
Rebirth of an Immortal Cultivator

Chen Lan a immortal cultivator returns to his mortal self after two hundred years of fighting his enemies Join Chen Lan as he rewrite all his mistakes and becomes the most powerful Immortal cultivator in the universe

Mr_Exclusive_5724 · Urban
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14 Chs

Talk with Jang haisan

He is the deputy director of Zhu Shou City. Although his rank was not high, he was close to Zhu Shou City's power center.

Chen Lan bowed to him, and Jang Haisan nodded absently.

"Come and grab a seat. Yan- yan, why don't you go to the kitchen and make some tea for your dad and our guest? I will make dinner." Auntie Wang spoke as she entered the kitchen.

Jang yuan nodded and took out a box of purple clay tea set made by a renowned artist from the Town of Yixin.

Chen Lan was pleasantly surprised by Jang yuan's tea making techniques; her movement was fluid and smooth like flowing water while her focus on the craft didn't allow a single drop to be spilled. It was evident that she had trained under a skilled teacher -a detail that Chen Fan did not notice in his previous life.

Jiang Haisan's eyes were pinned to the newspaper, and he didn't even look the guest until he was finished.

"How is your father doing? The last time we met was at a government meeting four months ago."

"He is doing well. Thank you for asking." Chen Lan said politely.

Chen Lan's father was the deputy magistrate of the Su Shi County, and although his rank was similar to that of Jang Haisan, he was a based at a remote county instead of a bustling city.

Jang Haisan nodded, "Your father is full of potential. His proposal, the "Sustainable Development of County Economy and Environmental Protection Policies, was praised by the " mayor. The mayor said that your father has an international perspective, and he agreed with

your father that the future economic development inseparable environmental protection."Chen Lan nodded

"I have heard that your mother's real estate company in Zhong Hai City is progressing very fast. Your mother has chosen a good field."

Chen Lan smiled and said, "My mother's company was insignificant compared to that of Auntie Wang."

Jang Haisan shook his head. "You think too highly of her. Her company earns merely hundreds of thousands a year. How would that compare to your mother's corporation."

Chen Lan humbly reply, "I am not being modest at all. My mother has only a few people working under her, and that's all the help she can gets. She had to deal with the contractors and the developers and endless paperwork. It's a hard job with not so much money."

"Oh?" Jang Haisan frowned.

What Chen Lan had told him is entirely different from what his wife told him. Judging by his first impression of the boy, Jang Haisan was convinced that the boy was not lying. Therefore, he realized that the rumors about Chen Lan's

mother he had heard before were exaggerated.

Chen Lan's description of the company sounded more realistic, as well. It was started by a woman and her daughter in a place where they knew no one and had no connections. Building up a real estate empire so quickly seemed too good to be true regardless of how hard the mother-daughter pair had worked.

So thinking, the smile on Jang Haisan's face slowly faded away.

"How are your grades?" Jang Haisan asked.

Chen Lan smiled and said, "I was the top four hundred in our county, and I have heard that your daughter is top fifty at the school. I think I will need her help in future."

Su Shi County had the lowest education ranking among all states under the Zhu Shou City government. Without being in the top ten in the Su Shi County, Chen Lan had no

chance what so ever in entering even a second-tier university, muchless a top-tier.

Jang Haisan's brow furrowed even deeper after hearing Chen Lan's answer; the remaining traces of a smile on his face was erased completely.

"Your mother had sent you to Zhu Shou City not to have fun, but to study. Your family can only help you now, but not forever. If you want to be make it in life, you have to rely on yourself. Education is a stepping stone, no matter which field you are in."

Jang Haisan sudden outburst caught Chen Lan off guard . He wiped the smile he was wearing off his face and answered, "You are right, Uncle Jang."

After exchanged a few more words with Chen Lan, jang Haisan was obviously disappointed by the boy's lack of knowledge and ambition. He could not help but secretly shake his head in disappointment. It was evident that what his wife had told him about the boy was simply not true.

He had also met the son of the deputy mayor and was very impressed by his appearance as well as his wealth of knowledge in economics and politics. Chen Lan failed to measure up to his most basic requirement for a future son in law.

Although achieving high academic standing was not Chen Lan's highest priority, once he advanced in his cultivation, getting into a top- tier university should be a piece of cake.

It seems like I have a lot to talk to discuss with my wife, Jang Haisan mumbled to himself.

He knew his wife wanted to set up his daughter with the son of her best friend. He didn't protest her plan at first, but after meeting Chen Lan for the first time, he realized that he had to weigh-in.

My daughter would not fall for him anyway, Jang Haisan thought. He was confident in his daughter.