
Rebirth of Aron Blackthorn: A Pokémon Odyssey

In the world of Pokémon, Aron Blackthorn was a visionary who dedicated his life to bridging the gap between humans and Pokémon, aspiring for harmonious coexistence. His journey was filled with adventure, mediation, and moments of profound connection. But in a world plagued by ceaseless conflict driven by humanity's hunger for power, Aron's efforts to unite both species met a tragic end on the battlefield. As Aron faced his untimely demise, his final thoughts were consumed by a desperate desire: a chance to rewrite history and bring redemption to a suffering world. Suddenly, a new opportunity arises—a second life—beckoning him to embark on a journey of reparation. "Rebirth of Aron Blackthorn: A Pokémon Odyssey" is a fanfiction that explores the depth of Aron's commitment to unity and the consequences of relentless warfare. It follows his second chance at life as he strives to fulfill his vision of a world where humans and Pokémon live in harmony. With unexpected twists, profound encounters, and the enduring spirit of hope, Aron's odyssey promises to be a captivating and heartwarming adventure for Pokémon fans and enthusiasts of storytelling alike. “I do not own Pokémon, or any of the related characters. The Pokémon series is created by Satoshi Tajiri and owned by Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. All rights to the original Pokémon world belong to Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. This story is fanfiction and is meant only for fun.”

Silent_stiele · Anime & Comics
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Winds of Change

Dear Readers,

I hope this message finds you well. Firstly, I want to extend my sincerest apologies for the delay in sorting out the issue with the Pokémon fanfiction. Your patience and understanding during this time have been greatly appreciated.

I'm delighted to announce that regular updates for the Pokémon fanfiction will resume starting from today. Alongside this, I'll continue to provide regular updates for my other two fanfictions.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. I can't wait to share more adventures with you all!

Best regards,



The recent discovery of information regarding my parents' demise had hit me hard. With Hypno's revelation, I now knew where to begin. From the fragments I discerned from my father's Hypno, it was evident that multiple parties were involved in the tragedy that befell my family.

It took me close to a week to regain my composure fully. Lucario had steadfastly remained by my side throughout, offering silent support. The presence of the two little Charcadet's had also helped me find my bearings again.

As I entered the living room, Alice, who had been worried about my absence for the past week, awaited me patiently. Old Man Alfred and Grandma Isabel were also present, as I had expressly requested their presence. In the past week, I hadn't been merely mourning my parents' deaths; I had already begun formulating plans for retribution. I had already singled out my first target, and the upcoming event in Hoenn would be the initial step towards my grand revenge.

"Aron, are you alright? You haven't left your private base for over a week. I was worried sick," concern etched deeply into my grandmother's face. I realized that, had I delayed any longer, she might have tried to break into my private safehouse. Such an endeavor would have undoubtedly been disastrous.

"Sorry for causing you worry, Grandma," I said, feeling a pang of guilt for making her concerned. "I needed some time to gather my thoughts, but I'm fine now."

Alice's eyes softened with relief. "Just promise us you won't shut us out like this again, Aron. We're here for you, always."

I nodded solemnly, understanding the weight of her words. "I promise, Alice. From now on, I'll keep you all in the loop."

With a resolved look, I took a seat in front of the three, ready to reveal the most critical details about the incident that had shaken the Blackthorn family to its core four years ago. It was the ambush of my parents and several other family members—a tragedy that had remained shrouded in mystery despite extensive investigations. But today, everything changed.

As I began to disclose the information, Alice was the first to lose control. That day had cost her dearly, and her dark aura seeped out uncontrollably. Isabel, sensing her daughter's turmoil, gently placed a hand on her shoulder, attempting to soothe her. Now, the three understood why I had vanished for a week.

Old man Alfred cleared his throat, recognizing the determined resolve in my demeanor. He knew that I already had a plan, and no amount of persuasion would sway me. With a sigh, his expression serious, he asked, "What's your plan, lad? We're all here to support you in whatever you decide to do."

Taking a deep breath, I laid out my intentions. "I've identified the first target. There's an opportunity during the upcoming event in Hoenn, and I plan to make a move there. But before that, I need to gather more information and resources. I also want to inform you all that I might be away from the family for quite some time if my plan succeeds. I just hope they take the bait."

