
Chapter 78 Deep Palace Heart Language

"It was really that little slut who attacked me, even copying the bench. I didn't even dare to attack her! It was that Jiang Xuening who instigated the little slut to do this from the side!"

"She has always been bullied by you, how dare she hit you?!"

"Really, dad, I'm not lying. Listen to my explanation..."

"You're just being domineering in the mansion since you're here. If you go out and still want to hit her, how can people say about Bo Mansion? Surprisingly, someone grabbed the handle and recruited the people of the Royal Guards to capture you all! Do you know how much money the mansion spent to catch you out?"


"Thirteen thousand taels, a whole thirteen thousand taels, it's all gone!"

Because everyone else said that she was the one who fought with You Fangyin before being arrested and interrogated by the people of the Royal Guards, everyone in the Bo family thought that she was the one who fought with You Fangyin when she was out, which led to this difficulty.

Even Uncle Qingyuan thinks so.

After all, who can believe a cowardly person like You Fangyin? Even a lowly maid in the mansion can bully her on weekdays. How could she take the initiative to pick up a stool to deal with the legitimate young lady You Yue, who is almost pinching her life?

It's like lying and not even knowing how to choose a credible argument!

You Yue, facing the raging anger of Uncle Qingyuan, is really an indefensible person!

I was locked up in prison all night, cold and hungry. The prison guard was particularly fierce, giving me rotten cold rice. At night, I didn't even light a light, and in the darkness, I could hear the sound of mice crawling and shouting, which scared her to the death and made her scream

After a whole night, I didn't dare to close my eyes.

By the time someone from the uncle's mansion picked her up the next morning, her eyes had already been swollen with tears, and her soles were covered in blood. Her clothes were dirty, her hair was messy, and she threw her head into the uncle's arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

You Yue thought that once she returned to her mansion, this nightmare would come to an end.

Unexpectedly, that was just the beginning.

===Kunning Section 98===

Just as she returned to the mansion, her father scolded her and ordered her to kneel on the ground, questioning how she caused such a big disaster. He also said that if it weren't for her bullying and beating You Fangyin, she wouldn't have attracted the Royal Guards!

Who knows the truth is that You Fangyin was the first to pick up the bench and beat her!

At that time, she didn't even have the courage to fight back!

But who would have thought that she was used to bullying You Fangyin on weekdays, using the truth to defend herself? From parents to maids, no one believed her, but instead frowned and thought she was looking for an excuse for herself, shirking responsibility!

And, thirteen thousand taels!

How much does that cost!

You Yue's eyes widened and she said, "Father, are you crazy? How can you give them 13000 taels?! The new Zhou Qianhu in the Royal Guards is colluding with Jiang Xuening! The money in his hands is like it's in Jiang Xuening's hands! I know, I know..."

At this point, her face suddenly twisted.

"This is a game, a trap! Dad, believe me, it's that little slut Jiang Xuening who deliberately instigated You Fangyin to attack me, and then deliberately reported to the government, calling that person surnamed Zhou to come and trap our uncle's money! Since they dare to do such a thing and force Dad to take the money, why don't we sue them in the palace? We can definitely make them unable to bear it!"

As long as Uncle Qingyuan thinks of that 13000 taels, his whole heart is dripping with blood. Although he saved You Yue, the current Bo Mansion is already struggling. This more than 10000 taels of silver is as painful as pulling his tendons or peeling his skin.

Seeing his beloved daughter return, he not only lacked any joy, but also became even more furious.

Hearing her talking nonsense now, Uncle Qingyuan finally couldn't bear it anymore!


In a fit of anger, the slap finally fell out and hit You Yue in the face!

Just as she was about to call someone to report to the authorities and accuse Zhou Yinzhi of accepting bribes, You Yue's face turned crooked and her head hummed. She couldn't stabilize her figure and fell directly towards the side!



"Uncle, what are you doing?!"

For a while, there were those who went to help You Yue and those who went to pull Uncle Qingyuan, and the hall was completely in chaos.

You Yue couldn't believe that her father, who had always favored her, would beat her, and it was because she was wrongly imprisoned that she was beaten. She was completely dumbfounded, and tears streamed down her face.

She pushed away all the people who were helping her.

