
Chapter 174: Treasure and Treasure

Shen Jie was the younger brother of the same mother as the current emperor Shen Lang. He was not only favored by the emperor, but also had a luxurious mansion built, covering an extremely wide area. If new guests do not have maids or maids to guide them, they may not be able to walk in the garden for long and may get lost.

But Jiang Xuening is very ripe——

Who said she lived in this mansion for over two years in her previous life? The Tingmu Garden Trail felt similar to what the palace had given her, and she couldn't even walk wrong with her eyes closed.

Coming out of Jiang Xuehui's secluded courtyard, she didn't really want to go back to the female guest's seat and was too lazy to handle it. She walked along the corridor next to the small lake in the garden, hoping to find a quiet place to hide for a while, and then went out when the banquet was over.

Unexpectedly, I turned around the corridor and met Shen Jie.

The groom who got married today is dressed in a bright red wedding dress, which further accentuates his face like a crown of jade and exudes a warm temperament. Behind him was a group of attendants, which made people feel more and more like a tree of orchids and jade, surrounded by stars and the moon.

Looking in the direction, he is coming from Fang Miao's side of the main house and heading towards Jiang Xuehui's side.

Both of them were somewhat surprised by this encounter.

Shen Jie was taken aback for a moment, then reacted and bowed, saying, "Miss Er, you are polite."

Jiang Xuening was dazed for a moment.

The other party's attire is the same as in their previous life.

But what she saw at that time was not in the outside sky, but in the new house. I don't know if it was due to drinking too much alcohol or having a thin face. When this His Highness lifted her cap with a joyous scale, his handsome face blushed faintly under the red candle. At that time, she also developed a slight dizziness, but tenderness and sweetness were all illusions, because she was originally ruthless towards this person, so beyond the illusion, the boundless emptiness spread in her heart.

===Kunning Section 219===

She bowed and said, "The mansion of His Highness the Prince of Linzi is too large. I just wanted to take a shortcut and go back to the banquet, but I didn't expect to get lost after only two steps."

Shen Jie guessed the same.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xuening stared at him for a moment and suddenly asked the attendant beside him, "Do you have any wine?"

Those people were taken aback and instinctively looked at Shen Jie.

Shen Jie didn't know what Jiang Xuening meant.

Jiang Xuening smiled and explained, "Although I am not familiar with His Highness, I have also been taken care of by His Highness in the palace. His Highness and Yan Lin were old friends, and now that he is exiled to Huangzhou, he may not be able to come to congratulate him personally. In terms of both love and reason, I should represent myself and Yan Lin. I toast Your Highness and congratulate him greatly."

Shen Jie finally understood.

Just mentioning Yan Lin, he couldn't help but feel a bit dejected. He only asked someone to go and fetch the wine first, but said, "It used to be a great day of joy, but now Yan Lin is not here, and Zhi Yi is also not here..."

He doesn't have a deep friendship with Jiang Xuening.

Outsiders all say that Jiang Er is domineering and arrogant, but perhaps she has heard a lot of Yan Lin's chatter and also knows that the imperial sister Shen Zhiyi treats her very well. Shen Jie does not have the same opinion as ordinary people.

He first served guests in the front hall, and everyone said that he married the two concubines on both sides at the same time today, enjoying the happiness of everyone.

He expressed gratitude on his face, but was not so happy in his heart.

From the perspective of others, he has no reason to be unhappy.

At present, Jiang Xuening's words were not a pleasant topic, but Shen Jie suddenly felt a sense of relief, as if she had a legitimate reason to be unhappy.

There is a water pavilion nearby.

Today, there was great joy in the mansion, and drinks were prepared everywhere for guests.

The servant quickly retrieved the wine and poured one for each of them.

Jiang Xuening picked up a lamp, but what came to mind was all the things that Shen Jie had taken with her in the previous life, celebrating her birthday, being granted the title of empress, and even leaving the imperial jade seal for her safekeeping on her deathbed. Although this object later became the cause of her suicide and burial, as an emperor, he was truly impeccable in treating her as someone who had no feelings for him.

Just being too kind-hearted leads to cowardice.

She raised her glass to him and said slowly and seriously, "Your Highness is a good person. With this glass from Xuening, I wish you all the best in your life and peace and prosperity."

What one wishes for can be fulfilled, and peace and prosperity will follow.

It was just an ordinary greeting, even on his wedding day, it had a strange and untimely taste.

Shen Jie frowned slightly and looked at her.

She smiled calmly, her clear eyes without any calculation, just sincere, like a gentle flow flowing through the heart, making people gradually feel ironed. The cups extended out and lightly touched him, then he looked up and drank himself out first.

Shen Jie blinked, but felt a moment of confusion.

What did the girl in front of me put down? It seems like my whole body has relaxed.

He couldn't understand it, but his lips curved and he smiled at her relaxed posture, only saying "May I borrow some auspicious words", and he also looked up and drank it all.

In her previous life, she was ruthless towards Shen Jie, but Shen Jie showed him utmost kindness and righteousness; In this life, she avoided the intersection with Shen Jie, not only giving herself a freedom, but also hoping that without her own burden, the other party would receive a good reward.

