
She's so cute

Bai Feng laughed out loud and flicked her forehead while Wan Chao wasn't paying attention.

Wan Chao took a deep breath, widened her eyes, and punched Bai Feng.

The playful Bai Feng immediately dodged away and circled around his brother, Lanting, and Bai Zhexi. Wan Chao raised her eyebrows, gnashing her teeth as she tried to bounce back.

She was not at all at a disadvantage at the moment and felt that this Bai Feng was playing with her. She felt that it was an extraordinary shame that a thirty-six-year-old person had been taken advantage of by a twenty-five-year-old.

Manager Bai stuck out his tongue and made a face at her as he ran, and it even made Wan Chao angry. She thought to herself that he must grab this brat and give him a good beating, and let him know what a tiger's butt that couldn't be touched!

For a moment, besides the two people fighting in the room, Bai Lanting and Bai Zhexi, as well as the attendant, were all dumbstruck.

Such a grown man, yet he was actually toying with a sixteen year old girl.

He really knew how to play!

Bai Lanting embarrassedly apologized to Bai Zhexi while he stopped his brother.

"I'm sorry, my little brother has always been naughty."

"Chao'er has been spoiled by me, so her temper isn't that good either."

The two of them smiled at each other and went to stop each younger brother and daughter.

"Bai Feng, hurry up and stop!" Bai Lanting grabbed his younger brother.

"Chao'er, let's not play around. We have to go home."

Wan Chao saw that Bai Feng was being held back by his brother Lanting and flicked his forehead.

"Aiyo, why are you doing so much? It hurts!" Bai Feng covered his forehead and shouted, while complaining to his big brother, "Bro, how can you help Wan Chao!"

Bai Lanting said with a helpless expression, "How old are you? Why are you bullying this little girl!"

Hearing Bai Lanting's words, Wan Chao glared at Manager Bai, turned around, and pulled Bai Zhexi's arm as they walked out.

Manager Bai's voice sounded from behind them. "Aiya, I'll send you guys back. I still need to get some soy melons."

On the way back to the courtyard of the glassworks, while Bai Zhexi wasn't paying attention, Wan Chao took advantage of her inattention and hit Bai Feng several times in the driver's seat in front of her, causing the latter to grimace in pain.

When they finally arrived at the courtyard of the glass factory, Bai Feng's car drove directly into the yard and immediately, people began to watch.

The people in the courtyard were basically the laid-off workers of the factory. They were all ordinary citizens, and no family could afford to buy a car.

Just as Bai Zhexi got out of the car, Auntie Ma's voice came from the second floor, "Aunt Bai, whose car is this? "So beautiful."

The rest of the people in the courtyard were also curiously waiting for Bai Zhexi's reply. The two of them were famous in the courtyard for being destitute. To suddenly return in a sedan was truly eye-opener for them.

Bai Zhexi smiled, but before she could think of how to reply, Bai Feng got out of the car and said with a smile, "My surname is Bai, I'm Chao'er's cousin."

Wan Chao, who was closing the car door, laughed coldly. She ignored the people around her and walked towards her house.

When everyone heard that it was someone with the surname 'Bai', they assumed it was some sort of relative of Bai Zhexi. For a moment, everyone was full of envy.

"I thought your relatives were gone, I didn't expect them to be so rich."

"Your hard life is coming to an end now. This car must be worth quite a bit of money."

"Oh, so you're Chao'er's cousin. Are you here as a guest?"

Bai Zhexi wanted to explain a little bit, but Bai Feng pulled her affectionately up the stairs. She raised her head and saw that Chao'er was about to enter, so she spoke a few sentences and quickened her pace to catch up.

She wanted to give the soy melon to Bai Feng so that he could leave as soon as possible. In the future, if there was nothing else, she would not let this young man come.

When she entered the house, she saw that Wan Chao's door was closed. Bai Zhexi thought that her daughter was probably in her room, so she didn't care about her and politely said to Bai Feng, "Do you want some water? Auntie only has boiled water here."

The house was a mess. Pots and basins of pickled vegetables were placed everywhere, and the smell of pickled vegetables permeated the air. It really wasn't a place to entertain guests.

However, Bai Feng said while grinning, "Auntie, I love drinking boiled water. Just pour me a cup, I'm thirsty."

Bai Zhexi chuckled and had no choice but to let him sit while she poured water in the kitchen.

Bai Feng looked at the soy sauce, and even raised its voice to say a few words to Bai Zhexi with interest.

"Auntie, the color of this soy dish is different from the one I ate."

"Oh, that'll have to be marinated for two more days."

"Eh, I've never eaten this soy dish before."

Bai Zhexi carried a cup of hot water and hurried out. When she saw it, she heaved a sigh of relief and said, "This is a dried radish that was dried in the sun and was only pickled yesterday."

Bai Feng took a deep breath and replied, "It smells good, and it looks delicious. It must be very chewy. Once the marinade is done, Aunty, you must send two catties to Beijing Hotel."

Bai Zhexi smiled, "Ah, don't worry."

Only then did Bai Feng take the water and drink it.

"Ai, hot …"

He quickly found a place to throw up, but he couldn't find it. The ground was littered with jars of soy sauce, so he could only swallow it down with difficulty. Then he opened his mouth wide, stuck out his tongue and inhaled the cold air.

Bai Zhexi felt a little embarrassed. She said, "About that, it's hot, right? Auntie can bring you a block of ice."

"Ai, alright. Thank you Auntie."

Inside the fridge was the ice cream made by Wan Chao two days ago. Bai Zhexi thought about it, then gave a ice cream to Whitey.

Bai Feng took it happily and took a bite. "This taste is really good."

"This is made by Chao'er. It's good as long as you like it."

Bai Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled. "I didn't think that Chao'er knew how to make ice cream."

Seeing her daughter's tightly shut door, Bai Zhexi said, "Bai Feng, auntie will go and get the melon for you. Just you wait."

He will send Bai Feng away after taking the soy sauce. Chao'er couldn't be really angry, right?

Actually, Wan Chao in the room didn't even bother to pay attention to the retarded Bai Feng as she was busy writing her homework.

"Sure, auntie. Where is the soy melon?" Do you need my help? " Bai Feng asked passionately.

There was no reason for a guest to act. She quickly waved her hand and refused. She took the small basin, also a pair of chopsticks, and went out the door.

The jar of melons was in the basement, and each of the houses in the glassworks had been assigned a small basement.

Seeing that Bai Zhexi had left, Bai Feng looked at the tightly shut door and shook its head in amusement. This girl was always so old, so she wasn't like a young girl in the prime of her youth.

When he saw the photos hanging on the wall, he carefully looked at them one by one.

The first thing he saw was a one or two year old child. She was dressed in red and had braided hair. Her lips were red and white, and she was hugging a red fruit. She was extremely beautiful, just like a lucky girl in a new year's painting.

One could even see Wan Chao's expression on her face.

Bai Feng could not help but say with pity, "She's so cute when she was young. If only I could hug her when she was this young. But now, she's like a tigress. You can't even touch her!"