
Rebirth of the Demon King in an Interstellar Age

Demon king Lucifer, one who is feared by both god and man gets killed by tripping in front of the hero, his soul was trapped in the dark realm his powers were locked. Trapped there for millennials. Times have changed and humans are now living in space. He makes a deal with a dying soul to take control of his body while he recovers his powers and he would get revenge on the original soul's family. He is living a new life, engaged to the second prince of the empire. 'His highness looks like he wants to devour me. Help me!'

Nerdy_apprentice · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 64

School was soon over, and Lucifer walked out of the school with the A-siblings, Augustus, and Hiro.

Outside the school, he saw a crowd—a lot of people. They were all very quiet, holding holographic banners of apology.

'They actually did it," Rosemarie thought.

Lucifer read the banners emotionlessly. His eyes showed no emotion. He had no idea why they were in front of the school or why they had banners in front of the school.

When the crowd saw Augustus behind Lucifer, they were all surprised. "His Highness was actually the one in the video," someone said, then everyone began to scream in excitement.

Lucifer frowns in irritation. "It's too noisy," he mutters in annoyance. His peircing gaze looked at the crowd, and without saying anything else, the crowd became quiet and got out of his way.

The only people who knew what he did were Apollo, Artemis, and Athena.

"How boring," Apollo said, yawning a bit as they walked through the path of people frozen in place.

"They couldn't have resisted it," Artemis said.

'What happened to them?' Hiro thought in horror.

What Lucifer had done was enter the minds of the people in front of him to make them follow his commands. Basically, what is called mind control.

The car was waiting for them. Once they had all settled down in the car and began driving away, Lucifer released them.

In the driver's seat was Jessica, Augustus' assistant. "Good evening, Your Highness," she said, greeting her employer.

"Good evening, Jessica," Augustus replies.

Rosetta and the servants were surprised to see Augustus back home. They had actually gone to see if Phoenix was alright since they saw the video online. "Your Highness," they said, not hiding their surprise. Their surprise didn't last long, though. When they saw Phoenix, they ran to meet him, checking his body to see if he was alright.

"Young Master, are you alright?" One of the servants said in worry.

Lucifer was a bit overwhelmed by their behavior. They don't act this way normally. He didn't even expect them to come to him.

"I'm fine," he replies. Rosetta had hugged him tightly, he stiffened a bit but managed to relax.

"I made some desserts for you since you had a bad day," Rosetta said.

Someone cleared their throat, and Rosetta said, "I mean, we made some desserts for you."

It didn't matter who made it. As long as it was dessert and he could eat it. It didn't matter. He ran to the dining room to see an array of various desserts. Even some that have never been made before.

It was so beautiful, it almost made Lucifer tear up. "Are you happy?" someone asked. Lucifer couldn't tell who was speaking.

He simply nodded.

The gods, even though they've been living with Lucifer for almost a week, are still not used to his love of desserts.

"Hiro," Athena said, tapping Hiro. "Let's go to the training room," she said. "Save some for us, Phoenix!" she said as they left.

A man throws his holopad at the wall. "Are you okay, boss?"

"So the brat is the Second Prince's fiance," the man said, laughing evilly. "Is that why he thinks he can play me and scam me out of my money?" he shouts angrily.

"The brat that makes our weapons?"

"Who else do you think I'm talking about?" The man says his veins are popping out of his head. "Whenever I called for my weapons, he either didn't pick up the phone or stalled!"

"What do we do, boss?"

The boss looks at the subordinate who said that. "Bring me his broken body, alive. I want to kill him myself."

"But he's a part of the royal family! We'll be hunted for sure."

The person who had said that was killed almost immediately after being shot in the head with a plasma gun. "Anyone else have anything to say?" the man asked.

Every subordinate in the room shook their heads. "Good," the man said. "Now bring me Phoenix."

Lucifer stopped eating for a while and looked up, frowning. "Is something wrong?" Augustus asked.

"Someone wants to try to kill me," Lucifer replied, and then he had this wide grin on his face. "How exciting."

Augustus looks at him weirdly. Lucifer saw this and laughed. "Don't worry about me, I can handle myself. It's a human who wants to kill me, if that makes you feel better," he said.

'How is that supposed to make me feel better?' Augustus thought, but he didn't say anything.

"Which human could want to kill you?" Artemis asked, pointing her fork at Lucifer as she said this.

Lucifer laughed. "A lot," he said. "But this one might happen soon."

"It will happen soon," Apollo said. "Throughout this week, they'll try coming after you," he said.

"Don't increase security around me," Lucifer said as soon as Apollo said this. "I've been very bored lately, and I'm in need of entertainment," he said in a pitiful voice.

"That's because you are a psychopathic being that should be locked up somewhere," Apollo said.

Lucifer looks at him blankly. "Says the guy who comes from a family where two of them are gods of war and the rest of them are sex crazed, jealous crazed, or just downright crazy and sadistic," he said.

Apollo shruggs. "Who am I to argue with that?" he said.

"You dare not," Artemis said. "You are in three of the four categories," she said.

"And you are just downright sadistic," Apollo said.

"Says the guy who skinned someone alive for challenging him in a music contest."

"Says the woman who turned a guy into a deer and made his hunting dogs him down and brutally mutilate him just because he looked at your naked body when there isn't very much to see."

Apollo went a bit too far with that one because he received a punch on the ribs for that. "Oh," Lucifer said, wincing. "I need to learn from you two the ways of pettiness," he said, smiling.

"I don't think you need to learn anything," Artemis said. "You are the pettiest of us all. Dionysus touched your shoulder once during the former peace treaty, and you smashed his face to the ground, almost disfiguring his face," she said.

"Yes, I did that, but I didn't try skinning him alive or turning him into an animal just to be hunted by his dogs," Lucifer said.

He had this look of wonder on his face. He wondered what would happen if he did it. "Don't think about it," Artemis said strictly.

"Too late," Lucifer said, with a wicked grin on his face. "And I know who I'll do it to."