Jiang Xuening put away the cups and said goodbye.

The posture of turning around and leaving can be described as carefree and unrestrained.

Shen Jie stood in place for a long time, but for some reason, she felt lost and lost. Until the attendant reminded him, he lowered his gaze to look at the wine cup in his hand, put it back in the attendant's hand, and continued towards the courtyard where Jiang Xuehui was located.


Jiang Xuening met Shen Jie on the way and also said that she didn't know the way, so she didn't have to be afraid to find a place to hide. She met a quiet boat by the small lake ahead and sat beside it, sorting out what she had to do after going to Sichuan while waiting for the sun to set.

The front hall was really lively for a while.

From afar, one could hear the sound of the mountains calling for longevity, and then they knew that the emperor and empress had made a trip. Soon after, they heard another farewell, and they knew that the emperor had left again.

As it was getting dark, she expected it would be almost the same before getting up again and walking towards the front hall.

At this moment, some guests with official duties have already bid farewell first.

Jiang Xuening asked the attendant that Jiang Boyou was in the pavilion at the east corner of the garden, and then found his way.

Sure enough, from a distance, I saw Jiang Boyou standing facing outside, talking to several people, one of whom stood with his back facing away.

The sky is dark and the light is dim.

She didn't see clearly for a moment and got closer. The voice of the person came into her ear, and her body turned slightly before she could recognize it. In this moment, there was indeed a sudden feeling of looking back and the dim lights, a faint heat rolling over my heart, leaving behind an indelible burn.

On the day of the Shu Xiang Inn, the conversation had already begun. Although Jiang Xuening felt that she was not someone who would cling to it, she was afraid of embarrassment when meeting. As soon as he was recognized, his footsteps stopped not far or near.

Jiang Boyou had a good eye, but he did see her.

But after talking to everyone for a while, they said goodbye to each other. Zhang Zhe didn't know she was right behind her, but when he turned around, he saw her standing under the crabapple tree and his figure froze.

But he didn't speak.

Jiang Xuening remained silent.

Until Jiang Bo swam over and said with a smile, "Why did you come to me?"

Jiang Xuening blinked and withdrew her gaze, saying, "I just remembered some matters in Sichuan and felt like I had to talk to my father."

Jiang Boyou looked around as if he was avoiding something. He waved his hand and said, "Coincidentally, I also have some thoughts about your marriage. I want to talk to you about it and talk to you on the way back. I'll go say goodbye to the other colleagues first, and you can wait for me for a moment."

Jiang Xuening didn't know what his thoughts were, but he didn't ask deeply for the time being.

Just nod and watch him go.

When she turned around to find Zhang Zhe, the place where he had stopped was already empty.

In the previous life, fate had no connection;

In this life, there is no fate.

She chuckled and cursed the heavens for causing trouble for her, feeling that it might take some time for her to come out.

After standing for a moment, feeling tired again, I decided to walk towards the pavilion.

Just as she passed by the nearby clump of southern bamboo on the stairs, Jiang Xuening's gaze was wrong, only to suddenly see a black silver patterned brocade bag hanging between the slightly red leaves of early summer, like someone accidentally hanging it away when passing by this sprawling branch.

She picked it up casually and didn't pay much attention.

However, upon receiving it, I felt familiar.

In the previous life, Zhang Zhe didn't often hang such a brocade bag around him?

Once, she suspected which girl had given it to her and came to play with it. I thought Zhang Zhe had been tormented by himself and lost his temper, but unexpectedly, his face suddenly changed. Although he remained patient and reserved, he frowned with a hint of deep anger.

She can't hold on, she returned it.

Later on, it was discovered that it was a loving mother with a heart full of punches and love for her son, stitches and seams. Although it didn't contain any important things, it had extraordinary significance for Zhang Zhe.

If she had found this item in the previous life, it would have been necessary for her to mock and satirize it. However, now that she has seen it, her eyes are full of sourness. She only thinks that if she finds out that the item is lost, she will be very worried. She plans to entrust it to the servants of the royal family for safekeeping, in case he returns to search.

You can take a step and hear the sound of small objects colliding inside the brocade bag.


Jiang Xuening suddenly froze, her fingers trembling. Staring down at the brocade pouch in his hand, some complicated thoughts flashed through his mind, but it was like a vast white mist, leaving no trace.

After standing for a long time, she slowly untied the brocade pouch.


Dozens of gold and silver ingots resembling auspicious fruits and melons for the New Year rolled down from them and scattered in her palm. Accompanied by the falling, there was also a half folded thin paper, with ink stains faintly visible on the back.

Jiang Xuening's tears suddenly fell down.

She pressed hard on her heart, but felt like she was drowning and couldn't breathe the next moment.

The nervousness of hanging the brocade bag outside his door that night, and the solitary courage standing in front of him that day, asking his heart directly, all passed through his heart. However, at this moment, it turned into an incomprehensible absurdity, an infuriating sorrow

"Zhang Zhe, I belong to you."

"Miss Jiang, please forgive me. I already have someone in my heart who is interested."

If you really care about others and have no interest in me, then what is it to keep these things?