With Alice now calmed down, she understood my resolve to take matters into my own hands. She quickly set aside her anger and tried to persuade me to reconsider. Grandma Alice placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, her voice filled with concern. "Just be careful, Aron. Revenge can be a dangerous path." Her words echoed in my mind, a reminder of the risks ahead. But I knew that I couldn't rest until justice was served for my family.

"Little Aron, tell me everything. What have you planned, down to the last detail? If I sense any risk involved, you can forget about even stepping a few feet away from me during the upcoming event." Isabel's tone brooked no argument. She was not one to bend to my will easily. Even the ancestor couldn't curb me, but Isabel could to some extent. Despite her doting nature towards me, she was also fiercely hot-headed like myself, and with her status in the family, no one dared challenge her authority.

With a resigned sigh, I knew this confrontation would come, and I had already prepared a way to convince both Isabel and Alice. It took me a whole hour to lay out my plan and persuade them. All three of them started throwing tantrums about my decision, fearing the risks it entailed. But I remained steadfast.

"I will be honest with you, Grandma Isabel," I stated firmly. "I will do this with or without your blessing. How long do you think it will take for me to slip past all of you with my expertise? Even if you confine me, are you confident in keeping me contained?"

There was a cruel glint in my eyes as I spoke. The plan I had put forth had multiple objectives, and to achieve them, I needed to put myself at risk, at least on the surface. I had already discussed these matters with my Pokémon. If my plan succeeds, then in the foreseeable future, they might have to spend most of their time inside their Poké Balls.

Isabel wore a grave expression as she tapped on the table, lost in deep contemplation. The snacks and tea on the table had already turned cold, but Mr. Mime diligently cleared them away to get fresh refills. Despite both Alice and Alfred having their own opinions, neither dared to voice them. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Isabel sighed and relented to my plan.

"It truly seems like people have forgotten the true meaning of the name Blackthorns," Isabel remarked, her voice tinged with controlled anger. "Originally, I was of the opinion of sparing the ones indirectly involved, who are not aware of the complete picture in the upcoming clash with the League, but it seems like the world needs a fresh reminder. Alfred, let the brat know that I have called for a meeting. It's time we changed our approach."

Though Isabel remained composed, I could sense the intensity of her emotions. From what I had shared, everyone, including the League, had their hand in my parents' demise, escalating the upcoming clash to a whole new level.

"Grandpa Alfred," I interjected, turning to him with a request. "I would like you to make slight changes to the deployment of Mt. Silver. If possible, I want you to deploy Lady Cecilia there."

Alfred appeared puzzled, as he already knew that I had reached out to the young man staying on Mt. Silver, implying there should be no issue with his takeover. "Little Aron, I am sure Red is more than enough to handle things on that end. And we were planning to keep Cecilia's involvement hidden. We don't want others to guess that we have two legendary trainers amidst our ranks. Are you worried about Red's diligence?"

I shook my head at Alfred's statement. "Grandpa Alfred, it's not that I doubt Red's competence. What worries me is that he might feel averse to killing all those people and just let them go after beating them. But I don't want any of them to return alive. I want them all buried in Mt. Silver and become its nourishment."

The gravity of my words hung in the air as we all contemplated the harsh reality of the situation. The stakes were high, and there was no room for mercy in our pursuit of vengeance for my family.

As my words settled in, a solemn understanding enveloped everyone present. It became evident that the current League structure had to be dismantled. If innocents were caught in the crossfire, then so be it; they had aligned themselves with the League by choice. The League, once a symbol of order and protection, had morphed into a greater evil, a plague that needed to be eradicated.

The Blackthorns stood firm in their resolve, prepared to embrace the lesser evil of war to rid the world of this festering malignancy. It was a decision borne out of necessity, a sacrifice they were willing to make for the greater good. The weight of this realization hung heavy in the air, but there was no turning back now. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but it was a journey they were determined to undertake, no matter the cost.

As the days passed, soon the day of departure approached. During this period, my training alongside my Pokémon reached monstrous levels, particularly for Lucario. He delved into his training even more aggressively than I did. After waiting for four years, he was finally embarking on his journey for vengeance, and I vowed to walk by his side until the end. Due to the unforeseen change of plans, I had entrusted the future training plans for Lance and Claire to my grandmother, Alice.

"Aron, take care of yourself while you're away, alright? Don't take too many risks," Alice expressed her concern. She had tried until the last second to dissuade me from my upcoming plan, but my resolve remained unyielding.

