
Rebirth of the Demon Queen: From Ordinary to Overlord

Emily Summers, an ordinary girl, dies in a freak accident and awakens in a decaying castle, alone and bewildered. A glowing screen appears, declaring her the new Demon Queen with a mission: rebuild the Demon Kingdom from scratch and become the strongest ruler. Guided by a game-like system, Emily starts with basic resources and quests, gradually repairing the castle and summoning minor demons. As she completes tasks, she gains new skills and allies, transforming her domain into a thriving realm. Facing constant challenges from rival factions and dangerous foes, Emily evolves from a frightened girl into a powerful queen. With determination and the system’s help, she sets out to unify the demon world and claim her place in history.

popo9074 · Fantasy
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95 Chs

A Day with Seraphina

The morning sun cast a golden hue over Draconis as I awoke, feeling the excitement of the previous day's victory still coursing through me. As I stepped out into the courtyard, I was greeted by the sight of Seraphina, her silver hair catching the light and her golden eyes observing the city below.

"Good morning, Seraphina," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

She turned, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Good morning, Emily. I thought we could spend the day together, away from the trials and responsibilities."

I was taken aback by her proposal. Spending the day with the Dragon Queen was both an honor and an opportunity to learn more about her. "I'd like that," I replied, unable to hide my enthusiasm.

Seraphina led me through the winding streets of Draconis, the city alive with activity. The buildings were a marvel of dragon architecture, carved from the mountains themselves and adorned with intricate designs.