A journey filled with blood and schemes for survival and revenge. Never had she thought love will also come as a twist worming slowly but surely in her heart.
Finally the dinner had come to its end each one headed towards their tents to rest but with secret glances it was sure that they were going to meet each other later.
Among all only the emperor and empress had a wonderful evening. Eating and drinking to brim of their neck not to forget flirting with each other while enjoying the incident as if watching a drama.
Pei Jin went along with Yusheng but soon came out as he knew that someone is more than eager to meet him. Yusheng too aware of the possibility went to have a nice bath and to bed.
Pei Jin had just finished his bath when tao comes to inform him on arrival of the person. With as expected look he calmly dresses and moves to meet the person. Though tent it was spacious with all the furnitures and divisions.
Xu Xiuzhi was sipping on the tea when Pei Jin arrives. With Pei Jin seated and left alone he finally asks "something bothering the prince.. your arrival is suprising for benwang.."
Xiuzhi curses Pei Jin for acting aloof and innocent but could only smile and reply humbly "indeed there's a matter... this prince without going in circle wants to be direct.. your highness I am in dire need of your support.. though not legitimate this prince still has the support and ability to be the next heir.. but because of fathers bias nature and scheming empress this prince was forced out... not to forget the malicious nature of ones brother this prince with ones family's life is hanging by a thread..
Shiyou is ambitious like ones father.. his delusions, greed and risk it all to be the supreme ruler will soon bring great destruction for all... while this prince just wants to rule over huajin and have no intention to chew more than one can swallow..
Currently this prince doesn't have anything beside promises to present on table for negotiation...but this prince definetly won't turn white eyed wolf in future.."
Finishing his part he waits for Pei Jin to answer and express his view. Pei Jin who was playing with his engagement ring smirks "heh.. though you said of being direct you have yet to declare on how and what type of help you are seeking from benwang...benwang knows about Shiyou's appetite but it does not worry benwang.. after all dream and reality are two different things...when pushed to corner even a rabbit bites.. and what Shiyou wants is not some harmless rabbits but countries with hidden tigers and dragons...
To make it worse for huajin every nation knows of your fathers and Shiyou's ambitions.. which has lead everyone to be wary and prepare themselves from future invasion.. with time it is not only huajin that is sharpening their tools and youths.. but don't know why your emperor and Shiyou seems to diregard this factor.. either huajin has already more than enough resource to force their claim or they are insanely delusional idiots.. whatever the cause benwang will be direct to you of not having a least bit of worry or fear from huajin...
Even given five more years huajin still isn't enough to pose as a threat for Nanling or benwang...thus benwang doesn't need to get involved in the inside matters related to huajins political situation..."
Listening to that confident voice and clear facts Xiuzhi was short on words. Indeed as Pei Jin said there were too many flaws with his father and Shiyou's dream of supremacy. His plan to have Pei Jin pushing the wave seemed nothing than a foolish dream of his leaving him depressed and frustrated.
Pei Jin could sense his agitation seeing the timing was correct he speaks "though benwang is not interested nor desire to get involved in huajins political issue...benwang is angry from today's events... just think it is as if benwang venting anger rather than giving you a hand.. no need to return anything..."
Xiuzhi jerks his head to look at Pei Jin his feeling inside was similar to having come back from death. With excitement and hope in his eyes he sits upright waiting for Pei Jin's advice.
Getting the reaction he wanted Pei Jin also no longer dawdles "benwang's consort has already sent the letter with the fastest eagle to huajin.. as she had mentioned earlier she had asked for you and third princess to be rewarded for your well manners.. benwang is also planning to send a letter representating the entire Nanling to give an explaination for the person offended today is also benwang's consort and future empress of Nanling beside lord of the valley.. with back to back letters demanding explaination the court would surely be in chaos..
With the countries meet at the end of the year and to appease benwang's consort huajin would definetly compromise to utmost...send a letter to your father implying that Nanling may back off from the upcoming countries meet.. give him assurance that you were able to create a good image infront of benwang's consort and you will try your best to have her and benwang attend the countries meet...with benwang's consort praising you they wouldn't think of you being an opportunist...
Benwang is sure that Shiyou would also send a report about the issue have it obstructed on the way until our letters gets first.. how you do it is none of benwang's concern..as the issue is related to benwang's consort huajin wont have time to think and act for long.. your supporters inside should take this chance to have some benefits gained for you in the name of reward...with the urgency of matter emperor will be forced to reward you to the best level... and it would suffice to have you more leveled ground.. how you use your advantage is still not benwang's worry.."
Xiuzhi was awed by such simple method where he could gain maximum advantage. Though he was still depressed about Pei Jin's unwillingness to join hands with him but for now the situation was indeed advantageous for him making him satisfied.
Sensing Pei Jin annoyed mood he dare not prolong his stay and delaying this demons sleep thus cupping his fist he thanks and takes his leave. Outside the tent he felt as if he was walking on air quick on his feet he reaches to his tent and immediately starts to write.