
"Under what circumstances can a human cell regenerate? It really is so incredible and mysterious." A girl suddenly exclaimed out in the laboratory.

Gu Xiqiao brought them over to a mannequin, taking out her set of gold needles from her pocket. "In theory and logic, it should be impossible. Have you learned the set of acupuncture methods that I gave you guys last time?" If it wasn't for her profound chi and life force, it would have taken a very long time to treat Baili Bin's legs.

"I have!" A boy squeezed himself in front immediately with excitement written all over his face. He had spent three days memorizing the acupoints, and he was sure that he hadn't been this serious since the time he had to study for his national finals.

"Very good." Gu Xiqiao smiled, her eyes curving. She handed a needle to the boy. "Show me how."

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