
Dragon's Heart

Two weeks later

Zuhn found all of the materials needed in a little under two weeks. All of the materials were quite easy to get, they were just plants. Zuhn only slept three times while he was getting resources.

Zuhn looked down at his list one more time, checking off all the materials he needed to get. While he was checking off items from his list, he saw that he was still missing one more time.

'X1 Dragon Heart'

Maximus was laughing inside of Zuhn's head when he saw what Zuhn was looking at.

'Good luck killing a dragon, while you've been in here you only were able to get back to Martial Sky. Unless the dragon you are facing is weak, or you get stupid lucky you won't win.'

Zuhn understood that it was going to be hard to kill a dragon. He also had a problem of reaching a place where dragon is. He knew he wasn't going to be able to find it himself.

Zuhn decided that he was going to go back to the city and drop off his items. Zuhn's idea was he was going to ask the blacksmith where the dragons were. Once finding out he would go with the Blacksmith's knowledge and kill the dragon.

Walking back to the city, Zuhn and Maximus spoke about cultivation methods to rank up fast. Zuhn didn't want to stay has Martial Sky for life. Maximus also talked to Zuhn about the different continents in the world.

He assured Zuhn that Ziom wasn't the only continent in the world. There were much stronger continents that could kill everyone on Ziom with three people.

Hearing this Zuhn was scared and curious about the other continents. Zuhn wanted to know more about the other continents, but they reached the entrance of the city.

The same two guards were outside waiting, when they saw Zuhn walk up they didn't stop him from walking in. Zuhn walked straight into the city and made his way towards the Blacksmith.

The Blacksmith was sitting outside hammering metal like he was when he first met him. The Blacksmith saw Zuhn walking up and stopped doing his work.

The Blacksmith didn't have a smile on his face. He was completely emotionless, the Blacksmith went into his store. When he came out he had a wagon behind him.

The Blacksmith pointed to the wagon, waiting for Zuhn to put all the materials in the wagon. Just when Zuhn finished putting all of the materials in the wagon he looked at the Blacksmith.

The Blacksmith's face turned, "Your missing something."

Zuhn nodded his head.

"Yes, I was wondering if you could tell me where the dragons are. I don't really know how to find them, also I don't think I will be stronger enough to beat them."

"Fuck off, Go find the dragon yourself."

Zuhn was sure that the Blacksmith was going to tell him where to find the dragons. Zuhn turned around, in Zuhn's head Maximus was laughing to death from what just happened.

'You got rejected… Haha!'

'Yea, Yea… I get it.'

Zuhn waved his hand and started to walk out of the city. Behind him, the Blacksmith yelled, "Don't come back till you have the Dragon's Heart!"

Zuhn nodded his head and walked outside of the city. Once Zuhn left the city, he decided to walk left of the city instead of right. Zuhn walked for a couple of miles before turning around.

The city was now not in sight, meaning that he was far enough away to start finding resources. The Blacksmith didn't tell him how to find the Dragons.

Meaning, Zuhn had to wander around till he found some. Zuhn walked for days, resting here and there. After walking for several days, Zuhn found a snowy land.

Snow fell in the area in front of him, he couldn't see too far into the lands. At first, the eyesight was clear, but once he got farther and farther in the snow he couldn't see.

Zuhn put his hand up against his face, he could roughly see around a meter in front of him. Zuhn's cultivation made the cold not affect him at all, but it was still tough to walk in.

For walking so long, Zuhn decided that he was going to sleep for a day. He found himself a dark cave in the side of a mountain. Inside, was a small stream flowing downward.

Zuhn got a couple of sticks and made himself a campfire. He sat in the cave next to the campfire. He propped himself against the wall and waited to fall asleep.

Zuhn was thinking of several things as he was falling asleep. One of the more important things he was thinking of was how White Roses was doing. He estimated that he has been in seclusion for around two months times.

Of course in these two months, he had found a great city. He got back his cultivation rank and is learning about the whole world. Maximus told him that he wasn't on the only continent in the world.

Maximus also talked about how there were different words. Zuhn was especially interested in this topic. Though, Maximus wouldn't elaborate on the topic.

Shortly after talking to Maximus, Zuhn fell asleep. Zuhn fell asleep for quite a long time, by the time he woke up he was faced with a serious situation.

Zuhn woke up in a dark part of the cave. Using his Light spell, he tried to look around. Zuhn found a hole where he most likely fell down when he was sleeping.

When Zuhn asked Maximus what happened, he gave him a short explanation.

'You slept for one whole month, the snow melted…. The water pushed you down this hole, luckily your magic saved your life.'

'One Month?'

Zuhn couldn't believe that he was asleep for one month. Before he was asleep for around 7 days. But, One month was insane for someone to be asleep for.

Zuhn's clothes were a little wet, but they weren't soaking wet. Getting up, Zuhn looked around with his Light Spell. The only thing he could see in his general area was where he fell down into the cave.

The Ancient Magic Book started to get hot. Zuhn felt this and took out the book, the book opened and started to write.

'The heart you seek is below your feet.'

