
Rebirth of Izuku Midoriya [MHA]

Taking over Izuku Midoriya's body, Akuto Kitami leads a new life with brand new mysterious abilities. Leading the useless boys life into a new lane, putting him at the top of the food chain and even higher. A little narcissistic, prideful and selfish, The new Izuku steps out into the world with a plan for world domination, an easy life, and the most important- Freedom. [OP FROM THE START, ONLY GETS STRONGER]

StickyStick · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 1 - Izuku Midoriya


Do you know how hard it is to face defeat? To face… Such humiliation and powerlessness that you are left with no choice but to swallow it- Pride and all- and just…


When I died, all I could do was curse myself. Succumbing to the fact that I was outclassed in this life; Intelligence really does mean nothing in front of absolute power.


"Your rebirth will come with knowledge and power. Your pride and endless self-importance is what got you here. I took a liking to you because I found you unique- Smart." A being, covered in holy light, sat upon a throne as he spoke to me.

I hummed along to his words, his praise is aimed at the right person and he's not wrong. I found no problem with this.

"...Can we get to the rebirth already? Or whatever you're planning with my soul?" Looking at my wrist, mimicking checking the time.

The room thundered as the being slammed his staff against the floor, a blanket of pressure descended upon the world, but it had no effect on me.

"Such impertinence! Your pride precedes you; Not understanding when you're outclassed!" He barks, though, I brush it off. Whether I live or die doesn't bother me, I'm not scared of death.

That's the one thing I can't control, but everything else? It's within my grasp.

Deadpanning at the raging entity in front of me. I smile, dropping to my knee as I apologize with my head down. I know when to say when, and agitating him was… out of pocket.

"I'm not so moronic to think myself better than you.. I was simply.. Experimenting? If that is the way to go about wording it." I say, feeling the pressure ascend and the world calming.

Taking a peak, the entity had calmed down, though his face still wore a frown. Clearing his throat, it slides up its throne. Once again glaring down at me like the mighty being it was.

'This is tiring.' I muse, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

"If you'd be so.. Kind- To send me on my way. That'd be greatly appreciated." I say, slowly rising to my full height of 188 cm -6'2-. The being sat there, staring blankly at me for what felt like minutes before it finally spoke.

"I see… Despite your attitude, the all-father has taken a liking to you. You will be beared with a gift to aid you. You will need it." Waving his hand, I glowed for a second, feeling something hot dwell within my navel region.

But before I could react, it was gone.

'Interesting. Some kind of energy, maybe?' I muse, tilting my head out of pure habit for when I fall into thought. The entity picked up, speaking as if he read my confusion. "It is an extremely precious gift. Nurture it well and you will be fine. Goodbye." And with a snap, I fell into a pit of darkness.



Izuku Midoriya, otherwise known as the trash, "Deku."

Living a rather sad and pathetic life chasing the dream of being a hero- And then proceeding to have his dreams stomped on by his favorite hero, All Might, he fell into a deep depression.

Even after saving his childhood bully from a sludge villain, the heroes only reprimanded him while they praised the one that got captured and increased the difficulty of the whole situation.

Arriving at home, downtrodden and lost for words. He just wanted to go to sleep. Forever. He wanted to avoid the countless, endless words of doubt, hate and oppression.

"Oh, hey Izuku! Dinner's Re-" Waving off his mom, his bag slipped out his hands. Dragging himself to his room, he called "Not hungry…" His tone, posture and the sense of dread that radiated off him was more than enough to let his mom in on how he was feeling.

'Oh no… Izuku.' She thought to herself, her hands over her heart as she stared at her son, conflicted and lost. She didn't know how to confront him about his feelings. No matter what she says, she can't ease the pain her son has to go through for being quirkless.

'This is my fault. If only I was better.. If only I could grant him his quirk and let him chase his dream-' She fell into a round of self-pity and hate. Feeling the reason for her son's hard life to be on her shoulders.

That night, Izuku didn't hear a word from his mother. He laid in his bed, eyes lost in thought. He didn't even bother to change out of his middle school uniform.

