
Chapter 75 Jiang Xuening PTSD

The scene in the teahouse was extremely lively for a moment.

One person chasing, one person running.

The cold anger hidden in the eyes of those who were chasing had long since disappeared from their original weak and easy to bully appearance; The one running was even more embarrassed, accidentally tripping over the corner of the table and falling to the ground.

The waiter of the tea house used a lot of effort to snatch down that stool.

You Fangyin refused to give up even when she ran out of weapons. She grabbed You Yue, who was close in front of her, and started fighting, causing her delicate hair bun to be messy, her delicate makeup to be blossomed, and even the pearl hairpin on her head to fall off. She cried and made a fuss, where could there be any more arrogance from the previous Miss Qian Jin in the Uncle's Mansion?

Tang'er and Lian'er are afraid of causing trouble.

After Jiang Xuening spoke, both of them ran up, one on the left and the other on the right. It took a lot of effort to hold You Fangyin back and urgently advised her, "Miss Fangyin, there's no need to be angry about this. Don't be impulsive!"

You Fangyin's eyes were bright red, and even though she was persuaded, her body continued to tremble, as if she had not heard Tang'er or Lian'er's words. She stared fixedly at You Yue sitting on the ground and said, "Try moving Second Miss again!"

You Yue was already scared out of her wits and her soul was still uncertain.

Jiang Xuening looked at this scene, and the corner of her lips, which had just been lightly curved, slowly fell down. An indescribable sourness flickered in her heart: this foolish girl is willing to sacrifice her life for herself.

It wasn't until then that the maid who was originally serving You Yue realized and quickly stepped forward to help her up. She kept crying and asked, "Miss, are you okay?"

You Yue stood up trembling.

But she was afraid that You Fangyin might not have gone crazy yet, so she didn't dare to get close to her. She just retreated to the corner next to her and said in a trembling voice, "It's wrong, it's wrong. I see you've forgotten your own surname and name!"

This appearance is clearly fierce and cunning, with a strong exterior but a weak interior.

Jiang Xuening saw that her face was pale and her legs were still trembling, and she knew that she was an embroidered pillow. At this moment, she was just speaking harshly for her own face.

But when she returns to the mansion

You Yue has a tendency to navigate the wind and bully the weak and be afraid of the hard. Although she was scared by You Fangyin at this moment, if she returned to the mansion, everyone would listen to You Yue. When she regained her composure, she was afraid she wouldn't easily let You Fangyin go.

So, You Fangyin cannot go back.

Jiang Xuening's heart raced as a bold idea suddenly emerged and gradually took shape.

As You Yue spoke, she stared at You Fangyin's terrifying gaze and felt her heart furrowing. She was afraid that talking too much would arouse her ferocity, so she quickly turned her spear towards Jiang Xuening and said, "Even if you had been studying with classmates in the palace for more than ten days, I didn't see that you were such a despicable, shameless, and disgusting person!"

Jiang Xuening still covered her heart and said, "How could you speak so fiercely..."

You Yue saw her pretentious appearance and felt a surge of anger rush up her head. She pointed at her nose and cursed, "They are all foxes that have been around for thousands of years. What are you pretending to be in front of me? You have tricked me twice with the same trick, and even without any change, are you not tired of it?"

Jiang Xuening looked at her and her gaze suddenly became strange.

Why do you have to renovate your own methods to listen to what You Yue means?

It's not that it's not impossible

When You Yue first spoke, she didn't feel anything unusual, it was just cursing and cursing Jiang Xuening out of anger. But when she looked up and saw the thoughtful look in Jiang Xuening's eyes, she only felt a chill surge from under her feet.

When I react, I almost want to slap myself!

Silly or not, tell her this! Do you want her to come up with some new tricks to trick herself in the future?!

You Fangyin saw that You Yue was so domineering towards Jiang Xuening, and the aura she had just suppressed before faintly rose again. With a movement of her body, she wanted to step forward and do something.