Standing up, he rushed out of the hall and ran all the way back to his own room.

I took the key, flipped through the boxes and cabinets, and found everything valuable.

The maids and mother-in-law dared not step forward to stop her when they saw her terrifying expression.

But at this moment, I don't know what she's going to do.

Madam Bo was busy staying in the hall to persuade Uncle to calm down, but only Miss You Shuang was worried about her and quickly ran back to see her. When she saw that she had dug up all her savings, she was startled and said, "What are you doing? Father is just getting angry for a while. You usually bully You Fangyin and keep people locked up in the firewood room for ten days. It was only because you were still beating her outside that this incident occurred. Do you still want to run away from home and threaten anyone now?"

"Even you believe they don't believe me?"

You Yue has always felt that this sister is on the same wavelength as herself. There are only two of them who are legitimate descendants in the uncle's mansion, and those born to You Fangyin's lowly concubine are not even worthy of lifting their shoes.

When she goes too far with You Fangyin on weekdays, she doesn't come out to speak.

Now I'm pretending to be a good person!

She sneered and said, "Okay, okay, if you don't believe it, then don't believe it! Then Jiang Xuening is a villain who eats people and doesn't spit out bones. Everyone is in the capital, and one day they will bump into each other. Let me see what happens to you then!"

You Shuang felt that she was already irrational after being locked up in prison for a whole day, and she was stunned at these words.

But You Yue has already dug up her own private money.

There was a hint of terrifying paranoia on her face, and she only said, "As for running away from home? Don't worry, I'm not so foolish. Isn't it because of that more than ten thousand taels of silver that you spoke so harshly towards me? I'll show you what more than ten thousand taels of silver is!"

"What are you counting money for?"

You Shuang was inexplicably afraid.

You Yue looked at her and smiled, "What are you not doing?"

What I was thinking in my heart was that You Fangyin, that little slut, was also locked up in prison now, suffering a lot, and was several times more miserable than myself. And one day she will return to the mansion.

At that time, she will retaliate ten times and a hundred times back!

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and directly called in the servant who had previously inquired about the situation at the Shuxiang Inn. He asked, "How is Ren Weizhi doing there?"

The servant has been secretly inquiring about the situation for the past few days. Early this morning, there happened to be some urgent news. Upon hearing You Yue's inquiry, he quickly reported to the outside, "Yesterday, a well-known owner of the Youhuang Pavilion, Mr. Lv, visited the inn and went again early this morning. There were rumors that Mr. Lv had already invested in some stocks, but the truth is still unknown."

You Yue was delighted to hear it.

With such a big businessman coming to an end, things are reliable.

But then he became extremely anxious.

If someone else takes the lead in this matter, there won't be any benefits to be gained.

At present, she only said "I know" and then picked up the silver ticket in the box, turned her head, and walked outside the door.

You Shuang's eyelids twitched as she grabbed her and asked, "What are you going to do?"

You Yue impatiently shook her off and said, "You don't need to worry!"


Two days off, in the blink of an eye.

It's time for the accompanying readers to return to the palace.

People gradually arrived in Yangzhi Zhai and began to liven up.

Jiang Xuening talked for a while in You Fangyin's cell that night before leaving, but when she returned home, she was haunted by nightmares for some reason. She hardly slept all night and was busy counting the things Yan Lin had given her before. They were all packed in boxes and handed over to Jiang Boyou for processing. So when she returned to the palace the next day, she still had some energy left.

But she just looks a bit tired.

There are many people in the accompanying reading who are more haggard than her.

After the previous investigation of the anti party remarks, all the palace maids in Yangzhi Zhai changed their jobs and looked unfamiliar.

Everyone bowed their heads and stood far away.

In the Flowing Water Pavilion, Chen Shuyi was brewing tea, Xiao Shu was drinking tea, Zhou Baoying was eating tea snacks, and Yao Rongrong sat cautiously by the side, observing the crowd without daring to speak.

Yao Xi and You Yue sat opposite each other.

The circles of their eyes were both slightly red, but Yao Xi buried her head, lowered her eyes, and had a calm face. She looked at the cup in front of her, with a hint of gloom, but did not speak; You Yue, on the other hand, had swelling in both eyes that had not subsided. Even if she rolled over with boiled eggs, she looked as embarrassed as if she had just been beaten. She lifted her eyes and stared at Jiang Xuening who had just walked in from outside without any disguise.