"Dragons?" Zuhn said aloud.

Seconds later the ground started to rumble below Zuhn. Zuhn looked down to see the floor cracking below him. Before he could move out of the way, the ground gave way.

Sending Zuhn into the darkness below. Zuhn gripped the Ancient Magic Book as he fell. Zuhn landed hard on the ground, blood trickled down from his head.

Zuhn used a small healing spell before getting up. Once he was up, he used the Light spell to see around him. Once he used the spell a loud roar came from behind him.

Zuhn quickly turned around, what he was staring at was a gray dragon. The dragon was looking at Zuhn with curious eyes. When Zuhn didn't move, its mouth went up in the air.

'Fire! Dodge!'

Zuhn didn't hesitate after hearing Maximus, Zuhn jumped out of the way. Seconds later fire came out of the dragon's mouth going towards Zuhn's old location.

Letting out a deep breath, Zuhn got back up and started to cast multiple spells. Each of the spells either gave Zuhn strength or made himself protective shields around him.

Zuhn didn't know for sure how strong the dragon was. Meaning, he was not going to test it. He put on all of his powerful shields on, releasing his full aura towards the dragon.

The dragon felt this and released it's aura too. The dragon wasn't too big, making Zuhn believe it was just a young adult. This made Zuhn calm down a little, he wasn't ready to fight a big dragon yet.

When Zuhn tried to see what kinds of aura the Dragon had, he also died of the pressure it gave off. The Dragon had to have been at least Martial Sky King.

Zuhn wasn't quite sure, but if he was in the Martial Sky Realm, then he had a good chance of beating the Dragon. Once Zuhn had everything he needed, he started to cast small amounts of magic towards the Dragon.

Once the magic hit the Dragon's body, it was instantly destroyed. The Magic did no effect on the Dragon's Body. Zuhn cursed at the sight, he pushed up his magical power.

The second burst of magic towards the Dragon did a little bit of damage. Leaving a small cut on the dragon's skin. Still, the dragon didn't really care about the injury.

Now the Dragon started to fight back, sending huge amounts of Fire towards Zuhn. Zuhn was trying to dodge all of the fire that was coming towards him.

Zuhn used his Magical Dagger and used a new skill called Seven Dagger Slash.

The attack that Zuhn used was one that he made himself while cultivating. He wanted to try it out, once he used the skill the seven slashes came in contact with the dragon.

The Dragon let out a loud cry, sending blood everywhere from all of the cuts. The dragon waddled a little bit before regaining its balance. Zuhn clenched his teeth and used another powerful skill.

'Eighth Step Strike'

The strike was extremely powerful, the attack was stronger than when he previously used it. The strike it the dragon head on. Zuhn stopped and looked at the dragon, the dragon didn't move for several seconds.

Suddenly, the dragon split into two and fell to the ground. Zuhn cautiously walked up to the dragon, with his dagger still in hand. When Zuhn found out that the dragon was truly dead he went up and cut out the heart.

The heart was a purple heart that was still pumping in his hand. This scared Zuhn to the core, but he put it in his ring. Maximus warned that if Zuhn didn't leave than other dragons were going to find him.

Zuhn understood and climbed up the way he fell. When he got back to the top, he tried to find a way back up the hole he came from. When he couldn't think of anything, the Magical Book lit up.

Zuhn opened it and it showed a page number. Zuhn turned to the page number, the page was titled 'Fly'.

Zuhn never knew that there was a flying spell that he could use. Zuhn looked at the spell's information. What he saw killed him.

'After using the spell, you will need a lot of time to get back the used mana. You will fall asleep for one-week minimum and most one month.'

A loud roar was heard below Zuhn, Zuhn quickly used the spell and flew out of the cave. He landed in the snowy lands and fell asleep.

When Zuhn woke up, Maximus told him it had been only three days. Zuhn wiped the snow off him and got up. He needed to get back to the town and give the heart to the Blacksmith.

Zuhn didn't know the perfect direction to the city, but he knew the general area. Soon enough, Zuhn found the cities borders. He walked up to the guards, once again he was let inside.

Zuhn made his way to the Blacksmith, the Blacksmith was waiting for him at the front of his shop. The Blacksmith had his hand out from afar, wanting the Dragon's heart.

Zuhn handed over the Dragon's heart, in return the Blacksmith gave him another Cultivation Orb.

"Good Job son, I didn't think you were able to do it. I have one more request for you, it will give you another Cultivation Orb."


The Blacksmith walked inside of his store and brought out a shiny envelope. On the envelope was a name.

'Trais F.'

"Bring this letter to the capitol building, once there give that letter to Trais. Once you give him the letter, you will get your third Cultivation Orb."

Zuhn nodded his head several times and took the envelope from the Blacksmith. While running to the capital, behind Zuhn the Blacksmith fell to the ground.

Blood flowed out his eyes and nose. His mouth had a wide grin on his face as he died. The Blacksmith's skin started to turn grey until finally, his whole body turned to ashes.

Weekends will always have late releases.

Kotremcreators' thoughts