
Rebirth of Izuku Midoriya [MHA]

Taking over Izuku Midoriya's body, Akuto Kitami leads a new life with brand new mysterious abilities. Leading the useless boys life into a new lane, putting him at the top of the food chain and even higher. A little narcissistic, prideful and selfish, The new Izuku steps out into the world with a plan for world domination, an easy life, and the most important- Freedom. [OP FROM THE START, ONLY GETS STRONGER]

StickyStick · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 - Dirty Business


Drenched in sweat in a meditative state. Izuku was hard at work. Ever since he found a shortcoming in his lifestyle, he worked tirelessly and diligently to overcome it. Every day, every night at every moment of his waking hour; He was either meditating, or working out.

His physical appearance had great changes compared to when he first took over his body; Like with how defined his muscles are now- His abs and obliques are more defined than a drawing and he actually put on some height as well, standing at 180 cm –5'11–. It's quite the contrast to his previous, 155 cm –5'5–. He now towers over Inko and it's not even subtle.

Letting out a deep breath of air, Izuku slowly opened his eyes, revealing dark green gemstone eyes that held a deep focus. Utilizing his newfound abilities, he slowly floated in the air, his legs still crossed; Moving towards the full-body mirror set gently alongside his plain, cream colored wall.

He took down all the All-Might posters and figurines- much to Inko's dismay and shock. Izuku literally wanted to rip his own eyes out every time he walked into the room, and considering he now sleeps there, it was pretty dangerous if he kept them.

Cause he would've actually gone through with being blind. He's just that petty. However, he saw the illogical side of his tantrum and just removed everything quietly. Putting them in boxes to be thrown out, alongside the kids Hero notebook; He was interested in it at first, but after skimming through it, he had no use for it.

Izuku eyed himself, judging his progress on getting this new vessel to its peak. His shirt was on the floor which meant he was just in his pants and black socks. His white joggers, though, were suffering from the sweat that poured out of him earlier during his workout.

'Not bad. As expected, psionic energy boosts muscle growth. I'm already at impressive levels of physical strength, but I feel myself hitting a limit soon enough. My esper abilities seem to be the complete opposite. Ever growing with no limit.' Finishing his thought, he frowns, getting to his feet and ending his hovering.

'More power means that it's more important for my control to be absolutely perfect. There's no exception to this.' His obsession with perfecting his control was a totally reasonable thing to strive for. Powers as rampant and overpowering as his, as much of an asshole he knows he is, he wouldn't want to blow up and destroy his home everywhere he went because he neglected the basic step in power training.


"I-Izuku? Are you awake?" Soft, nervous voice came from the other side of the door. Izuku opened the door with his telekinesis and stayed in the middle of his room. "What is it, mom? Do you need something?" Inko recoiled; Izuku's tone was a lot harsher and fed up than he intended.

"I-I'm heading off to work now… If you need something; B-Be sure to call me." Izuku nodded but not a word came out of his mouth. The two just stared at each other in silence, Izuku confused on why she's still there and Inko dying inside as with every second Izuku failed to tell her he loved her.

With a dejected head droop and a walk that cried out disbelief, Inko shut the door and got ready to leave. She was a nurse, meaning she was called in at random times even though today was supposed to be her off day.

Once she left; Izuku and he made sure she was fully out of the house- he got dressed. Putting on a black long sleeve, black baggy sweatpants, and white sneakers; He too left the house, his destination, the edge of Musutafu.

He's done his research. There's a lot of criminal activity there during the night, when most Villains assume that All-Might and the rest of the top ten pro heroes are knocked out asleep.

Most of the illegal drug runs, underground fighting scenes and crime meetings happen over there- At least for the villains in Musutafu. The city he lived in was mediocre in size, nothing compared to bigger cities like Tokyo.

But he had to make due with what he had.

'There should be at least something interesting going on over there. I need to get a handle on my powers, but I also need something to test it on. What's better than a group of low-life pawns?' He mused, stepping out of his apartment and feeling no other presence out and about, he took off.

Flying straight up as he coated himself in psionic energy and willed himself invisible. That was something he developed over the last two months, alongside a few other useful abilities.

It still needed perfecting, but Izuku was working with so little time that every second counted. Him being able to discover a new possibility with his power is impressive when one considers his schedule.

It didn't take long for Izuku to arrive on the side of town he desired. It was emptier than he thought and the buildings were more rundown than ever. It was like this side was completely abandoned- left to be used and shaped by the low-life slackers as they see fit.

