
Rebirth of great warrior in past

The Great warrior Reborn in his past and Change his future

Daoist9Gg0go · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

The test of Sect

The sect called Blade IMMORTAL SECT In that sect there is a test to inroll a outer desciple and there are so many people come to give this test and there are so many noble people also and than a person Name Ho ge and when people see him they gossip one said "this ho ge was a second son of ho family and also he was in second stage of Earth surface refine realm and than there was girl name ti Ron and when everyone see him , one person say "see there was a goddess of our tan li city, see she also in second level of Earth surface refine realm she also come to give this test and than there was a person Name Ko ne and when some people saw him they say"see the ko family first talented son ko ne was also here and also he was in peak of second level of Earth surface refine realm" and when they three see each other they looking each other for 6 minutes and than after some time there was three persons come and they are on cloud and than in middle person say"I am A Grand master of this is sect and now I was going to tell you all what was a test was,there was a fighting test and in first round you have to fight without any weapons and in second round you only use a weapons no power or eye power can use and in third round there was a fight that you can use any thing you want and also if you want to go in second round you have to defeat your opponent and now the test began and than there was a person who stand with a box in his hand and they say"in this box there was a number who to right with and than anyone take a number and than the person say "1 number "the first number was a ho ge and other person and when that person saw that his opponent was ho ge they admitted defeat and than other participants go some win or some fail but than after the first round finish than that person say " there is 160 person when we started this tast and now there are only 70 person is left and now I was going to tell you second round rules you see that mountain in my back , you all have to go there tomorrow and find some unique things and now you all can go to your room and when all students go in there room than one person come and say to someone "master I bring that things on mountain that you tell me and now we have to wait and than our young highness will win this test " and than they go somewhere.


"Next chapter we are going to see one thing that all cultivate was very very afraid of some person and what thing that person bring on mountain."

The next Chapter will on Wednesday.

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