
Could she be reborn...?

In the hospital ward, sunlight shone from the window on the beauty who seemed to be about twenty that lay on the bed. Smooth and silky black hair scattered over the pillow, milky white skin which seemed to produced milk upon pinching, willow like eyebrows, phoenix eyes, sharp nose, smooth chin, soft and pink lips, not a single pore can be seen with naked eyes. Combined with the pale complexion and yellow sunlight it gives off the feeling of an ethereal beauty in the lands of mortals.

The nurse who came to note down the condition of the patient looked at this scenery in a daze. Her heartbeat seemed to be a bit erratic and blush crept to her cheeks. The spring morning seemed to be getting hotter.

The door opened and an elegant and sophisticated woman in late twenties came in holding the latest fashion handbag. While wearing a black A-line skirt, white shirt, black coat and high heels, she seemed to be a model white collar worker with her rimless glasses.

The nurse came out her reverie due to the noise, quickly noting down the information she hurriedly left the scene.

Elina raised an eyebrow at the nurse who left quickly before she could say anything being a bit speechless. Quickly throwing the matter at the back of her mind she sat down on the stool beside the bed and looked at the beautiful lady with a worried gaze.

Seeminly aware of the gaze directed at her the beauty on the bed fluttered her butterfly like eyelashes and slowly opened her eyes. The light directed at her eyes made her furrowed her brows. After a few moments of adjusting to the light she met with a worried and expectant gaze.

" You finally woke up. You don't know how worried you made all of us. Wait let me call the doctor". Elina hurriedly pressed the bell.

Angel felt a terrible headache without any ability to think and her throat was dry and horse. With some difficulty she managed utter, "Wa...terr". Even she was surprised with how horse her voice was.

" Oh right". Elina helped her sit up and immediately brought a glass of water to her mouth.

After finishing the whole glass of water, Angel took in the situation she was in. With a confused gaze she looked at her surroundings which seemed to be a hospital and in front of her was her manager, Elina Gomes. Looking at her hands, it seemed to be of a young maiden in her twenties with manicured nails. The last thing she remembered was being in a hospital bed which was different from this one, where the doctors and nurse were hurriedly moving back and forth while trying to stabilize her condition. She hasn't seen Elina for years after their dispute. Feeling confused and frustrated, she looked around one more time to ensure everything was actual.

Seeing Angel looking so lost Elina put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry you just fainted out of exhaustion and slept for two days. I have handled everything at work".

Angel looked at Elina seemingly unsure, "Two days.....? What date it is? Which year??"

" Um...20XX, March 20th". Elina answered being a bit confused.

Angel felt that her headache increased even more.

Meanwhile the doctor came with a nurse. After checking her condition he asked, "Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

"I have a headache", Angel answered feeling a bit surreal.

" I will prescribe medication and you have to take rest for a few days. Your body is a still weak due to exhaustion and next time you have to be careful not to overwork."

Elina noted all the points. " Anything else to be followed doctor?"

"Um, you have to take care of her diet. I will recommend a suitable diet chart".

" Thank you very much".

After the doctor left, Angel grabbed Elina's hand. "Can you bring me a mirror?"

"Sure". Though being confused she handed her hand mirror to her. " Wait for a while I will bring you something to eat. I know you don't like hospital food but you have to eat it" .

Angel nodded and looked into the mirror. A beautiful woman in her early twenties looked back at her. She stared in daze at her reflection. Last time she looked like a woman in her forties though she was in her thirties. Having her internals damaged in an accident she had few years left in her hands. Spending two years in the hospital with a very weak body she was already in the brink of her death.

Could she be reborn...?