
Rebirth of a Legend: Kito's Awakening

A reincarnation with a system. In a world filled with magic and monsters, a young boy named Kito is mysteriously reincarnated in a child's body. After being confined indoors for three years, he is finally allowed to explore this new world. Follow Kito's destiny as he learns to master his magical abilities with a system, navigates a world filled with danger and mystery, and uncovers the hidden truths of the world in which he now resides. Embark on an epic adventure with Kito in this webnovel that will captivate your imagination and keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.

Anthocs · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The training (2)

The next morning, Kito and Lysar woke up feeling rested and ready to continue their training. However, they could feel the numerous aches from the various exercises the day before. They joined Myria in the training hall, where she had prepared several exercises to help them develop their dark magic skills. The hall was large and spacious, with dark walls and high ceilings. Mystical runes were engraved on the walls, and candles cast a dim glow that enhanced the mystical atmosphere of the place.

For Kito, Myria had planned a visualization and concentration exercise. "Kito, I want you to focus on this stone and try to envelop it with dark energy. Let your emotions guide you and visualize the energy flowing from your hands into the stone."

Kito nodded and approached the stone, determined to succeed this time. He sat cross-legged on the floor and placed his hands in front of him, palms facing the stone.

Myria approached him, her long black hair falling over her shoulders. She placed one hand on Kito's shoulder and the other on his head. "Kito, focus on your breathing. Let the dark energy flow through you and exhale this energy towards the stone."

Kito felt a connection being established between him, Myria, and the stone. His mind calmed, and he let himself be guided by Myria's instructions. She sat cross-legged, very close to him, keeping one hand on his head and the other on his shoulder. Her face was also very close to Kito's, who had to make an effort not to be distracted. Myria continued to give him advice, whispering close to his ear, so as not to disturb his concentration. With tremendous effort, Kito managed to no longer think about Myria's proximity, especially her face near his, and focus only on the sensations related to dark magic. After a few minutes, she stood up and moved away from Kito to help Lysar.

Lysar, on the other hand, had to practice controlling her fangs imbued with dark magic. Myria had placed a piece of wood in front of Lysar and asked her to bite into it, ensuring that she properly controlled the dark energy to avoid breaking the piece. Lysar stood in front of the piece of wood, slowly opening her jaw, ready to bite. This exercise aimed to control the amount of magic with precision and train her visualization.

Myria explained that for a dark magic user, mastering control and visualization was essential to avoid collateral damage and the inherent instability of this form of magic.

As the training progressed, Lysar managed to bite into the piece of wood without breaking it, correctly controlling the amount of dark energy imbuing her fangs. Her fangs shone with a dark and menacing glow, but Lysar controlled them with great ease, showing a natural affinity for this form of magic. Myria, although she did not show it openly, seemed satisfied with Lysar's progress.

Meanwhile, Kito continued to focus on the stone, trying to maintain the dark energy around it as long as possible. His progress was slower than Lysar's, but he refused to give in to frustration. Myria moved between the two of them, dispensing advice and encouragement, although her tone remained cold and detached.

After several hours of intense training, Kito finally managed to envelop the stone with dark energy for several seconds. Despite the brevity of this accomplishment, he felt overwhelmed with a sense of pride and relief. He understood that he had taken a significant step in mastering dark magic and that each small victory brought him closer to his goal.

Myria, seeing Kito's determination and progress, let out an almost imperceptible smile. "You have shown perseverance, Kito. Keep it up, and you will master dark magic." Kito, exhausted but happy, nodded in gratitude for Myria's encouragement.

After the magic training session, Myria decided it was time for Kito and Lysar to tackle physical training. She led them to the training area, which featured various equipment to strengthen their muscles, improve their endurance, and increase their agility. Myria presented them with a complex and demanding obstacle course, including jumps, balancing on narrow beams, and climbing rocky walls.

Kito and Lysar, though tired, embarked on the physical training. They encouraged each other, pushing their limits, and trying to reach new performance heights. Myria watched them closely, correcting their posture and technique to optimize their movements and prevent injuries.

Once the physical training was over, Myria took them to a meditation room to begin mental training.

Kito and Lysar sat down, closing their eyes to focus on their breathing. Myria guided them through various meditation and visualization techniques to strengthen their mind and willpower.

After a long day of intensive training, Kito and Lysar were exhausted and simply wanted to eat and sleep.

As they left the training hall, their shoulders heavy with fatigue, they were comforted by the thought of the progress they had made.

Leaving the hall, Myria led them to the dining room where a meal similar to the one from the night before awaited them. She explained that proper nutrition was essential for recovery and regaining their energy after a day of intense training.

"Even if it doesn't seem very appetizing, I can guarantee it has all the nutrients your body needs," Myria explained.

Kito, despite his fatigue, found the energy to smile and joke to lighten the atmosphere. He asked questions about Myria's life, her adventures, and her quests. Myria, although maintaining her distant demeanor, couldn't help but let slip some details about her past.

As the meal progressed, the tensions and challenges of the day faded, giving way to light and friendly discussions. Kito and Lysar shared anecdotes about their past and dreams for the future, laughing heartily despite Myria's coldness. Kito's personality began to rub off on Lysar, who started to become more playful and cheerful. The dark mage, though cold, could not resist the contagious joy of Kito and found herself revealing a discreet smile.

After the meal, