A journey filled with blood and schemes for survival and revenge. Never had she thought love will also come as a twist worming slowly but surely in her heart.
Inside the study room served with warm tea were Yusheng, Pei Jin, Prime minister, General Yan, mister of war, work and finance. The normally big room seemed crowded by the presence of people.
Pei Jin who sat beside Yusheng starts the conversation "As you all know with coming winter will also arrive several problem for cities where crops become scarce and so does raising cattle's. This problem has been circling around for decades and time and again our treasury is halved to keep the people well fed.
We need to come with a long term solution where the nation need not worry about winter or people. Though it may sound impossible but it's not just some things need to be changed. Along with that we need to stregthen some of our borders and cities. Benwang and lord of the valley have you here to share some ideas for this very purposes."
All the people keep their silence acknowledging the issue and urging for the couple to continue. Minister of finance and war were eager to learn as this issue was a big headache for them.
Pei Jin speaks "currently beside the three cities which are Xuzhou, Green wind and Caimin the rest of the cities are doing very well. Our focus would be these three cities which has been plagued by natural disaster and the authorities pocketing the funds making it worse. Though the situation was taken under control it isn't sufficient for the coming winter or future. Not to forget Green wind and Caimin once belonged to Huajin the security there must be tightened.
We should stop green wind and caimin's focus on agriculture of crops and cattling which isn't fruitful due to its terrain. We will revive the things what it is best at...for Caimin it would be their pottery skills... we will provide assistance to people who have the knowledge of decades with fund and encourage people to learn the art.. their glazed pottery skills were once called best and we will make sure that it revives.. with abundant source we just need to provide fund and assure people that in coming years their glazed pottery would circle in the entire world...
For Green wind producing silk and mulberry trees is the most suited... though the process is long but in years it will be producing the highest quantity and quality silk.. though the time of plantation is off but not impossible... send some of the best farmers and people from ministry of work to create massive green houses for silk worms and planting the trees... contact ministry of trade to provide the silkworm eggs...
For Xuzhou we will focus on its agriculture and cattling as the climate and terrain are very good.. it will be the provider for the two cities for food.. urge the farmers to focus on planting more green and winter vegetables coming winter along with seasonal types.. have the ministry of work send their best men to work on irrigation system so that cultivating rice enough for three cities is possible..beside that Xuzhou will also focus on horse breeding than other cattle's.. it will both provide as source of food and support with its resilience physique...have ministry of trade also export healthy horses...
With time all the cities would flourish with their skill, unique climate and terrain which has been source of trouble and disaster for decades.." finishes Pei Jin looking to all the people for any objection.
Yusheng who was quiet joins in "as we agree on this steps... let's head toward to the solution for the coming winter and survival of the people... first rather than focusing on only rice we should encourage people for food preservation... with sufficient green vegetables they can prepare enough pickled vegetables till the end of winter... similarly prepare for the meat to be preserved.. tally the number of cattle's and send for more... have the three cities turn all their rice to flour enough to last the winter..
inform Clear water city to divide portions of dried small fishes and shrimps for the three cities..provide with man power if not sufficient... also have other cities divided a portion of rice and wine vats without effecting them ..for the three cities.. this way there won't be fear of imbalance and people will have much to eat.. this lord will provide for medicinal herbs and recipies to make simple herbal soups... as time is of essence have the man powers increased with the preparation half done a week should be more than enough to complete...with fast horses by the second week of October the things should reach its destination.."