
Rebirth of Tangsan : Douluo dalu

What will happen if the protogonist Tangsan of Douluo dalu, is replaced by the youth of 21st Century. Create Your Own way with the help of Mysterious bead travel through heaven and Myraid world. Create a glory for yourself. (Douluo Dalu, Devouring the starry Sky, Shading the Sky, Perfect world)

DaoistHI4fqd · Book&Literature
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16 Chs

Douluo Continent: Secret of Spiritual eyes

Tang San politely thanked Old Jack for his offer and assured him that he would consider the opportunity. After seeing Old Jack off, Tang San turned his attention back to his father.

Tang San paused for a moment, surprised by his father's perceptiveness. He walked over to his father and sat down next to him.

"Dad, I... I do want to become a soul master," Tang San confessed hesitantly. "I want to explore the world, uncover its mysteries, and protect those who are important to me. I want to make a difference."

Tang Hao opened his eyes and looked at his son with a mix of emotions. There was pride, but also a hint of sadness. Before he knew it, Tang Hao's right fist was already clenched, and there was already a trace of extremely cold breath on his old face, " Soul master? What is the use of a soul master? Not to mention just a useless martial soul, even if it is the most powerful martial soul, what use is the most powerful soul master? But it is still a waste."

Tang Hao was overcome with emotion, visibly trembling, and Tang San caught a glimpse of something pure and clear in his father's eyes.

Hurrying over, Tang San grasped Tang Hao's clenched fist. "Dad, You are wrong, if you become most powerfull then their is nothing, that you can't solve, If you are not able to solve means you are not reached to that standard, so for the protecting my own loved ones, I will definately become Soul Master"

Tang Hao's right fist was already clenched, tightened and there was already a trace of extremely cold breath on his old face thought secreatly in Heart: "Yes, Yes Most powerfull, Yes You are right Little San, If you are really Most powerfull then their will be no tragedy between Me and her, or maybe everything root itself is its own powerlesness"

Seeing Tangsan, TangHao felt as he saw her own wife, which provide him endless confidence, and seeing that more Tanghao looked Tangsan More he sattisfied.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Hao's excitement surged and subsided in an instant, and he spoke calmly, "Unleash your martial soul and let me see."

"Alright." Tang San nodded, raising his right hand. He quietly activated his Xuantian Kungfu, feeling the unique warmth blending with his consciousness. A faint blue light emanated from his palm, and in an instant, a small blue grass materialized.

Tang Hao stared at the blue silver grass in Tang San's hand, his gaze distant and lost. After a while, he gradually snapped out of his reverie. The light in his eyes flickered, and he murmured, "Blue silver grass, it truly is blue silver grass. It's the same as hers."

Suddenly, Tang Hao abruptly stood up and turned to walk towards the inner area. The sudden movement nearly caused Tang San to stumble, and the Blue Silver Grass spirit in his hand vanished on its own.

"Dad," Tang San called out, but Tang Hao waved his hand impatiently, "Don't disturb me." With that, he pushed open the curtain and disappeared into the room.

"But I still have a martial Soul," Tang San muttered to himself. Today, after awakening his martial soul, He also has the Spiritual eyes Martial Soul. But As a person who read the noble, He tries everything to control this Martial soul, In order to not to show this martial soul infront of the Old Jack and Suyanto, After All they are outsider.

The door curtain was abruptly lifted, and Tang Hao emerged once again. His face was now filled with astonishment. It was apparent that his eyes were red, as if he had been crying moments ago.

Tang San remained silent, but he slowly raised his face and suddenly his black eyes glowed with the Golden color and you can see some invisible Mental distortion Around the space.

Due to use of Spiritual Eyes Tangsan felt the difference as 480p converted to 2k display, and And when tries to focus on something, then feel like time is stopped, He can focus on the thing more precisely, And it also didn't consume much soul power compared to Blue silver grass, But it consumes more Mental power.

As Tang Hao gazed at the Spiritual eyes Martial Soul, the excitement that had disappeared earlier returned to his eyes. "Twin martial souls. It's actually twin martial souls. My son, my son."

Without warning, Tang Hao spread his powerful arms, embracing Tang San tightly. Tang Hao's chest was broad, possibly a result of his years as a blacksmith. Though he may have appeared lazy on the surface, the muscles on his body had not diminished with time, and his embrace was warm and comforting. Nothing could replace the sense of security that a father's love bestowed.

After Tanghao Said: "Take it back"

After calming down excitement Tanghao, checked the situation of the Martial soul, because body Martial Soul are the one of the rarest class type Martial Soul, Due to this He seems to see this type of Martial soul such as Angel Martial Soul, when he thinks about Angel Tanghao seems hostility almost naked to flowed, but then suddenly take it back, Tangsan didn't notice it, which only took some milli seconds.

Tang San had never witnessed such a profound expression on his father's face before. Various complex emotions flickered across Tang Hao's features, and after a lengthy pause, he uttered a single word, "Remember, in your future, you must use your body to protect the grass in your right hand. Always."

Baffled, Tang San nodded in response. Tang Hao stood up and walked back into the inner room without casting a glance back.

While preparing lunch, Tang San's mind was occupied with thoughts about the martial arts world he had encountered that day. After lunch he went to his room sit on the bed at the meditative poisture and said the word "world" suddenly he came to darkness where He saw golden bead is shining here, then he went to near the golden bead and touched and with spiritual sense convey the will about what is happening about spiritual eye Martial Soul.

As Tang San continued his reflections, he received new information that shed light on the peculiar circumstances surrounding his merging with the Tangsan Soul and Memory. It appeared that during this merging process, the power of the two souls, along with the influence of the golden bead, had formed a prototype of a Martial soul under the rules of the Douluo continent. This caused a disruption in the balance between the Blue Silver Grass and the Haotian Hammer.

In response to this imbalance, the golden bead had to directly suppress the power of the Haotian Hammer, while the remaining two souls merged and formed a peculiar equilibrium, where they began to consume each other. Meanwhile, the Blue Silver Grass soul took on the role of protecting the host's body. With the assistance of the golden bead, the host was able to suppress Tangsan's absorption, allowing the memory and soul of Tangsan to become free from emotions. This freed soul then took part in the host's brain and eyes, resulting in the manifestation of the Spiritual Eyes Martial Soul and the replacement of the Haotian Hammer.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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