
rebirth of the death

The yin-yang circle covered the ceiling with a black and white aura. An old woman with a familiar face was slowly saying strange words with a strange voice, suddenly the tone of her voice changed. He began to speak with a thicker voice and with a disturbed calmness. The Ying Yang circle quickly changed into a red five star with an ominous aura...

m666kl · Fantasy
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3 Chs


The yin-yang circle covered the ceiling with a black and white aura. An old woman with a familiar face was slowly saying strange words in a strange voice, when suddenly the tone of her voice changed. He began to speak in a deeper voice and with disturbed calmness. The ying yang circle quickly turned into a five red star with an ominous aura...

I gasped and woke up. My body was completely wet with sweat. I took off my shirt and after washing my face I stared at my face in the mirror. My eyes were completely sunken. I couldn't remember the last time I could sleep properly. I went back to bed. It was 3:00 midnight. I stared at the ceiling and thought about my eternal sleep. The same old woman again. The face that totally reminded me of my mother. Remembering my mother's face again, my frowns went together and I tried to focus my mind on something else.

I couldn't sleep anymore and I stayed awake until morning and rolling in bed. After eating a light breakfast, I went to school with my sister Diana. On the way, a scholar lectured me about how a son of a Winner family should behave.

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Davide, David Winner. I am now 17 years old and go to the high school. I live with my father and sister. It hurts me to talk about it, but I haven't seen my mother since I was 5 years old. After she attacked me with a knife, she was hospitalized. Since then, I never went to see her.

Finally, we reached the school and the lady had not even finished speaking when she ran to her friend. I went to class while pulling down my hoody hat.

The noise of the children filled the entire corridor. But the sound of two people's laughter from behind in the math class bothered me. Of course, after I opened the door and entered the classroom, their laughter was completely silenced. I sat on my chair and impatiently opened my math book.

Shortly after I sat down, James came slowly and said:

"Hey, boy, are you still mad at me? How long are you going to avoid me?"

I don't know why, but the writings related to the discussion of functions in our math lesson that day became so interesting to me that I couldn't look away from it. James waved a little and after he saw that I was not there to even look at him, he slowly walked away and left.

After this, the class went completely silent. A little later, Mr. Smith came to the class and started the math lesson, exactly at that moment, as quickly as I had liked the function, I hated it.

I stared at the face of Hana who was sitting at the bottom of the class. She was still as beautiful as ever. My heart was still pounding when I saw her. I remembered two months ago. I laughed bitterly. My eyes were burning. After that happened two months ago, in Halloween night. My strange dreams started. Since then, I haven't been able to sleep well. Which, of course, made me wake up every night between 3 and 4 in the morning.

Little by little, as I was staring at the board, my eyes became heavy and I fell into the sweet sleep of the old days.