
Rebirth of the Demon Queen: From Ordinary to Overlord

Emily Summers, an ordinary girl, dies in a freak accident and awakens in a decaying castle, alone and bewildered. A glowing screen appears, declaring her the new Demon Queen with a mission: rebuild the Demon Kingdom from scratch and become the strongest ruler. Guided by a game-like system, Emily starts with basic resources and quests, gradually repairing the castle and summoning minor demons. As she completes tasks, she gains new skills and allies, transforming her domain into a thriving realm. Facing constant challenges from rival factions and dangerous foes, Emily evolves from a frightened girl into a powerful queen. With determination and the system’s help, she sets out to unify the demon world and claim her place in history.

popo9074 · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Shadow Drake

The golem let out a deafening roar, its movements growing sluggish. We pressed our advantage, each of us giving everything we had. Finally, with a final, resounding blow, the golem shattered into pieces, the ground trembling as it fell.

I took a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline coursing through my veins. "Good job, everyone," I said, wiping the sweat from my brow. "But let's not get too comfortable. This is just the beginning."

We stood in the chamber, catching our breath and tending to our wounds. The air was thick with tension and anticipation. I knew that the challenges ahead would only get harder, but I felt a renewed sense of determination. We had come this far, and we weren't about to give up now.