
rebirth of an idiot

This is a reincarnation story of a guy with his heaven defying wisdom and greed while he get cheats at that andwho will travel all the fictional worlds to gain understanding of them and enjoying his way through to become equal to the most powerful entity creation itself Disclaimer: i do not own most of the fictional world characters in the story

creationbeing · Others
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16 Chs

Creation being

"where am i ,why I don't feel anything" while checking my state i try to comprehend my memories of who i am and what i been doing

then suddenly my memories started coming to me and i remembered who am i and that i died due to truck-kun's blessings and suddenly remembered the pain and the darkness consuming me out of nothing then i understood my situation

"oh so i died thanks to truck-kun so am i gonna reincarnate or what i don't wanna linger into darkness forever either i turn into nothing, reincarnate or transmigrate somewhere ,there definitely must be some power watching me here , where are you i know you are here and what you want to take about just don't waste your and my time just to get some angry reaction out of me ,even if i get angry what can i do so come out " i said expecting someone to take me out of here

after some time while waiting for a long while reaction a voice came out"oh so you know your situation that's good for you and you don't get angry at that now that's something rare to see from you earthlings most of you are nothing in front of this one but they think they are the boss ,its real hard to deal with you guys" said the godly voice

"so what is going to happen now that i died, am i going to reincarnate somewhere with cheats or are you going to call out the creation being" i said confidently and angryly as i was pissed of waiting for long time

"oh so you are angry and at that you know the creation Being ,tell me boy how do you know such existense even i and only 2 other godly beings know his existense " said the godly voice

"hahahahhaaahaa is it not hard to know for a guy with a lonely life like i had . i have a lot of time in my insignificant life to think about universe its creation the gods ,humans their behavior everything and at that there are many stories to enrich my analysis of this world and that's how i came to conclusion after reading many theories like big bang that there must be a power that is has no shape of form with all the energy in the universe is part of that energy which i call as creation being and since humans gained their consciousness through evolution then the creation being doesn't have it then he must have gained it during its lifetime as it is creation itself so that's why i know its existence" i said haughtily

"well human you are very interesting you have such wisdom which is much more defying than all the wisdom of wise beings i created you are a true successor of me itself" said other godly voice

"wha....w-what are you saying my lord how can you make this lowly soul your successor" said the first godly voice

"who are saying a lowly soul you motherfucker just because you are created born on a higher plane doesn't mean you can insult me and i may don't have any physical power like yours but i have strong mental strength that you ,and what are you saying that you are going to give me your powers and why is that are you tired of living or something" i said with greedy thoughts in my mind

" you both calm down Azazel you are dismissed and you are not to talk about this with anyone this belongs to the secret of my being and our future and boy i am the creation being and you can call me god.since everyone in your plane consider this type of existence at the top" said god while seeing his underling going away

"well god so what now are you going to give me your powers or what " i said in hope

"well don't be greedy you are a wise fellow so you are bound to have my powers but since you are from a lower plane which i created you don't have enough soul power to take my whole powers instantly you will have to know my power to gain it with your growing soul but since you are very wise and i know what you are going to ask next let me answer it for you.you are probably thinking about using loopholes to suddenly increase your strength that is possible about that and that is the only way you gain my powers because my power only belongs to a wise soul who can rule the power of creation and destruction and yeah destruction is also my power since i never destroyed any thing that you humans can see that's why you cannot guess it but i think you already have thought about it ,so here's the deal you are going to reincarnate into a world of your choosing whit any 5 wishes to grow your soul by controlling the granted powers since you are wise enough to take all of my power at once you have to learn how to control it in low level plains but you better choose a world which is created by the thoughts of the humans like those in anime,manga,comics,movies and novels since they are lower than your world but most of them have power and creatures which can rival to my strength so that is a perfect place for you to practice and control your powers now choose your wishes and then talk about your reincarnation or transmigration " said god

if i had a body then i would have fainted literally this is a dream come true for every otaku like me out there ,oh hell yes i am gonna milk out these wishes " uhm okay so for first wish let me customize my body o every detail like bloodlines, height ,features, abilities without any restrictions like in all anime and manga about gaming.then i go for other wishes" i said

"here do whatever you want want and add other wishes in the wish log in the corner take your time i am going out for sometime just call me by pressing the red button" as god said while disappearing a computer came in my sight where i can customize my self with red button on a corner along with the wish log

Hey guys this is my first time writing a novel and yeah English is not my first language but it is still good enough to for writing this story so yeah if you like it please do support and let me know by commenting and ratings whatever you guys think just let me know about this story in comments below and i will think about writing chapters daily if at least 5 or maybe 10 people read it

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