
Rebirth of the Evil Mother-In-Law

This is my personal edit of the original Novel! Made of several translations, grammatical edits and dialogue change. I live in the USA so my understanding/sharing of pop culture terms come directly from translators After dying alone in a mental institution, Fang JunRong discovered that she was the evil mother-in-law in a prominent family-doting novel. Her daughter-in-law was the female lead who was loved by all. In the novel, the female lead was kind and nice, and the male lead loved her so much that he’d die for her in a heartbeat. Her future father-in-law doted on her and treated her better than his own daughter. Fang JunRong, the evil mother-in-law, was the only one who didn’t care for her. She had gotten the evil character’s script and wanted to set the female lead up every chance that she got and finally landed herself in the mental institution. After she was rebirthed and facing her son who wanted her blessings, Fang JunRong tore up the script. Whoever wanted the role of the evil mother-in-law could have it! She was going to get a divorce and take half of the money, then she’d figure out where she wanted to go from there!

Sams_Stuff · Urban
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18 Chs


"I…I'm so sorry…"

Jiang YaGe didn't think that trying to save Wang Xiao would end up making matters worse. She followed the instructions online to the T.

Pearl-like tears filled her eyes and rolled down her light-colored cheeks, making her look pitiful. Yesterday, Wang Xiao would have felt his heart ache. But now, Wang Xiao could only think about how his left arm was disabled, and the culprit that had caused it was standing in front of him with her pitiful look. It only made him hate her more.

His look was vicious; a demon who wanted to tear up a human. His ferocious and terrifying expression gave Jiang YaGe the chills, and she reflexively shuddered. She had never seen Wang Xiao looking so threatening before today.

"I didn't mean to make it worse. I just wanted to help you." Frightened, she hiccuped from crying too hard, looking even more pitiful.

Fang JunRong put on a surprised look. "YaGe, why do you need to apologize to him? You were kind enough to take him to the hospital. Why would he be mad at you? The one who caused his wound to worsen was the one who treated him. It has nothing to do with you."

She acted like she was feeling unjust for Jiang YaGe.

Wang Xiao's eyes were burning with fire when he looked at Jiang YaGe. "You... you skank! You did that on purpose, didn't you?! You kept me in your room just to delay the time I could receive treatment!"

The more Wang Xiao thought about it, the more that made sense to him. What other woman would bring a man with a gunshot wound home and not be afraid of him? She must have been sent by his rivals to deceive him! He hadn't expected - having been so brilliant his entire life - that he would have fallen to a woman. He stared at her so intensely that his eyes could split apart. His fury burned so high that he was no longer able to think. He struggled to lunge at her but was too weak from his temperature, and moving only disturbed his injury. Face twisting from the pain.

Jiang YaGe was terrified by his demonic look and couldn't help but take a few steps back. Finally, unable to bear it anymore, she turned around and ran out of the room.

Fang JunRong kindly pushed the button for Wang Xiao to notify the medical staff before she, too, left the room. The drama tonight was exceptional. In her previous life, Jiang YaGe was Wang Xiao's goddess. It looked like she'd be his enemy in this lifetime. Knowing how vindictive Wang Xiao was, lots more would be coming Jiang YaGe's way.

Thinking about what had happened to XinYun and herself in her previous life, Fang JunRong wished Wang Xiao and Jiang YaGe would try to hurt each other as much as possible. Frankly, she felt that Wang Xiao should take partial responsibility for what had happened to him. Jiang YaGe did not possess professional knowledge in treating gunshot wounds, so it was only natural for her to treat it like a normal wound. For Wang Xiao to trust a stranger and leave it all up to her? She couldn't think of another plausible explanation other than his intelligence dropped by his desire for Jiang YaGe. But, Wang Xiao would never admit any fault and would blame everything on Jiang YaGe.

When she found Jiang YaGe, Jiang YaGe was still crying silently, looking distressed.

Fang JunRong asked, "Wang Xiao said you kept him in your room for days just to delay him seeking treatment, is that true?"

She switched to a stern tone. "You are not the only one who lives there. Have you ever considered the safety of others? Or do you think he is more important than the rest of us?"

Jiang YaGe shook her head. "No! That's not true! I only wanted to help him. I thought he was a good person."

Fang JunRong brought up another point. "If you truly wanted to help him, why didn't you take him to the hospital sooner?"

Jiang YaGe was speechless. She couldn't very well say that she worried that Fang JunRong's first reaction would be to call the cops had she seen Wang Xiao. She would never have guessed that Fang JunRong knew Wang Xiao.

Recalling Wang Xiao's hateful look, she felt chills all over again. What should she do? It seemed like she had offended a dangerous person. She comforted herself. It'd be fine. She's the adopted daughter of the Li's, not that commoner with no backing that she used to be. Wang Xiao would offend the Li's if he tried to hurt her. But, even so, she still felt anxious. And all she could do was to remind herself to be careful.


Fang JunRong called the hospital again after a few days and asked about Wang Xiao's condition. She learned that Wang Xiao already had his surgery and that even though they saved his left arm, as all the damaged tissue was removed, it would never regain 100% of its mobility.

