
Rebirth Of The Diva!

Left her powerful and rich family and became "The Goddess of the Music Industry" but fell in love with the wrong person, was brutally murdered,but Gods gave her a second chance.She reincarnated and walked the same path to the top again but without making those stupid mistakes again and like always fell in love with the right person. :))

Saadat_Sansar · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 8 The Apperance!

Emma was shocked, what did she even mean by this letter was she leaving home? or was she killing herself? or did she run away? Thinking of this Emma went to check in the closet, Yes her clothes were here she checked the dresser yes her wallet was here, her cards were here, her phone was here....

Then was she? no it cannot happen she was so happy if something would have been wrong with I would have known it. After a prolonged thinking session she took out jer computer and checked the cctv and saw Ava going out of the house at 4 in the morning then she went to the street. Emma hacked using a software was able to control the street cctv and saw her taking a taxi.

Tracing the taxi name plate she found Ava at an airport. Strange Emma went and confirmed, Yes her passport and id were still in the dresser but then how could she get a ticket?

Then after around noon Emma was finally able to realize that Ava never bought an airplane ticket yet she boarded a plane how could this be?

Soon a whole week pased Emma was still not able to trace Ava and now found herself increasingly getting worried. She got so overwhelmed in her thoughts that she didn't realise that she was missing a few important calls.

Then suddenly the door rang Emma thinking Ava came back ran towards the door only to find a strange man breathing heavily like he came running from a long distance, He came and hugged her .

Strange she didn't even know this strange personality who suddenly appeared on her door hugging her. Who was this strange man?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Saadat_Sansarcreators' thoughts