His hand dangled off the side of the bed, his eyes drifted along his walls. Looking and soaking in the sight of the number one hero, All Might, littered all throughout his room.

Every action figure, every poster. He was sure it was in his room on shelves or plastered on the walls. 'This is so hard…' He whines to himself, tears pooling in his eyes as his chest convulses. It wasn't long till he broke into endless waterworks.

The pity and self-hate he felt for himself ran deep.

Deep enough to give the young fourteen year-old a heart attack.

His eyes widened, his hands gripped at his chest. Tears still pooling out of his eyes while he looked to the roof in pain. The only light he sees is the one from his laptop.

'I-It hurts! M-mom!' He tries to call out, but nothing escapes. He began to thrash, but not for long. His bodily functions ceased to respond and within minutes; He passed away.

Silently, and painfully inside his own room.

As his lifeless body laid still on the floor, his body suddenly jolted. As if a defibrillator had been used to resuscitate him. This goes on a few more times, each time getting more and more violent, until-

"Whew!" His body shot up, his eyes wielding a new glint as he looked around his surroundings. Freezing, his face contorted into pure disgust. "What the fuck?" He muttered, eyeing the obvious fanboy- borderline obsessive traits the owner of this room had.

Looking around some more, he felt a wet, warm liquid fall down his cheek. Wiping it with a finger, he frowned. 'Tears? Was I crying? No… I don't cry.' Inspecting his hands his frown deepened at the noticeable change in weight and size.

In his past life, Akuto Kitami was known for his seemingly endless strength and peerless looks. His tall stature was accompanied by lean, compacted muscles full of strength.

Though now… His body was scrawny, small and weak. Everything he hates. 'That bastard of an envoy… He couldn't have just had me be reborn normally?! Keeping my appearance would've been great.' He grumbles, standing up to look at himself in the full-body mirror situated on the closet door.

'Huh… This body has potential to say the least.' He thinks, smirking as he oogles his new body. Messy dark green hair, freckled face and big, round green eyes. His face had some chub on it, but he planned to work out. Getting this body to its peak physically will be easy.

"Hmm?" His hand reaches for his abdomen, a warm, swelling feeling begins rising and getting hotter. It wasn't long until Izuku was sweating, gasping in pain.

'What the fuck!' He yelled inwardly, collapsing into a meditative state. 'Whatever's going on, it's internally!' Shutting his eyes through gritted teeth, he dove deep into his consciousness, searching his body for the source of his growing agony.

'The navel! That's where it is!' A groan escaped his lips as his muscles tightened and his body strained. Stiffening as the heat and pain started to become unbearable; Just before it hit its peak though, Izuku found what he was looking for.

His eyes widened, a deep, black ominous core of power sat in place. Swelling as it threatened to burst. As if in a trance, Izuku's consciousness reached out and touched it.

It popped, swallowing his consciousness and flooding his body. Much like his counterpart, Izuku collapsed. Physically and consciously as the mysterious power overwhelmed his senses and reconstructed his inner workings. Flowing into the muscles, organs, cells and bones before reaching the brain.

The ball of Magical Energy soon dispersed its energy. Leaving Izuku on the floor in a puddle of sweat as he groaned, waking up within the hour. His mom had heard his groans, but figured he was crying.

She thought that it'd be best to leave the boy alone; Thinking there were no words she could say to her precious son that would fix his opinion on himself, and change his lifetime dream.

Unknown to her though, her son had died and been replaced by someone else's consciousness from another world, and with him came a rapid change and an unbelievable boost in power.

It wasn't until the next morning that Izuku had woken up. His school uniform was a mess and drenched in sweat. A raging headache attached itself to him as he slowly stood up, trying to feel for his changes that he immediately felt.

"Transcendent..?" Izuku muttered, frowning as his senses were overwhelming him. 'Is that the power that I was given? That's nice. It's quite cryptic though… I can't do much with just that much information.' He pondered, sitting on his bed with a sigh; Holding his head.

His concentration was broken though, his stomach reminded him just how hungry it was. Izuku scoffed, standing up and heading out the room, taking off his school jacket and throwing it on his bed just before.