But to her surprise, Jiang Xuening gently held down her hand.

She was momentarily stunned, afraid to move any further, fearing that she might accidentally hurt her recklessly. At the same time, she also looked up at her with some confusion.

Jiang Xuening didn't turn back, slightly lowered her eyelashes, and let out a faint sigh with a timid expression. She only said, "Please calm down, Miss You Er. Xuening also happened to pass by this teahouse today to rest. How did she expect to meet you so coincidentally? You misunderstood my disrespect towards you, so you attacked me, but I didn't mean to fight back at all. It's all because of You Fangyin!"

She was whispering softly earlier, but when she said the last sentence, her voice became louder.

You Yue was taken aback for a moment, without realizing it, with a bewildered expression on her face.

You Fangyin also looked at Jiang Xuening in extreme surprise, not understanding why she said so. However, the next moment, she felt Jiang Xuening holding her hand, exerting a slight force, as if hinting at her.

Then the hand withdrew.

Jiang Xuening, as if she had done nothing, angrily rebuked, "Although I saved her life, I had no connection with her at all. I didn't expect her to misunderstand our relationship and even pick up such a scary thing as a bench without saying a word to hit someone! Under the scorching sun, the emperor's feet are simply arrogant, there is no justice, there is no law!"

You Yue felt that her brain was a bit inadequate.

Jiang Xuening, however, looked at her firmly and said, "Miss You Er, you have suffered such a great injustice and almost lost your life. How can you give up easily? Let's report to the government!"

You Yue was foolish and said, "Ah?"

Jiang Xuening looked as if she wanted to draw a clear line with You Fangyin and said, "Report to the authorities, arrest her! Such an ignorant and disrespectful person, imprison her in prison for a few months and keep her safe!"

Report to the authorities, capture You Fangyin inside?

Can Jiang Xuening be so kind?!

Even if the sun rises from the west, You Yue won't believe it!

She has suffered so many losses under Jiang Xuening's hands that she can't even count them on her fingers! At this moment, I just feel a sticky mess in my head, and there's something wrong with my intuition. Although she was in the tea house, when she looked at the table in the hall, she felt it was a trap and surrounded herself, waiting for her to step forward without paying attention!

No, never report to the government!

Even if she doesn't know what Jiang Xuening is going to do, as long as she goes against her, it's absolutely right!

So, the tea house waiter and a few tea guests who had just put the bench back next to them saw a strange and confusing scene with a unique art style——

"No, I won't report it to the official. There's no need to report it to the official for such a small matter," said You Yue with caution and direct refusal

Jiang Xuening was extremely enthusiastic and said, "How can we say it's a small matter? We've all picked up benches and are about to hit you. It's really going to harm people's lives, and at worst, it's a provocation and disturbance that disrupts the security of the capital! This area is now under the control of the Jin Yi Wei. Who doesn't know the powerful methods of the Jin Yi Wei? We'll report it to the government and arrest her, she definitely won't have any good fruit to eat! Besides, if you don't report it to the government, the tea house will be ruined for no reason. There must be an explanation for these many things, right?"

The tea house waiter said, "..."

Actually, it's not worth much money.

But we dare not say either.

You Yue had already faintly collapsed, but still had a glimmer of hope. She wanted to reason with Jiang Xuening, saying, "I'm not injured, not sick, and there's nothing wrong with me. She hasn't hit me either."

Jiang Xuening ignored her.

Turning straight to Tang'er, he said, "Go report to the officials and invite the adults of the Royal Guards to take a look. Today, we must uphold justice for Miss You Er!"

You Yue almost went crazy and said, "Who wants you to preside over justice?"

Tang Er, who witnessed Jiang Xuening's actions throughout and also understood the underlying meaning of her words, felt a cold sweat rising from her head. However, when she looked up at her own girl, her face remained unchanged and her heart skipped a beat. When she acted, it was as if she was truly heartless!

She responded and left the tea house.

I followed my own young lady's instructions and went to report to the official.

As soon as You Yue saw that this posture was not right, she lifted her foot and wanted to leave.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xuening quickly grabbed her with her sharp eyes and a puzzled expression on her face, saying, "We have already gone to report to the government. Miss You Er, you are the bitter master. Don't leave!"

You Yue's eyelids twitched as she said, "It was you who reported to me, not me. Please let go!"

Jiang Xuening refused to let go and smiled kindly, "Am I afraid you might get angry?"

You Yue was so angry that her seven orifices were filled with smoke, and a sense of foreboding grew stronger and stronger. She only wanted to throw Jiang Xuening's hand away, regardless of whether it was three, seven, or twenty-one. However, as soon as she lifted her hand, it met Jiang Xuening's teasing gaze.

It's like saying: give it a try!

The scene of Jiang Xuening falling to the ground without being touched by her just now was deeply engraved in her heart. She almost immediately dared not do anything, fearing that if her hand were to go out, Jiang Xuening would fall to the ground and plant a false accusation. Suddenly, something like Shen Zhiyi and Yan Lin appeared around her, and she couldn't bear it anymore!

A person who intentionally blocks others and acts recklessly; A cowardly escape is a taboo.

The scene became deadlocked.

Jiang Xuening is carefree, but You Yue is extremely anxious.

Fortunately, the Royal Guards yamen was not too far from here, and the parties involved and the onlookers didn't wait long before the people arrived.

The Jin Yi Wei was established twenty years ago, when the rebellion of the Prince of Pingnan had just begun. In order to maintain public order in the capital, the former emperor specially appointed the Jin Yi Wei to coordinate with the Shuntian Prefecture and the Nine Cities Army and Horse Division to manage the order in the city.

However, later on, the Royal Guards gradually developed, and all the commanders were close courtiers of the emperor, so their hands extended a bit longer.

Inquiring intelligence, intervening in prison orders, investigating cases and taking people

In all matters of the court, one can see the shadow of the Royal Guards thrusting horizontally.

The Royal Guards have also caused disgust among civil and military officials as a result.

However, although there are few incidents in the capital nowadays, the rules set by the late emperor twenty years ago have not been broken. Whatever happens in the capital, it is still up to the Royal Guards to manage.

It's just a small matter of two people fighting, and Shuntian Mansion can solve it. Why are these people reporting to the Royal Guards blindly?

And surprisingly, even adults from thousands of households came together

The Jin Yi, who came to do the errand, was very hygienic. As he stepped in from outside the tea house and crossed the threshold, he couldn't help but mutter to himself. He even glanced beside him: the newly appointed Jin Yi Wei Qianhu Zhou Yinzhi was walking to his left.

The flying fish suit with a dark black background was embroidered with delicate patterns using fine silver thread. A spring embroidered knife was pressed into the scabbard at the waist, and Zhou Yinzhi's palm lightly rested on the cast silver handle.

He was very tall and brought a bit of oppression when he walked in.

A pair of eagle like eyes lifted up to scan, and they saw Jiang Xuening sitting in the lobby of the tea house, calmly drinking tea. Across from Jiang Xuening sat a young lady from the noble family with a pale complexion, and beside her stood a girl who lowered her head and brows, showing a hint of silence.

He doesn't recognize the last two.

The Jin Yi Wei who did the errand was his subordinate.

These small matters in the capital did not require him as a thousand households to come forward, but Tang Er came from the yamen and called to report to him. Furthermore, Zhou Yinzhi knew that it was Jiang Xuening who had to handle the matter.

So he called on a few subordinates and he followed along.

The subordinate at the beginning was called Feng Cheng, who was five big and three thick. His eyes were as big as copper bells, a bit scary, but at this moment he gave him a slightly hesitant look.

Zhou Yinzhi nodded lightly.

Feng Cheng understood and stood up straight. He walked up to the hall and asked, "Who reported the official?"