"Grandma, Aron is just going with us to an event. Why are you talking as if he's leaving home?" Lance, ever the enthusiastic one, couldn't help but interject. His and his sister Claire's farewells were lackluster compared to the attention I was receiving.

"Enough dilly-dallying. Let's leave," Elder Theron, the active head of the party, intervened, his tone authoritative. "Lady Agatha, the guardian's representative assigned to us, will escort us all the way to Hoenn. She will be accompanied by Professor Oak, who has requested our family's presence during the journey. I expect you all to behave."

Though Grandma Isabel was the true leader, we couldn't openly acknowledge it. Most people in the world believed the old monsters in the Blackthorn family were dead. Unless those who personally knew Isabel saw her, no one could identify her. This trip to the Hoenn event included all the Blackthorn children below a certain age. It was decided that keeping the children away was better when chaos descended, especially since we already knew the exact time the League was planning to strike.

What was initially planned for just two dozen had now swelled to close to a hundred. The majority were elites of the family, covertly assigned to the safety of the Blackthorn children. Even with the looming conflict with the League, the fact that the family could spare so many elites showcased its true strength. If not for the family being caught off guard with the Pokejammer device in my last life, I was confident that even with the death of the Old Ancestor, the family could have weathered the tragedy with its remaining strength. However, in my previous life, the family was completely caught off guard. Most of the core elders were killed off during the initial ambush, and the subsequent betrayal from within our own ranks crumbled the family entirely.

"I never thought we'd need to mobilize this many elites," I murmured, my voice carrying only towards Elder Theron and Isabel, who were standing next to me, our gazes fixed on the young Blackthorn children.

"Indeed. But in times like these, we must spare no expense to ensure their safety," chuckled the elder, his tone betraying a hint of amusement despite the seriousness of our situation. He seemed unconcerned about the peculiar vacation outfit he was wearing.

We were scheduled for departure from the port town of Newgate, where both Agatha and Samuel Oak awaited our arrival. Oak had requested to join us as the main organizer of the event, necessitating his presence during the journey. I knew the professor was also planning to discuss more research topics with me during our travels.

As we approached the port town, the sight of the mode of transport intrigued me. It was a massive cruise ship belonging to the Blackthorn family. In this dangerous world of Pokémon, the safest way to travel would be on one's Pokémon's back or using teleportation. However, with a larger group, ships became a more practical option. While travel by air was feasible, the increased risk involved made it less favorable, especially with the safety of the Blackthorn children at the forefront of our concerns.

One might question how the sea could be any safer than the aerial route, considering the abundance of ancient and primordial Pokémon lurking beneath its surface. While humanity's exploration of the land was well underway, the domain of the oceans remained a mystery. However, I knew the truth of the matter. Just beneath the calm surface of the sea, hidden from view, lay more than a dozen water Pokémon, acting as the primary line of defense against any threats we might encounter.

I observed that among the dozen Pokémon mobilized by the Blackthorn family, two of them were of Epic stage, a testament to the thoroughness of our preparations. Unless a legendary stage Pokémon or above targeted us, we were assuredly safe. Even in such an unlikely scenario, with Professor Oak's presence and the formidable Pokémon at our disposal, we were confident in our ability to handle the situation.



Species:Atrocious Pokémon

Gender: Female

Status: Healthy

Level: 3341

Stage: Epic

Height: 8.9 m

Weight: 480.3 kg

Type: Water/Flying

Potential: Dark Blue

Ability: Intimidate

Hidden Ability: Moxie


HP: 2443

Attack: 2375

Defense: 1748

Special Attack: 1488

Special Defense: 2034

Speed: 1780


Flail, Leer, Splash,Tackle, Twister,Whirlpool, IceFang, Brine Scary Face, Waterfall,Bite, Crunch, Rain Dance, Aqua Tail, .....


Species: Shellfish Pokémon

Gender: Male

Status: Healthy

Level: 3307

Stage: Epic

Height: 2.1 m

Weight: 193 kg

Type: Water

Potential: Blue

Ability: Torrent

Hidden Ability: Rain Dish


HP: 2317

Attack: 1862

Defense: 2099

Special Attack: 1888

Special Defense: 2170

Speed: 1792


Tackle, Twister, Whirlpool, IceFang, Brine Scary Face, Waterfall,Bite, Crunch, Rain Dance, Aqua Tail, Shell Samsh, Iron Defense, ...…..