Fang JunRong couldn't help but sigh in disappointment. Jiang YaGe hadn't done sufficient damage after all.

She did, however, have a pretty good understanding of what kind of person that Wang Xiao was. She knew he was a very vindictive person, and his modus operandi was to destroy one's entire family. He wasn't yet that Wang Xiao, who had utter power in City S toward the end of her previous life, so what he could do was still somewhat limited.

Nevertheless, Fang JunRong hired a few bodyguards to stay with her and her daughter. She thought about it a little more and sent a couple to Zhong Yi too.

As for the others, how did that concern her?

Li ShiZe and Li WangJin loved Jiang YaGe, right? Logic would dictate that they must be content to face the consequences of her actions. Jiang YaGe seemed to be on the alert too, and avoided leaving the house.

Just as Fang JunRong had anticipated, Wang Xiao'd not remain silent for long. Unable to locate Jiang YaGe, he turned toward their company instead – after all, Jiang YaGe was the Li's adopted daughter on paper.

The Wang Xiao right now was not yet bold enough to go against the Li's openly, so he used disguised methods behind their backs.

For example, someone had splattered the front door of their company with feces. Li WangJin's brand new luxury car got keyed. When Li WangJin went to attend a banquet, someone splashed him with swill. When these incidents and more transpired over several days, Li WangJin quickly realized he was being targeted by someone. He jumped up and down in anger, but neither the police nor the private eye he hired could find out who was behind it.

Finally, he complained to Fang JunRong and turned to her for help. As much as he didn't want to admit it, Fang JunRong had a much better network than he did. After all, the Fangs have been well established. A newly risen nouveau riche like himself somewhat has an idea of that.

Naturally, Fang JunRong knew it had to do with Wang Xiao. But she enjoyed watching all those things happening to Li WangJin, so she wasn't going to help him out. As for Wang Xiao targeting Li WangJin, that was because he openly doted on Jiang YaGe. As she had Wang Xiao tailed, she also had her people record videos of what Wang Xiao had been doing to Li WangJin. They might come in handy later on.

She gave Li WangJin a dubious look. "Have you offended anyone recently? Why is it that it is only happening to you?"

Li WangJin said without hesitation, "That's not possible. I get along with everyone."

"You must have offended someone without knowing. Why else would someone target you like that? Just give it some more thought, it's difficult to help you without any leads."

Li WangJin only turned to her so she could use her network to help him, not have her interrogate him like he was a criminal. Her words left him dissatisfied, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. As for enemies, with the magnitude of the Li's business, he'd naturally have a few of those. But he couldn't just go to them with no evidence.

Feeling distressed, he turned to Wang SiXian for comfort. Wang SiXian also did her part to be the place that Li WangJin could turn to for comfort. That, and under the influence of alcohol, the two of them proceeded to have intimacy.

Having installed spy cameras in the house, Fang JunRong naturally had first-hand high-definition videos of it. It was still a week before her daughter's birthday, but she felt she could get a divorce before then.

She lowered her head. She didn't feel sadness or anger from the disgusting surveillance video but felt the lightness of the other shoe dropping.

Fang JunRong watched the video repeatedly, wearing a pleased smile.

Mmm. She should send a copy of this to Sun Mei; who had been trying desperately to find dirt on Li WangJin. She trusted that Sun Mei would not let her down. As someone with the reputation of being a kind and virtuous wife, with the utmost trust for her husband. Naturally, she would never do such a thing as spying on her husband.


Since the banquet, Sun Mei had hired a few private eyes to tail Li WangJin. She was well aware of the unfortunate incidents that had fallen upon him recently, it had provided her with endless delight.

Nevertheless, the most important thing to her was to find dirt on Li WangJin. That way she could shame that pretentious man and smash Fang JunRong's ridiculous trust for her husband at the same time. Ah, her woman's instinct told her that Li WangJin had already had intimacy with that other woman.

She thought this would drag on for much longer, but it went faster than she anticipated. She almost laughed out loud when she received the photos of Li WangJin and Wang SiXian on a date from her private eye.

But those weren't enough…they were just pictures of the two hugging, nothing more substantial. As shameless as Li WangJin was, he'd probably just say that's a hug between friends. That's the kind of hypocrite that he was.

Tch, men!

Sun Mei spit on his face in her mind.

She wondered if she could install spy cameras in the house.

Before she could finish her thought, her private eye sent her updated information. Their efficiency was well worth the amount that she had paid them.

Sun Mei was stunned by the very impactful video.

Li WangJin's birthmark was clear in the video, it was precisely what she wanted. She couldn't care less how her private eye was able to come across it.

Sun Mei's face flustered from excitement. She canceled her plans for the afternoon and sent another 200,000 yuan to her private eye. With the USB drive in hand, she gave Fang JunRong a call. Her voice was high and clear, filled with confidence and a sense of superiority.

"Hi, is this JunRong? There's something I want to show you. But be warned, and don't be too sad when you see it."

we're getting close to the divorce now!! I think the novel starts to really get fun once Li WangJin starts to face repurcussions for being a shitty man ˃̵ᴗ˂̵

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