This atmosphere, even a fool knows it's not right.

Jiang Xuening had just arrived and didn't notice Yao Xi, because at this moment, You Yue looked too miserable and conspicuous, making people couldn't help but notice her at a glance.

She thought that You Yue would be very miserable, but she didn't expect it to be so miserable.

Do you even know about that ten thousand taels when you look at her in the eyes that hate to eat her?

Just Jiang Xuening is not at all guilty.

With a slight smile on her lips, she walked in and looked back at You Yue without hesitation. She jokingly said, "You look like you've been in a disaster at home? You can't even cover the marks on your face with makeup. What's going on?"

You Yue really hates her.

But after going through the tea house, she finally understood completely: whether in the palace or outside, she couldn't compete with this woman. At least not yet!

This woman has a snake and scorpion heart, extremely vicious!

She hated and feared Jiang Xuening at the same time, and knew that she had no advantage in this Yang Zhi Zhai. Therefore, facing her obvious provocation and ridicule, she could only bite and swallow the blood in her stomach, afraid to reply.

All present were discerning people. From this simple turn, it was speculated that in the short two days outside the palace, You Yue might have stumbled in front of Jiang Xuening, so much so that even though she hated him at this moment, she was afraid that she couldn't even make a choking sound.

Jiang Xuening felt relieved when she realized she was being discouraged.

Just when he was fully prepared to sit down and lift his head, he accidentally met Yao Xi's cold gaze, but when he saw her lift her head, the cold looked stopped.

Yao Xi unexpectedly pulled open the corner of her lips and smiled at her.

Jiang Xuening suddenly remembered that late at night in the palace, when Zhang Zhe told her that she wanted to withdraw from the marriage, and when she thought about Yao Xi's smile at the moment, she suddenly felt a cold chill behind her back: Yao Xi had a narrow chest and a impure mind. Shouldn't she think it was her accusation behind her back that ruined her marriage?

But Yao Xi didn't say a word.

Jiang Xuening is even more difficult to ask.

This brief moment of eye contact, as if it had never happened before, did not stir up any waves.

They are eight companions, most of whom only arrive in the evening.

The last time she left, Princess Shenzhiyi of Leyang was still banned by the Empress Dowager;

When they returned to the palace this time, Shen Zhiyi's foot restriction had already been lifted. In addition, they had been accompanying her for a while, so they became familiar with Shen Zhiyi. Even at the suggestion of Xiao Shu, Tian Jiangye calculated the time to go to Mingfeng Palace to find her, which could relieve her boredom.

Shen Zhiyi was indeed feeling extremely tired and stuffy.

Because she pleaded for mercy for the Yongyi Marquis's mansion, she ended up arguing with her mother after a disagreement. She was asked to restrain herself and reflect, but she didn't know where she was wrong. Therefore, although the foot ban is lifted today, I am still angry and unwilling to go to the Cining Palace to pay my respects.

The accompanying readers came just in time.

Mingfeng Palace is her dormitory, and she has all kinds of entertainment. So she invited everyone to play together, sometimes playing shadow puppetry, sometimes going to Shuanglu, and even playing hide and seek a few times. It wasn't until late at night that Su Mama came to remind her to stop.

Jiang Xuening didn't sleep well last night and hardly closed her eyes throughout the day. She felt a bit absent-minded while playing, and when she saw them descending from Shuanglu, her head started to drift bit by bit, almost dozing off.

Shen Zhiyi saw this scene in her eyes.

She didn't care what others thought, so she told everyone else to disperse first. However, she took Jiang Xuening's hand and puffed her cheeks, saying, "Ning Ning, are you tired? Yangzhi Zhai is so far from my dormitory. You can sleep with me tonight."

Just sleeping here?

Jiang Xuening was so scared when she heard the word "sleep" that she woke up from so much drowsiness!

She spoke up to refuse.

But the joyful expression on Shen Zhiyi's face when she was playing with others earlier had disappeared. Her eyes drooped and she smiled, but she looked a bit disheartened and melancholic. She whispered, "I want to find someone to talk to."