Isabel, who observed my actions, couldn't help but smirk as she understood that I must have detected the Pokémon lurking beneath the surface of the blue waters. She quickly moved towards the shore where I was standing and started flaring out her aura. After a few moments, two massive Pokémon tore through the surface of the calm waters and stood before Isabel.

"Wow, it's a Gyarados!" Claire, who was lurking nearby, chimed in and dashed towards the shore, not caring about her dress getting wet. Lance, upon seeing Blastoise, followed little Claire. The two Pokémon were acting coquettishly under Isabel's coaxing, a scene that one would not see every day, especially with both being wild Pokémon.

Although these Pokémon were part of the Blackthorn family, they did not have dedicated trainers, nor did they want them. They were allowed to safeguard the coast for the Blackthorn family in exchange for various rare resources these pokemon needed. Around the Blackthorn family's borders, there were many such Pokémon with connections to our family, forming a symbiotic relationship that made the Blackthorn family a true behemoth in the Pokémon world.

"They have been with us for close to a millennium. I knew this one since she was a Magikarp. This guy is a bit more rowdy; he sunk three of our ships back in the day," Isabel explained to me the brief history of the Pokémon. The Blastoise simply snorted, as if telling Isabel she was still being petty about those three puny ships.

The countless scars on the bodies of both Pokémon were a testament to how terrifying the sea could be. Even the esteemed Blackthorn family could not confidently say they could explore the deep sea; it was an enigma.

"Grandma Isabel, why don't they have any trainers? Can I keep it? Please! Pretty please?" Claire, who stood fearlessly near the towering Gyarados, eagerly added, wanting to add such a formidable Pokémon to her roster. However, the Gyarados had a different idea and used its tail to splash water all over Little Claire.

Just as we were admiring the Pokémon, a voice cut through from behind us. "Magnificent creatures, aren't they?" Samuel Oak walked towards the shore with Lady Agatha by his side. A dozen people followed, likely the assistants and aides of Oak. However, one man among them caught my interest. Poor Giovanni had no idea that I had outlived all of them in my last life, and I knew the identities of most of the important executives within his organization.

The man who appeared to be in his late twenties was none other than Archer, a main executive from the Team Rocket organization. If he had infiltrated Professor Oak's team itself, one could gauge how talented the man was. However, I currently did not make any moves because I needed him alive, at least for now.

Samuel Oak, who walked towards the two Pokémon in order to study them closely, momentarily froze in shock as he laid his eyes on the old woman standing in front of the Pokémon. Then, he quickly composed himself and walked to the Pokémon as if nothing had happened.

The two Pokémon growled as Oak carefully approached. Despite them being unfamiliar Pokémon, he didn't show much fear. Slowly releasing his aura, he attempted to comfort the Pokémon. However, both Pokémon dove back into the sea. Archer, who observed all this from the side, was surprised and envious. Their organization hunted day and night in the wild to find powerful Pokémon, yet here was a family using such Pokémon as mere escorts. He was sure the earlier Pokémon were at least Palladium class, maybe even stronger.

"Brat, you scared away my Pokémon." Isabel, who stood nearby, couldn't help but berate Samuel, who now scratched his head like a fool. He didn't expect the two Pokémon to run off.

"Professor Oak, it seems like you took my advice. It's good that you have decided not to take part in this upcoming conflict." I moved next to Oak and whispered softly, relieved that he had made the right choice. From my estimate, Samuel was an anomaly. He had at least two legendary class Pokémon under his belt. If he chose to stand and defend the League, then only the Old Ancestor could subdue him. However, that would drastically reduce our family's firepower to only four legendary stage Pokémon. To effectively corner Samuel Oak, we would need at least three legendary Pokémon.

"Hey, little Aron, how are you? Thank you for agreeing to take me along. We can surely use the time for travel to discuss various topics that I have in mind. And I've thought about things clearly. I realized that if the League continues down the same path, a full-blown war is inevitable. I honestly don't want to see such a tragedy again. It took us close to three centuries to put an end to the war.

The league needs to change. I know it's my fault. I should have been more involved and exerted my influence," Samuel shared his thoughts as we walked towards the cruise ship. The Blackthorn family guards and aides were already arranging for the departure. The journey would take close to three weeks through treacherous waters.

"I just hope you are ready for what is to come, Professor. You might have to rebuild the League from scratch." I chuckled and picked up Claire, boarding the ship.