Inko was surprised to see her son's appearance. He looked like shit- Not that it was something she'd comment on, but she did notice the redness around his eyes. His aura was something that caught her off guard though.. Compared to how his usual, upbeat, unconfident and always unsure gaze was replaced with one of unshakable pride.

His confidence was something so palpable she swore she could taste it.

"G-Goodmorning, Izuku…" She said, unsure of how to take her son's change. Izuku's eyes shifted from his breakfast plate to her, and for a second, she felt like she was being judged.

"Morning." He replied, his tone leaving no room for small talk. But she tried anyway. "S-So, how was school yesterday? Everything alright?" Izuku shrugged. "It was a day. Nothing exciting happened. How about you? How was your day?" Inko smiled in relief, seeing that her son's change was all in her head.

But she was wrong. Izuku figured that being cold and distant to his newfound caretaker would cause a rift in his only chance for normalcy and calmness. This house would be his new safe haven for a while until he gets on his feet.

"Ah, well- That's good to hear! My day was pretty good too. Work was slow, but it was manageable." She said, her voice cheery as her dangling feet bounced under the table.

Izuku forced an unnaturally good smile while nodding his head. "Since yesterday was the last day of school; Do you have anything in mind you want to do?" Inko questioned, not sure how to go about it to insure she didn't hurt her son's feelings.

Contrary to her thoughts, however, Izuku hummed. Filling his face with food before answering. "I'm attending U.A, mom. Haven't we been over this?" Izuku forced down a fed-up sigh. Eyeing his new mother, all he could think about was how pathetic her attitude is.

But that only made him cringe at how pathetic the past owner of the body he took over was. Crying about every little thing and going on and on about being a hero despite not having a 'quirk.'

What annoyed him to no end was how useless he was. Wanting to be a hero but taking no steps to conquer that goal. Besides how smart he was, he neglected the physical aspect.

'U.A entrance exam is on January 26th, and today is March 6th; Meaning I've got about a year to get my abilities under my control. Plus, getting on my own feet and getting out of this house. It's suffocating.' He mentally gags at the puppy eyes Inko is sending his way.

Even with the memories of the previous owner, his emotions weren't swayed to treat, and feel the same way about her as the old Izuku did. And he doubts he ever will.

Finishing his food, he washes his dishes as Inko turns into a stuttering mess. "W-Wait, r-really? Are you sure y-you still want to a-attend U.A? I-It'll be dangerous!" Her argument falls on deaf ears as Izuku rolls his eyes.

"I'll be fine, mom. I know what I'm doing. Besides, I have a quirk." His sudden announcement caused the gears in Inko's stop shutdown and malfunction. Izuku expected this but paid it no mind. Racking his dishes in the dish rack he was lost in thought; trying to figure out a place where he could test out his new abilities.

He felt the obvious changes, one of them being his incredibly enhanced senses. He could hear, feel, and smell everything. What baffled him the most was the sudden change in muscle density overnight. 'Whatever energy I acquired is a godsend.' Those were his thoughts on the matter.

"Q-Q-Quirk!? Really!? H-How! The doctor said you would never develop one! Come with me, we're heading there right now mister!" Izuku frowned, spinning on his heel.

"I was just kidding mom, jeez." She immediately frowned, the tears of happiness, confusion and anxiousness in her eyes started falling down her cheeks. Izuku internally cringed.

"-And, I know what I'm doing when it comes to U.A. I might not have a quirk, but I do have a brain. I know how to use it. Trust me." He reasoned, softening his voice as he pulled his teary eyed caretaker into a hug.

'No doctors! I hate them!' Internally though, he was reliving a bad memory from his past life. *Sniff* "How am I s-supoosed to trust you, w-when you made such a horrible joke!" She pouted, holding her head in her hands as she wiped her tears.

Izuku rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry.. I figured I'd start off with accepting reality. This new me is capable of so much now that I've got my head out of the gutter. I see now that I can go into a different section of U.A. After all, U.A supports all types of heroes." Inko nodded at that, still sniffling.

"Hmph, fine. Don't you ever play around like that again! I almost had a heart attack!" Izuku feigned a laugh, 'Please drop dead.' while mentally, he was cursing her existence.