
the training

after they returned home from the fight , yuuji was sitting on the couch with his girlfriend while the girls were sitting opposite to him, rin and luvia were right now distracted from staring at shirou with lust, thanks to yuuji's training shirou now resembled his counterpart from miyu's world but was much more defined, he was 6 feet tall, having perfect muscles almost on par with his counter guardian counterpart from the fifth grail war, but with red hair and a bit of immature face , the alpha particles had also made sure that he would not become tan and his hair go white because of his overuse of his magic, miyu was also looking at shirou while thinking back to her own brother, but it was completely different story for illya, she looked at both her brothers as if she was seeing them for the first time, although he did not admitt it yuuji was hurt from how illya looked at them with sadness and betrayal ,

"so , how long have you two been involved in the moonlit world??" asked rin after recovering from her trance, the two brothers looked at each other and said,

"as long as we can remember " they said in unison to the stunned group, however before illya could say anything yuuji continued,

"i know how you feel that we betrayed you by lying but we only hid it from you so that you could live a happy ordinary life unlike us two who have to constantly train and look out for any supernatural incidents" he said to illya who felt a lot better after learning their reasons , but before she could feel happy the next words sent chills down her and the other girls spines,

"of course that also includes us having to clean up the mess that rin and luvia cause every time they fight or when they go about using magecraft without any care in broad daylight, don't worry you two , you will get your punishment after i am done with disciplining these two " he said while pointing at both illy and miyu who hugged each other in fright from the scary smile that yuuji had with veins bulging on his forehead,

what followed was a long session of spanking for both the little girls from the man that they saw as a brother , later yuuji punished rin by taking away all of her jewels which made her cry tears of blood while counting the worth of the gems, he punished luvia by making her live like a commoner for two whole weeks , without any access to her family fortune or her butler, it was easy for him to do so with his company owning 70% of the world , it was absolute nightmare for the girls, he also made sue to pay a visit to the vampire with the kaleido stickes, suffice to say that after he was done , the great wizard marshal was left quaking in his boots with a hollow look in his eyes while muttering incomprehensible words ,the kaleido sticks were very docile in front to him after watching what had happened to their creator, ruby was especially very obedient ,

meanwhile the girls had asked shirou to show his power which he refused saying that it was not yet time


a few days later things proceeded to happen as it did in the anime because yuuji needed chloe to separate from illya so that she would not be burdened by the grail, he also found it troublesome to explain the circumstances to illya and chloe so he left it to his mother,

however shirou was a completely different case, when he first saw chloe using her powers , he had a very complicated look on his face because he knew exactly where she was drawing her powers from , a alternate version of himself , the archer from fifth grail war, meanwhile sakura had ended up meeting up with rin and resolved her relationship with her, now she called rin nee-chan but she also declared herself a rival to both rin and luvia for the love of shirou,

yuuji had also spent the last days trying to improve himself because he understood in his fight against berserker that if somehow he forced into a position where he cannot use his advance weapons which could destroy a continent , he only had his martial arts 'the world bearer' to rely on , so he began expanding his arsenal, he did this by trying to mimic the many moves he read or saw in manga or anime in his past life, he first tried to copy his brothers power of tracing but he immediately abandoned it because of a major issue , unlike prana , the cosmic energy cannot be degraded , that meant that every time he projected something , it would never disappear again even it he wanted it to, and also the quality of his projections would be very high, when shirou uses cosmic energy for projection , instead of creating degraded copies , he creates a perfect replicas of the noble phantasms ehich are slightly better then the originals, but since yuuji is much more attuned to cosmic energy, his projections are over two ranks higher than the originals , this was a major problem because if he tried to create big like ig-alima , it would actually be much more powerful than the original and would not dissapear , meaning that it would be impossible to remove it's traces,

he then tried to mimic the rasengan from naruto which was a major success, but he was only able to use the rasenshuriken version instead of the normal one, after that he created many imitations but the most powerful and his most favorite one was something that would cause the fans of dragon ball z from his old world to drool, yes he recreated kamehameha with cosmic energy , which made if much more powerful, it was now capable of destroying an entire solar system ,


many days later yuuji found out that bazett fraga had attacked illy and miyu for the class cards that they had, and that they had managed to defeat her with the rider class card , this made him focus on the red class cards he had secretly collected, he had ,in his hands 6 class cards, berserker : Lancelot of the lake, archer :Chiron trainer of heroes, saber : Siegfried the alyer of fafnir, lancer: Diarmuid of the Love Spot, assassin: hassan of the cursed arm(hassan i sabbah),

caster: Merlin, the Magus of Flowers,

he found out that the servants were from different dimensions that were sent here to fight him by zelretch so that he could improve himself , needless to say after receiving a thorough beating from yuuji he immediately promised to stop messing with him after he defeats the rider class , but yuuji did not mind getting a extra deck of class cards, the servants that he had fought were actually at their full strength at which they were at the peak of their legends, they were also wide awake and aware of what they were doing, that is why yuuji had managed to befriend them such that every time he used the cards to call forth the heroic spirits , they would fight by his side, he achieved this eith the help of a soul materialization device he created with cosmic energy, if a magus of the now extinct einzbern were to see this device, they would froth from their mouth in rage because yuuji had managed to recreate the third true magic with technology,

as yuuji was thinking over all the events that had happened he was distracted from his thoughts by the knocking on his door, once he opened the door he found illy,chloe and miyuu, along with shirou and issei standing behind them, chloe immediately jumped into the arms of her dear brother while illya fumed at missing her chance,

"ne,ne , nii-chan we are all going to the beach for fun want to join us??" asked chloe happily to which he shook his head and said,

"sorry girls but i have to take care of some things at the company regarding our clean energy creation labs" he said to which both of his sisters showed a dejected face, suddenly he remembered that it was their birthday on the same day , he glance back in his house to see ange all ready packing things for the trip, he looked past her on the desk were a mountain of papers were piled up which had the insignia of tridend indutries,

"on second thought, maybe i do need a break , wait for a few minutes , i will pack my bags-"" no need , i have already packed yours , let's go" said his girlfriend from behind, yuuji gave her an amused look and then turned towards the girls and asked ,

"so how are you guys planning to travel there??" " we were about to go by the bus " said shirou already understanding what his brother was planning, yuuji showed a predatory smile and said ,

"how can i allow you to do that, let's go with my car" he said to the girls and led them to the garage, there parked in the dark was a Subaru Forester with black and red color scheme, yuuji had personally modified the car to be as fast as a Bugatti veyron and as comfortable as a limo ,the girls were shocked by the interior of the car which had everything they could think of ,

"well then , let's go!!" yuuji said , without giving illya and shirou time to say anything yuuji pressed on the pedal and the car took of as if it were a jet

Next chapter