
Rebirth of Milf Empress

This is a story about the journey of a modern woman named Sophia, who dies heroically during an accident while trying to save a baby's life. She meets God and receive some op boons from him. She transmigrates in the body of a queen of a small kingdom with a system. Follow Sophia on her journey in another world. Tags- kingdom-building, system, war, yuri, incest, orgy

Ekatra · Fantasy
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21 Chs


While the queen was having fun of her life in her palace. On the other side someone has lost her sleep. 

In a luxurious room, a woman of around 40-year-old was pacing back and forth with anxious expression on her face. Eva Havishan, wife of Maldrick Havishan and the countess of Eldoria got the news that her husband tried to kill the queen and was executed by her knight. 

She was not sad on her husband's death in fact she was happy about it. She hated her husband very much as he stopped giving her any attention as she grew older and was always busy fucking young girls. 

It's not like she was ugly but on the contrary, she was a very beautiful milf. She is 5'6" tall, have nice 36DD breast, a slip waist and nice hips and ass. She had red hair that reached down to her shoulder blades, green eyes, slim nose and a nice plump lips. Yes, she was an idle woman that anyone would like to fuck but not her husband.

She had not felt a man's touch for long time. She was very alone and hated her husband for ignoring her. So, when she heard the news that her husband is dead, she beamed with joy. It meant that now she will inherit the Eldoria estate and will be able to use her authority as she willed. She had already dreamt of enslaving many strong men and play with them. 

But her joy was short lived as learnt the reason for her husband's death. Her husband tried to kill the queen and was executed. 

Punishment for attacking any royalty is death of the whole family and her husband attacked the queen in broad daylight. It meant that her days are numbered. She did not want to die just like that. 

She had not even enjoyed her authority and now a hanging sword was dangling on her head. 

She had to think of a way to somehow escape this predicament.

" Knock…Knock"

As she was having these thoughts a knock came.

"Come in"

A maid entered the room.

"What is it?"

"We just received some news from the capital"

"What is it" Eve asked in a solemn expression.

"A caravan of knights has just left the capital headed by an advanced swordsman and it seems to be headed towards our estate"

Hearing the caravan is lead by an advanced swordsman, she got even more flustered. An advanced swordsman is a powerhouse in this small kingdom and being a mere mortal, she cannot even think of escaping from him. She had lost all her hopes of survival now.

"Ok, you can go out" Eve gave the eviction order to the maid and slumped on the bed.


While Eve was thinking about ways to save her life, a strikingly handsome man with a tanned complexion, a toned physique, fiery red eyes, and flowing black hair was riding a horse followed by a caravan of knights. It was Seraph.

He was going to Eldoria estate to take the estate in custody. 

While he was riding the horse, his mind was somewhere else. He was thinking how his and his sister Seraphine's life just turned upside down in just few days. 

Seraph and Seraphine did not just pop out of nowhere by the system. In fact, they had real life identity in this world.

Seraph and Seraphine were living in small village in the countryside with their father, James isolated from the world. His mother died when he was very young. So, he has been living with his father and sister ever since. 

His father was a strong man proficient in swordsmanship. He started training him in swordsmanship from a very young age. And due to his talent in swordsmanship he soon surpassed James and became advanced swordsman.

Seraphine on the other hand had talent in magic so James gave her the old magic books of their mother. She also became an intermediate mage at just age of 17. Even nobles did not have the same level of talent as her.

As Seraph and Seraphine grew old enough James started to disappear frequently. He always goes out making some excuses and did not return for weeks. 

At that time the brother and sister had only the compony of each other. Since they had only each other to depend on, their relationship deepened. But as their age increased and their interest in opposite gender also increased. They started exploring each other's body. As time passed by their relationship also started to change. And at some point, of time their familial love changed into sexual love. 

They had sex whenever the got a chance and whenever their father was out, they turned into beasts and roamed around the house naked and fucked all over the house.

Their days were passing happily like this.


Seraph and Seraphine respected their father very much but they started having doubt about his identity as his frequency of his disappearance increased. How can a commoner be so proficient in swordsmanship. And why did their mother have magic books. Even though they had such doubts, but they never voiced it. They were content with their life style. 

But one day James called both of them. His face looked solemn, so they also abandoned their playful nature and sat across James.

"I am sure that you might be wondering about my identity."

"It's not li…." Seraph wanted to say something but James stopped him.

"No need to explain yourself. In fact, I called you here today to tell you everything."

"I was the army commander of this kingdom when I was young. I worked under the king Cedric. I was one of the strongest men on this kingdom. I enjoyed the fame came with strength and married the court mage Rosa. She was the most beautiful lady at that time. Soon I was blessed with both of you. I was at the peak of my life. But one day everything came crashing down.

While I was the army commander, I made lot of enemies. And one day they ambushed Rosa while she was alone. She died that day. My whole world shattered. 

Fearing that they might attack you guys' next time I resigned and secluded myself in this small village. And since you have grown up and are strong enough to fend for yourself, I decide to investigate those who ambushed Rosa that day. That's why I have been going out frequently these days but alas I am an old man now and not have enough strength"

"Why did you hide all this from till now?" Seraph asked angrily.

"I did not want to see you in danger. I already lost my wife and don't want to see my children in danger"

Hearing this Seraph calmed down and said "Don't worry father, I will take revenge for mother's death. I will kill everyone who was slightly involved in this matter"

"Yes father, we are strong enough to go sideways in this kingdom," said Seraphine.

"Ok, I trust you with this, but you cannot accomplish this on its own because the men involved that day are now in high position in the Leone kingdom. It seems that they were promoted for making me resign from the army. And in last battle with the Leone kingdom, King Cedric lost his life and currently Sinclair kingdom is in dire condition"

"So, what do you suggest father" Asked Seraph

"I still have some contacts in the royal palace. With your strength you can become a knight of the queen easily. I want you to get close to the queen and help her in making this kingdom strong enough to trample over Leone kingdom."

"Ok father. I and Seraphine depart tomorrow morning" Seraph said and went inside in his room. 

His mood was quite low. Seeing her brother's mood Seraphine decided to comfort him and followed him inside the room.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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