The room grew still, the air heavy with concentration and hope. Jiang Hao's hands glowed faintly as he worked, guiding the disrupted energies back into balance.

The process took time, but gradually, the old woman's breathing steadied, and her pallor improved. When Jiang Hao finally stepped back, exhausted but satisfied, Li Hua's grandmother opened her eyes, a flicker of life returning to her gaze.

"Thank you," the old woman whispered weakly. "Thank you."

Li Hua's eyes filled with tears as she hugged her grandmother gently. "You did it," she said, turning to Jiang Hao with gratitude. "You really did it."

Jiang Hao smiled, feeling a sense of fulfillment he hadn't experienced in a long time. "It was my honor to help."

### A New Connection

As Jiang Hao prepared to leave, Li Hua stopped him. "Please, let us compensate you for your help. We don't have much, but we want to show our gratitude."

Jiang Hao shook his head. "Your thanks are enough. I'm just glad I could help."

Li Hua insisted, pressing a small pouch of money into his hands. "Take this. And if you ever need anything, please let us know. You've given us hope when we had none."

Jiang Hao accepted the pouch, feeling a warmth in his heart. "Thank you, Li Hua. I'll remember that."

As he walked back to his stall, Jiang Hao couldn't help but reflect on the day's events. He had found a way to use his skills to help others and support himself. More importantly, he had made a connection with someone who understood the value of his abilities.

In this new world, Jiang Hao was determined to carve out a place for himself, to build a new life while striving to return to his old one. With each step, he felt more confident that he could bridge the gap between his past and his future.