At this moment, Jiang Xuening realized that she seemed to be eating soft rather than hard.

She knew why Shen Zhiyi was banned from walking, and also knew that she had been close to Yan Lin since childhood. Thinking about her status as the eldest princess at this moment, she could only watch her own imperial brother besiege the Yongyi Marquis's mansion with heavy troops and was powerless

The words that were originally on my lips couldn't be spoken.

Jiang Xuening finally said, "Okay."

The palace of Princess Chang is quite luxurious, with golden incense curtains and high beds and soft pillows.

Shen Zhiyi at least dragged Jiang Xuening onto the bed.

She changed Jiang Xuening into her own sleeping clothes, kicked out all the palace maids and nannies who served in the palace, and came to her with embroidered pillows barefoot, lying flat on the bed like her.

===Kunning Section 99===

The deep palace was silent.

The lights in the hall have all gone out, and only the Korean paper pasted on the window still reflects some light from outside.

Jiang Xuening suddenly felt a bit dazed.

Shen Zhiyi was beside her, looking at the top of the tent. She blinked and said, "Ning Ning, why do you think adults are different from us? Yanlin is so good, and the Marquis's Mansion is also so good. When I was a child, I even went to their mansion. The cherry tree grew tall, and the cherries on it were all red. I heard it was planted by Yanlin's aunt back then. I was very greedy and mischievous, and always wanted to pick cherries from that tree to eat. Yanlin always said it wasn't ripe and didn't want me to go up. Once, I lied to him that my uncle asked him to practice martial arts, and I secretly climbed up the tree and picked the cherries myself." "Eating, the result is really sour on my teeth."

Jiang Xuening's tears streaked the corners of her eyes.

Shen Zhiyi crossed her hands in front of her and wanted to cry. "Later, Yan Lin came back to find me, but couldn't find him. I hid on a tree, trying to scare him, but accidentally fell off the tree and fell to the ground, crying in pain. Yan Lin was scared and didn't dare to touch me. After calling someone over, she scolded me with a cold face and said I deserved it. My aunt saw him so fierce, so she invited a monk to beat him up and help me calm down. I have already forgotten how old I was at that time, and what happened later on. Just remember that tree, so tall, so tall." The sun is so big, so big, and there's that cherry. I remember it was sour, but when I think of it, it's so sweet... "

As she spoke, she really burst into tears.

In the past few days, I have never cried even after losing my temper, but perhaps I feel that Ning Ning is different from others. The first time I see her, I can speak to her heart, so I feel that such words can be said to her.

Although she is close to Xiao Shu, this kind of friendship is separated by a layer

Sometimes she even feels uncomfortable.

Although she was the most esteemed princess in this palace, others looked at Xiao Shu. The mother treated Xiao Shu as if she was no worse than herself, and they always felt that Ning Ning and A Shu were different.

Shen Zhiyi has never felt so sad before.

She couldn't help but hug Jiang Xuening and bury her head on her, tears streaming down her face. However, she dared not let the palace people outside hear her, so she suppressed the sound and sobbed.

Jiang Xuening felt a wet patch in her neck.

I only heard her blurry voice say, "I'm so scared. In the future, Yan Lin will be gone, the accompanying reading will be gone, and everyone will be gone. You will also be gone, leaving me alone..."

Jiang Xuening choked up in her throat.

She had to keep her eyes wide and restrain herself with all her might in order not to let her emotions collapse on such a night, in such a deep palace.

Even as a princess, there are moments of sadness and fear

Who can avoid vulgarity when living in this world?

Shen Zhiyi cried for a long time, but when she was tired from crying, she gradually fell asleep beside her.

Jiang Xuening tucked in the corner for her.

Turning sideways to gaze at the princess who was supposed to be pampered by countless things, she remembered her tragic and even sorrowful fate in the previous life. After a long time, she gently leaned down and kissed her forehead before retreating, barefoot on the cold ground of the dormitory, walked to a carved window, lightly opened a crack, and looked outside.

Palace lanterns hung high.

Red walls and flying eaves, overlapping and overlapping.

Compared to the simple Yangzhi Zhai, Mingfeng Palace is too much like Kunning Palace. Jiang Xuening cannot sleep, nor dare she fall asleep.