
Acting, who doesn't know how to do it!

Naturally, An Lian was very willing to accept Wan Chao's request. He nodded in agreement without hesitation.

"Don't mention the school fees anymore. Your mom and you only need to rely on that shoe repair stall to survive. I don't need your school fees, so don't add more burdens on your mom."

"If you really want to thank me, then don't be angry with your mother all the time."

Wan Chao raised her brows, thinking that this An Lian was really considerate towards her mother.

Her attitude towards An Lian couldn't help but soften a bit as she spoke.

"My mom doesn't use the shoe stalls anymore and is making sauces for the restaurant, so we don't lack money right now. You should take the one hundred and fifty yuan back, or else I won't be learning self-defense skills from you anymore."

Upon hearing this, An Lian was shocked. He didn't expect that Bai Zhexi would finally put away the shoe repair stall. Since Wan Chao is willing to learn self-defense skills from him, he was very happy.

With this opportunity, Wan Chao might be able to see his good side and agree to take care of Bai Zhexi.

Therefore, An Lian hurriedly took the one hundred and fifty yuan.

Wan Chao saw that An Xin had received the money and nodded. "Teacher An, when will you be able to teach me self-defense skills?"

An Lian thought about it and said, "How about this, you also have a lot of classes. Come to my house every Sunday morning and learn from me. You can practice on your own for the rest of the time."

"Alright. Thank you, Teacher An." Seeing that the matter was settled, Wan Chao left the school.

After resolving a matter that had been holding her back, Wan Chao was in a good mood, but unfortunately, this good mood didn't last for long.

Zhuo Yao was standing in a corridor below the teaching building, biting her lips. She looked at Wan Chao with an aggrieved expression. She wanted to say something, but was afraid. She shut her mouth tightly and stared at Wan Chao shyly.

"Pei, I'm not your lover" thought the disgusting Wan Chao, who wanted to puke. What are you trying to do with such a look?

After she finished complaining, she suddenly thought of something. Zhuo Yao also had a follower, in her previous life, under Zhuo Yao's guidance, intentionally or unintentionally, she had taken that person to be her follower.

At that time, she was deeply moved, feeling that someone as cowardly, bullied, and twisted as she was actually loved by someone, feeling that he was sent by Cupid to save her.

After that, he let Wan Chao do some brainless things and make a fool of herself in front of the crowd. Originally, Wan Chao was just an outsider in Class 4, but then she became a joke in front of the whole school.

Wutong County was also a small place, and there were acquaintances everywhere they went. Wan Chao didn't dare to go out for a while.

Thinking of this tragic past, Wan Chao clenched her fist tightly. Zhuo Yao was really vicious, even though she was the one who caused this, she still pretended to comfort Wan Chao from time to time, making her feel even more grateful and intimate towards her.

At this moment, Wan Chao's mood fluctuated intensely. She didn't want to look at Zhuo Yao and thought that Bai Zhexi was still at home waiting for her to eat, so she turned around and walked past.

It was a pity that some of the b*tches couldn't handle it, and insisted on sending themselves to be beaten up.

After Zhuo Yao saw that Wan Chao had glanced at her, then indifferently shifted her gaze away, pretending that she didn't recognize her and was about to walk away. Her heart became anxious, so she grabbed onto Wan Chao's arm.

Ever since the quarrel at Wan Chao's house, Zhuo Yao could not figure out what had happened to her. After thinking about it for a while, she came to the conclusion that her head had probably been broken by Liu Li and had gone crazy.

She wanted to keep her out in cold for two days, so when she calmed down, she would find her again.

Unfortunately, after waiting for a few days, she still didn't come and feels like Wan Chao didn't want to have any more contact with her.

At noon, when she looked down from the classroom, she saw Wan Chao and Teacher An Lian chatting on the playground. After watching them for a few minutes, she came down from the upstairs and waited in the corridor.

In the end, when Wan Chao ignored her, Zhuo Yao couldn't help but grab her arm as she walked over.

"Chao'er, it has been so long since you came to look for me. I have already forgiven you for scolding me that day. Let's make up. "Stop fighting, ok?"

Wan Chao felt a fire burning in her heart. She wished that this fire could burn Zhuo Yao to ashes.

"B*tch, let go!" she said through her teeth.

After a few minutes of uncertainty, she said, "Chao'er, what's wrong with you? Did someone say something to you to instigate our relationship? We grew up together, did you forget? In the past when you ran away from home, I took you in."

Wan Chao couldn't help but chuckle. "Now that I think about it, you are the one who drove me to run away from home. Every time I run away from home, the money in my pocket will always be in your pocket."

What a fool! Wan Chao once again despised herself ruthlessly.

Zhuo Yao shook her head and pitifully said, "Chao'er, how could you say that? We're good friends, did you forget?"

Wan Chao looked coldly at Zhuo Yao, thinking whether she should slap her fiercely or act out with this white lotus, then find a chance to beat her back on what she had suffered before.

Zhuo Yao saw that Wan Chao didn't say anything, so she continued, "Chao'er, I saw you talking to Teacher An just now. Did that Teacher An not give up on your mother? If you need me, I can help you deal with this matter. I will write an anonymous letter and stuffed it into the principal's office.

Hearing this, the anger in Wan Chao's heart soared to the heavens. She took a deep breath and viciously slapped Zhuo Yao in the face.


This slap was very loud, to the point that Zhuo Yao even shook it a few times. Immediately, a handprint appeared on her face.

Zhuo Yao was dumbstruck. The surrounding people were also stunned. Very soon, someone surrounded them out of curiosity.

"Wan Chao, how can you hit me?!" Zhuo Yao could no longer continue acting, so she asked angrily.

Wan Chao blinked her eyes, looking around at the crowd, her hands were clenched into fists, placed on her chest, and her shoulders were hunched, showing a terrified expression.

"Yaoyao, I'm sorry. I was feeling a bit sad recently, so I couldn't control myself just now. Also, Teacher An is a good person. He was classmates with my mother, so don't create rumors like that. I only heard that you wanted to frame Teacher An, so I couldn't help but hit you.

"We're good friends, good friends from a young age. You'll forgive me, won't you? Furthermore, I am doing it for your own good. "

Wan Chao endured her disgust and returned what Zhuo Yao had just said to her.

The surrounding students immediately opened their eyes wide, and the flame of gossip blazed in their eyes.

Immediately, someone said, "Wow, Zhuo Yao actually wants to frame Teacher An …"

Zhuo Yao's eyes widened. "Chao'er, you …" "You're lying, I didn't say that …"

"Yaoyao, my mother is still at home waiting for me to eat a meal, so I'll be leaving first. I'll say it again, my mother and Teacher An were once classmates. Please don't falsely accuse him."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left, completely ignoring the discussion behind her and Zhuo Yao's shouts.

Zhuo Yao saw that Wan Chao had left just like that, and anxiously shouted in her heart, "Wan Chao, how could you hit me?!"

Unfortunately, Wan Chao's figure quickly disappeared, and all she could do was stare at the onlookers and say, "What are you looking at, I'm not framing anyone!"

Then she broke through the crowd and hurried back to the classroom.