

Jiang Kechu would never have thought that he would be called an uncle at the age of twenty-six. Moreover, it was a sixteen year old girl. He felt his forehead twitching.

He felt as if he had seen Wan Chao's banter, and his heart froze. This girl was doing it on purpose!

That's right, Wan Chao did it on purpose, so she called him Uncle Jiang on purpose. After she finished calling him uncle, she felt that the term 'uncle' was very good.

This way, she and Jiang Kechu were not of the same generation, and it was impossible for them to continue in that direction. This could also be considered a way to draw a clear line.

Seeing Jiang Kechu's patient expression, Wan Chao shouted again, "Uncle Jiang, why have you come to our house?"

She had just seen the sorrow on Bai Zhexi's face.

It would be best if this Jiang Kechu had a good excuse. If he just wanted to take a look, then he might as well not come.

Seeing that Wan Chao was a bit hot and pressing, Bai Zhexi quickly pulled her and said, "Chao'er, don't be rude. Comrade Jiang has sent over the military pension."


Didn't the pension come at the time of the sacrifice? Why is it still so many years ago?

Seeing the sharp gaze of this little girl staring at him, Jiang Kechu knew that she was not easy to get rid of.

He thought for a while, then explained, "Many people in the army have been cared for by Commander Wan. When they heard that I was coming here, they gathered some money for me to bring over."

Wan Chao was silent for a few seconds, then said, "Oh, so you came on the way."

The people his father had cared for hadn't shown up once in the past six years, and now that their lives were looking good, what was the use of these so-called pensions?

Bai Zhexi and Jiang Ke Chu had seen all the complaints clearly on Wan Chao's face.

Jiang Kechu's eyes flashed, but he didn't say anything.

Bai Zhexi felt that her daughter was a little too naive, so she quickly pushed Wan Chao into the room. "Chao'er, you read first. Mom will make dinner soon."

Then she turned to Jiang Ke Chu, "Sorry, Comrade Jiang, I've spoiled Chao'er. This child lost her father at such a young age …"

Faced with the remains of a kind-hearted and grieving martyr, Jiang Kechu could only reply with a deep voice, "That's okay, we've indeed failed."

"If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first. If you need anything in the future, you can make a call."

Earlier, he had left a phone number for Bai Zhexi.

Bai Zhexi said "It's time to eat. You probably haven't eaten yet, so you should stay here for a meal before leaving. I'll be able to prepare it very soon."

"No need, I'm not hungry yet."

Bai Zhexi said "You're a comrade in the imperial army. It's rare for you to come here, and you even brought so many things. How can you leave without even eating a meal? If the imperial army finds out, they will definitely blame me."

It was not easy for him to come all the way here. Bai Zhexi's attitude of inviting Jiang Kechu to eat was very sincere and very cordial.

In the end, Bai Zhexi had kept Jiang Kechu, and Jiang Kechu couldn't find any words to reject her.

In the room, Wan Chao listened to the sounds in the living room.

When he heard that Jiang Kechu had no other choice but to stay for the meal, she humphed.

"Don't you, Jiang Kechu, know how to speak? I didn't expect you to be in such a difficult situation".

Thinking that she would have to eat at the same table as Jiang Kechu later, Wan Chao's thoughts became complicated, and the book in her hands didn't move for a long time.

Soon, Bai Zhexi's shout sounded from outside.

"Chao'er, come out for a moment."

When Wan Chao walked out in confusion, Bai Zhexi handed over a small bowl and a pair of chopsticks, saying, "Go to the basement and get a soy melon."

There really wasn't much to entertain at home. Bai Zhexi felt that the sauce was quite tasty, so she wanted to take it out to entertain Jiang Kechu.

Wan Chao quickly figured out Bai Zhexi's intentions. She glanced at Jiang Kechu from the corner of her eyes and said unwillingly, "Mom …"

Bai Zhexi pushed her and coaxed, "Hurry, go do it. Mom will cook."

Wan Chao was pushed to the door. She didn't want to say anything in front of Jiang Kechu, so she could only head down to the basement.

Although Jiang Kechu didn't say anything, he had a clear view of this girl's every move. He couldn't help but smile.

There was really nothing to do. He listened to Bai Zhexi's busy voice in the kitchen, then stood up and looked at the photo frame on the wall.

The bright red photo of Wan Chao was first seen. Jiang Ke Chu recognized it at a glance. He thought to himself, "This little girl looks pretty cute when she's young."

He shifted his gaze to the other photos. The picture of Wan Shigou in his military uniform was still there. Jiang Kechu's expression turned serious.

He did not enlist until the second year after the death of Wan Shigou. His company was named after him.

This trip to the Wutong was originally another matter. When his old superior learned that he was coming to the Wutong, he packed up a bunch of things for him to bring over, which was why Jiang Kechu came to the Wan Family.

In the previous time, this had happened as well. However, at that time, Wan Chao and Bai Zhexi had been in a bad temper due to the death and had stayed in their homes for several days, so they hadn't met Jiang Kechu.

Jiang Kechu's gaze was attracted by another photo. In the photo, Wan Shiguo had a doting smile on her face as she placed the pigtailed Little Chu on his neck.

Little Chu grinned, revealing her big front teeth that were leaking air.

He thought to himself, Wan Shiguo must have loved and doted upon Wan Chao.

In her heart, Wan Shiguo must have been a very important existence, so her burning sensation just now was within reason.

Wan Chao picked out the smallest melon. When she entered the room, she saw Jiang Kechu looking at a picture on the wall and couldn't help but snort. Then she turned around and went into the kitchen.

Bai Zhexi cooked really quickly. She made three bowls of noodles, which contained tomatoes and a few vegetables. Each bowl had a lotus egg in it, giving it a delicious taste.

She quickly washed the melons, chopped them into small cubes and placed them on a plate. She then called her daughter to help her carry them to the dining table.

"Comrade Jiang, our family is really simple and crude, we don't have anything that we can take out. I'm sorry."

"The noodles look pretty good. I like to eat noodles."

These words were not a courtesy, Jiang Kechu really did like eating noodles. Wan Chao placed the vinegar pot on the table near Jiang Ke Chu.

He also liked vinegar!

When Jiang Ke Chu saw the vinegar pot, he raised his eyebrows. This girl was really clever, she knew how to get him the vinegar pot, so he softly said, "Thank you."

Wan Chao froze for a moment, feeling vexed in her heart. Why did she have to be so sentimental, and bring a pot of vinegar to Jiang Kechu?!

Since she couldn't take back the vinegar pot, she could only lower her head and eat her noodles with a frown. She wanted to finish her meal quickly, so she can get back to school.

In front of Jiang Kechu, she would always make mistakes.