
rebirth of the death

The yin-yang circle covered the ceiling with a black and white aura. An old woman with a familiar face was slowly saying strange words with a strange voice, suddenly the tone of her voice changed. He began to speak with a thicker voice and with a disturbed calmness. The Ying Yang circle quickly changed into a red five star with an ominous aura...

m666kl · Fantasy
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3 Chs

old book

"Find me, my lord!"

A thick voice echoed in my head and made me freeze. What kind of ridiculous game is this "lord"? Are Diana and Dad kidding me?? I yelled impatiently:

"Hey, come on out. It's not funny!"

But everywhere was quiet. I was dying of fear. I ran to the door and ran until I reached the psychologist's office.

After listening to my story, while he trying to hold back his laughter, began to lecture about nonsense related to realism and living in reality. I was just pretending to listen. meanwhile confirmed his words with my head.

Finally, this damn1 hour ended and I returned home. I didn't expect anyone to be in the house, so I entered the house through the back door. And hearing my father's voice, I understood that he returned home early today. But because I couldn't look him in the eye, I decided to go upstairs. But the tone of his voice caught my attention. His voice was colder than ever. He said in a soulless voice:

"I'm not interested in continuing this discussion. I personally sealed all his energy lines. He can't communicate with mana. Both black mana and white mana, yes, can you stop talking about the two-color circle??! "

I did not understand my father's words. I was confused. The squeaking sound of the wooden stairs of the house attracted my father's attention. And he understood that I entered the house. But fortunately, even though my phone had finished charging, I had not taken off my handsfree. That's why my dad thought I was listening to music and I didn't hear anything.

I closed the door while panting. I didn't understand what he was talking about?! My father wants to change his job. And was this a phone audition for acting? Or maybe it's even better to introduce my dad to my doctor so that he can learn about realism and these bullshit!!

But what confused me the most was the part about the two-color circle. Maybe it means the same yin-yang circle that I saw in my dream?!

After my dad entered my room, and I talked a little, I completely forgot everything. At the last moment, before leaving the room, he kindly looked at me and asked:

"Honestly, in the evening, we want to go with your sister to see your mother at the madhouse, she has gotten much better recently, would you like to come with me to see her?"

I answered with a sad expression:

"No... But, buy a bunch of flowers from me."

My father left the room without saying another word. And he left me with a sea of childhood memories that flooded my mind like a flood.

I remember two months left to my 5th birthday. My mother was always kind to me. But once her behavior changed. She started crying first. Then she took the knife and while attacking me, shouted:

"You killed her!! You are cursed!!"

I was lucky, my father was at home that day and he took me to the hospital on time. The white lines of the scar still remain on my chest. The knife missed my heart by a few millimeters. Several blood bags were attached to me and I survived by force. But then they transferred my mother to the madhouse.

She asked my father and sister many times to take me to see her. But I did not go to see her because I feel that I am not ready yet.

After my father and my sister left the house, I took my lunch that I hadn't eaten until then and was going to my room, when suddenly that strange voice sounded in my head again.

"My lord, you must find me soon!"

I answered with a trembling voice:

"W-who are you?!"

"Lord, I will help you find me, just look at the symbol on your hand. I'm sure you'll figure it out yourself!"

After saying these words, silence spread everywhere and I felt a strange burning sensation on my left hand. A small five-pointed star appeared on my hand.

I tried not to pay attention to him and went to my room. But the more I got closer to my room. That mark was getting blacker. I was standing right in front of my father's room, which turned dark red.

Out of curiosity, I slowly opened the door of my father's room and the closer I got to the safe, the more colorful the symbol became. When I touched the safe, a strange red light exchanged between my hand and the safe. A strange wave of pain spread in my hand. I could not feel my hand. The door opened slowly and there was a strange leather book in it. It seems to be made from the skin of the face of some kind of strange creature. After I touched it, the eyes on book open and shone strangely then, that strange voice speak again:

"My lord, I knew you would find me!"

I said in surprise:

"Who the hell are you?!"

He answered gently:

"You'll understand after you touch my first page."

I reluctantly put my finger on it, but nothing happened. I grinned and stuck my palm to my face. Suddenly I felt a strange pain in my head and after making a loud scream, I passed out.