Izuku came to a stop in the middle of the sky. He lowered himself just above the tallest rows of buildings he could find- that weren't on the verge of collapsing- and he spread an incredibly thin pulse of psionic energy.

His extrasensory perception was of no use when he was looking for a target in a widespread range. Anything up close and personal though, that's a perfect thing he could rely on.

But now? He needed his mind to be everywhere at once, and the way he found he could do that, is by spreading a sheet of his energy in small pulses, so that they were rendered invisible, and if any of his targets within his mind get wrapped up within said pulses, he will know instantly.

It's like building a giant, five-hundred meter spider-web.

'Found you.' A devious smirk split his face, Izuku's eyes opened slowly and within a blink of an eye, he was gone.

Appearing just in front of a warehouse, it was old, creaky and dirty. The glass panes were so clouded over it looked as if they'd be used in a cleaning supply commercial. However, despite the eerie, unsanitary appearance.

Izuku's target was found. A whole warehouse full of superpowered people were gathered around, making an extreme amount of noise. That told Izuku one thing: They were confident enough to handle any hero that showed up- Well, at least ones not in the top 20 he presumed.

That would be outrageous.

Low-life thugs handling one of the top twenty? Don't make him laugh.

With no remorse, Izuku kept a hand in his pocket while the other pointed towards the building lazily. And with a thought, a terrifying wave of telekinesis tore through the warehouse and collapsed it without any hesitation.

Screams, cries and shrill curses were hurled at random. None of them really knew what was going on beside that they were being attacked; Was it from the inside? Did a hero sneak in?

After a while the cries calmed down, and the only thing that provided any sound was the clicking of Izuku's footsteps as he calmly made his appearance. He didn't have a mask on and he wasn't worried about needing one.

After all, he planned to get rid of evidence.

'My theory was right… More control means more power. This is good so far.' He hummed happily, walking casually up to the pile of rubble that weighed down on about four-dozen people.

Once inside, he coated himself in a thin layer of psionic energy, keeping the dust away from his clothes and other extremities. "Y'all weren't much. Were y'all having an orgy or something?" He spoke, disappointment lacing each and every word.

He heard a couple groans, surprised because he felt that most of the people in here had died. "I guess some of you were borderlining competent." He hummed, walking over to the trio that survived.

One man, middle aged, dirty-silver hair with a mustache and goatee matching. His face was wrinkled and distraught, and it soon twisted into horror. His bottom half had been crushed by a few layers of debris, no doubt his legs were broken.

"P-Please… I have a daughter…" Giran muttered, reaching out for Izuku. The boy eyed him, emotionlessly. With a thought, the pile of rubble rose to the sky, freeing the man but his mangled legs wouldn't get him far.

Throwing the rubble somewhere else, Izuku crushed one of the three people alive. But he didn't bat an eye. "Eh, the way you're dressed tells me you're important." The man at Izuku's feet clung to his every word, hoping, praying that there would be an opportunity to escape.

"Are you?" Izuku questioned, taking a step forward, placing his foot directly on one of the broken legs. The man's eyes widened in agony, screaming at the top of his lungs. Izuku sighed, pointing at him; A blast of telekinetic energy slammed into his head; Popping it.

A loud gasp caressed his ears, he reached out with a palm, and instantly, the sound of rubble being toppled over and moved filled the area. Without needing to look, Izuku guided the object he grabbed and brought it towards him.

It was a man, buff, huge chin but small nose and eyes. His head was bleeding profusely and his body was mangled and beaten. There was no way he was going to make it out of here alive; Not like Izuku would've let him.

Turning towards him, the man came to a floating, abrupt stop in front of the boy. The one in question hummed. "Hey~ I know you! You're that slidin-go guy!" Izuku's tone put a sliver of hope in the hero's heart.

Swallowing the gagging amount of blood that piled in his throat, Tatsuyuki Tokoname took his chance, wanting to pull at the boy's heart strings. "H-Help me… S-Save a life instead of tak-"


Izuku snapped his fingers, and the man caught on fire instantly. Hot, black flames that melted the hero to a puddle of black tar. 'Jesus christ.. Was it always that strong?' Izuku recoiled at the lingering smell but dispersed the fire regardless.

Looking around at the group he made quick work of.

He was satisfied with his performance. But he was disappointed in the people.

'Maybe next time.' He shrugged, going invisible and taking off into the nighttime sky.

Unknown to him, he had uncoincidentally made an enemy out of a certain group.