Jiang Xuening glanced at Zhou Yin for a moment before turning her gaze to Feng Cheng. She stood up and said calmly, "I have reported to the official."

You Yue also stood up, but wished she could disappear here.

Feng Cheng looked around and found no one dead or injured. He couldn't help but wonder, "Are you the bitter master? Why report the incident to the government? It's not like someone is causing trouble. Where are you?"

===Kunning Section 94===

Jiang Xuening reached out and pointed, "It's all here."

She first pointed to You Yue, and then to You Fangyin.

You Yue was so angry that she stared blankly.

However, You Fangyin blinked. To be honest, she didn't know what Jiang Xuening was going to do, but with a warm and forceful grip just now, she made her believe that the second girl would never be against her, so she didn't speak, just looked at her.

Jiang Xuening recounted the situation and said, "Sir, think about it. Even the bench has been lifted at the feet of the emperor. If we hadn't stopped him in time, we might have already caused a loss of life! This is Miss You Er from the Qingyuan Uncle Mansion, who is the bitter master. If you don't believe me, you can ask."

Feng Cheng heard that it was the uncle's house and served Dim sum.

He turned to look at You Yue and said, "Is what she said true?"

When You Yue was just in a stalemate with Jiang Xuening, she had already had half a cup of tea. After careful consideration, although the name of the Royal Guards still managed the security of the capital, this fact was insignificant. Even if they came, they would probably not want to pay attention to the constant attention.

Anyway, she is the one who suffers.

If the bitter master doesn't investigate, Jiang Xuening won't be able to stir up any trouble to plot against her in this matter.

At this moment, You Yue denied without hesitation, "Nothing!"

Jiang Xuening retorted, "But everyone just saw it."

You Yue's face turned ugly in an instant, and she resisted the urge to grind her teeth. She said word by word, "Please be aware that the person who started the fight was actually a commoner from my uncle's mansion, and she didn't fight either. If there's something to do, just go back and let her father punish her. There's no need to pursue it."

Feng Cheng felt inexplicable and said, "Are you not going to investigate?"

You Yue firmly said, "Yes."

Jiang Xuening's abacus was already clattering in her heart, feeling that there was no better way to kill two birds with one stone than this. Seeing that You Yue had already fallen into the trap, how could she let the cooked duck fly away?

She doesn't care what You Yue thinks.

Immediately, he coolly said beside him, "There are national laws and family rules. It's understandable for You Fangyin to be handled by the Uncle's Mansion if he commits a crime at home, but if he commits a crime outside, it will be governed by the laws and regulations of the country. If it's mild, it's a fight; if it's serious, it's trying to kill you but not succeeding! Isn't it serious?"

"No, what's wrong with you girl?"

Feng Cheng didn't know Jiang Xuening's identity. After learning that You Yue was the second legitimate young lady of the Bo Mansion, he instinctively thought that Zhou Yinzhi was coming for You Yue, and the Jin Yi Wei didn't want to meddle in this trivial matter. Who wouldn't want to lose two tasks?

So he didn't like Jiang Xuening very much.

At that moment, he frowned and stared at her, his voice unconsciously increasing, saying, "The bitter master has said that this matter will not be pursued. What are you shouting next to him?"

On the surface of the moon, there was an instant of joy.

Jiang Xuening glanced at Feng Cheng.

Feng Cheng still felt that this girl had so many things to do from somewhere. She was used to showing off in the Royal Guards and wanted to continue training her. Unexpectedly, a calm and cold voice suddenly came from behind, "What are you shouting about?"

Feng Cheng's neck caught a chill.

He recognized that it was Zhou Yinzhi's voice and turned his head stiffly to look at him. He saw Zhou Yinzhi frowning and looking at him, his deep black eyes cold and ruthless, making him feel like he was falling into an ice cave!

What, what situation?

He only said a word to the girl who had no eyes and no understanding. How did Lord Qianhu react like this?

