
Rebirth of the Demon Queen: From Ordinary to Overlord

Emily Summers, an ordinary girl, dies in a freak accident and awakens in a decaying castle, alone and bewildered. A glowing screen appears, declaring her the new Demon Queen with a mission: rebuild the Demon Kingdom from scratch and become the strongest ruler. Guided by a game-like system, Emily starts with basic resources and quests, gradually repairing the castle and summoning minor demons. As she completes tasks, she gains new skills and allies, transforming her domain into a thriving realm. Facing constant challenges from rival factions and dangerous foes, Emily evolves from a frightened girl into a powerful queen. With determination and the system’s help, she sets out to unify the demon world and claim her place in history.

popo9074 · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Dungeon Teleportation

As the morning sun began to rise over Ebonhold, casting long shadows across the newly fortified walls, I felt a familiar tingle in the back of my mind. The system was updating, and I knew another significant change was about to be revealed.

**System Alert: New Feature Unlocked - Dungeon Teleportation**

**Feature Details: Emily can now teleport herself and a chosen party to a dungeon for enhanced leveling and skill acquisition.**

**Available Dungeon: Level 10 - Skeleton Soldiers**

**Objective: Clear the dungeon to gain significant experience and new abilities.**

**Rewards: Experience points, skill enhancements, rare items.**

This new feature was promising. With the ability to teleport directly into a dungeon, we could level up more efficiently and gain valuable experience for the battles ahead. I quickly gathered my companions to discuss this new opportunity.

In the great hall, I addressed Lilith, Baelgor, Arawn, Morgana, and the mage. I began. "We can now teleport into a dungeon to fight monsters and gain experience faster. Our first challenge is a dungeon filled with skeleton soldiers. It's a level 10 dungeon, which is perfect for our current abilities."

Lilith's eyes sparkled with excitement. "This is exactly what we need. A controlled environment to train and improve our skills."

Baelgor grinned, flexing his massive arms. "I've been itching for a good fight. Those skeletons won't know what hit them."

Arawn and Morgana nodded in agreement. The mage remained silent but attentive, clearly intrigued by the prospect of exploring the dungeon's mysteries.

We gathered in the courtyard, where the system's interface allowed us to select the dungeon and prepare for teleportation. With a flash of light, we were transported to a dark, eerie landscape. The air was thick with the scent of decay, and the ground beneath our feet was littered with bones and broken weapons.

**System Alert: Dungeon - Level 10: Skeleton Soldiers**

**Objective: Defeat all enemies and progress through the dungeon.**

The entrance to the dungeon was a gaping maw of darkness, and the sound of rattling bones echoed from within. We stepped forward, weapons at the ready, and entered the dungeon.

Inside, the dungeon was a labyrinth of stone corridors and chambers, dimly lit by torches that flickered with an unnatural light. Almost immediately, we were confronted by a group of skeleton soldiers, their eye sockets glowing with malevolent red light.

"Remember, these skeletons may be slow, but they're relentless," I warned. "Stay alert and don't let them surround you."

The battle began with a clash of steel and bone. Baelgor charged forward, his massive hammer crushing the first skeleton with a single blow. Lilith moved with fluid grace, her twin daggers slicing through bone and sinew with deadly precision. Arawn and Morgana provided support, their spells lighting up the dark corridors with bursts of elemental magic.

As we fought our way through the dungeon, I could feel the experience points accumulating. Each skeleton we defeated brought us closer to leveling up, and the battles provided valuable practice in honing our skills.

"My queen , watch out!" Lilith shouted, her daggers flashing as she parried an attack from a skeleton archer. I turned just in time to deflect a bone arrow with my sword, countering with a swift strike that shattered the archer's ribcage.

The mage cast a spell of protection, creating a shimmering barrier around us that absorbed the brunt of the skeletons' attacks. "We need to keep moving," he advised. "The deeper we go, the stronger they'll get."

We pressed on, encountering increasingly difficult groups of skeletons. Some were equipped with rusty swords and shields, while others wielded ancient bows or jagged spears. Despite their brittle appearance, they fought with a tenacity that required us to stay on our guard.

As we progressed, I noticed subtle changes in my companions. Baelgor's strikes became more precise, his movements more fluid. Lilith's agility and speed increased, allowing her to dance around our enemies with ease. Arawn and Morgana's spells grew more powerful, their incantations echoing through the dungeon with a resonant energy.

After what felt like hours of continuous battle, the system chimed with a welcome notification.

**System Alert: Level Up - Emily**

**Current Level: 12**

**New Skill Unlocked: Shadow Step**

**Description: Allows Emily to teleport short distances in the blink of an eye, evading attacks and positioning herself strategically in battle.**

I felt a surge of power as the new skill took root. Experimenting, I activated Shadow Step and found myself instantly moving from one side of the chamber to the other. The possibilities for this skill in combat were exhilarating.

Baelgor, Lilith, Arawn, and Morgana also leveled up, their abilities growing more refined and powerful. The mage, too, seemed more confident, his spells casting brighter and lasting longer.

Despite our progress, the dungeon seemed endless. The skeletal hordes showed no signs of dwindling, and we knew we couldn't afford to exhaust ourselves before reaching the deeper levels.

"Let's find a safe spot to regroup and rest," I suggested. "We've made great progress, but we need to conserve our strength for what lies ahead."

We retreated to a small alcove off the main corridor, setting up a makeshift camp. The mage cast a protective barrier around us, ensuring we wouldn't be disturbed while we rested.

As we settled down, I took a moment to reflect on our journey so far. The system's new feature had proven invaluable, allowing us to gain experience and skills at an accelerated pace. The dungeon was challenging, but it was precisely the kind of test we needed to prepare for the battles to come.

Lilith stretched, her muscles relaxing after the intense combat. "This dungeon is a goldmine for experience," she said, a satisfied smile on her face. "I can feel myself getting stronger with every fight."

Baelgor nodded in agreement. "And the new skills we've gained will be crucial in defending Ebonhold. This Shadow Step of yours, my queen , could turn the tide in many battles."

As we rested, we discussed our strategy for the next phase of the dungeon. We had yet to encounter the dungeon boss, and we knew the challenges would only get tougher from here.

"We need to be smart about this," Arawn said. "Rushing in without a plan could get us killed. We should scout ahead and identify any traps or ambush points."

Morgana agreed. "And we should take advantage of our new skills. my queen, your Shadow Step could be used to flank enemies or escape dangerous situations. Baelgor, your brute strength can break through their defenses, while Lilith and I can focus on precision strikes and spellcasting."

The mage added, "I'll maintain protective barriers and provide healing as needed. If we work together and stay alert, we can conquer this dungeon."

With our plan in place, we prepared to continue our journey through the dungeon. The experience we gained and the skills we unlocked would be vital in the days ahead, especially as we prepared for the inevitable return of King Harland's forces.

As we moved deeper into the dungeon, the air grew colder, and the sense of foreboding intensified. We knew the dungeon boss awaited us somewhere in the shadows, and defeating it would be our ultimate test.

But for now, we focused on the task at hand—clearing the dungeon of its undead inhabitants and growing stronger with each battle.