The Royal Guards are a place of intrigue and conflict between people. Feng Cheng finally managed to sneak in and was a bit clever. He almost immediately realized that he might have yelled at the wrong person!

The curved lips of You Yue have already solidified.

Jiang Xuening's lips were tinged with a sarcastic smile.

The entire tea house was silent, and the waiter looked at the group of Jinyi Guards in the lobby with fear, muttering to everyone in his heart: well behaved, how could such a big battle be caused?

Zhou Yinzhi walked forward and bowed to Jiang Xuening, saying, "These people under my command are not aware of their importance. Their words have offended Miss Er. I hope Miss Er is not to blame."

Jiang Xuening and You Yue are both second in line in their own homes.

But now no one will mistakenly believe that the "two girls" mentioned by Zhou Yinzhi are referring to You Yue.

The subordinate Feng Cheng, who had previously scolded Jiang Xuening, now had a cold sweat on his forehead.

You Yue's face suddenly changed!

At this point, I finally understood what Jiang Xuening was up to!

Sure enough, I changed my methods to deal with her!

Looking at the tall man in the flying fish suit of the Royal Guards in front of her, she was trembling like a sieve of bran, unable to even hear her voice: "You, you, I am the bitter master! I, you cannot catch me..."

Zhou Yinzhi didn't laugh, let alone what reaction You Yue had. He only said, "In recent days, there has been chaos and chaos in the capital. We have issued orders not to provoke or cause trouble, but you have knowingly committed it. Moreover, you have been in this tea house for a while and can't inquire about the result, so it's impossible to determine whether the attempt to commit the crime was unsuccessful. The person in charge has taken these two suspects back to the yamen for trial."

Several Jinyi Guards behind immediately responded, "Yes!"

These people have already captured countless nobles and nobles, and they are not polite when they encounter women. They don't care how people struggle, so they immediately go up and catch them.

You Fangyin is okay, not rebellious, with a well behaved appearance.

You Yue was struggling desperately.

Their uncle's mansion used to have connections with the Royal Guards, so she naturally knew what methods these people used to interrogate. She only heard that those officials in the court who fell into the hands of the Royal Guards were more than dead. How dare she go?

Immediately he cried out, "Jiang Xuening has such a wicked heart that she colluded with these people to kill me! You dare not even capture the bitter master -"

I caught you, the "bitter master"!

Jiang Xuening furrowed her brows. She had previously pretended to have a kind face, but now all the warmth in her eyes had subsided. She only looked at her and said in her voice without any ups and downs, "What are you shouting about?"

People stand in the hall, like ice and snow.

The indifference and even a hint of coldness all over one's body make one feel cold at first glance.

Although this was said to You Yue, Feng Cheng, the Jinyi Guard who had not given her a long scolding before, dared not even lift his head and secretly regretted it.

You Yue suddenly closed her mouth.

She looked around and saw that the onlookers had already dispersed. The Jin Yi Wei, led by Zhou Yinzhi, stood in a dark and gloomy manner, feeling as if she had died from a moment of despair, but she dared not say a word anymore.

God knows how these people will torture her!

You Yue had a dazed expression on her face, as if she had lost her soul, and was escorted away by a group of imperial guards.

When You Fangyin was taken away, Jiang Xuening showed a faint smile at her.

You Fangyin then smiled back.

Zhou Yinzhi looked back at Jiang Xuening as he saw the person walking away and said, "A few days ago, I heard that the palace takes a break for ten days. Zhou decided to choose a time to personally come and thank you. I don't want to meet you today and I can do my best for you. But I don't know how the girl wants to handle this matter?"

Jiang Xuening walked back and sat down at the table.

She picked up her unfinished cup of tea and gave a faint smile, saying, "You Fangyin is my person, Lord Qianhu. You can handle it as you please. As for the Qingyuan Uncle's Mansion, which has lost its power, I heard that even a broken boat has a three point stake. Oh, when I came here today, I fell in love with a good qin, but unfortunately, it was a bit expensive..."

I've been a bit tight lately.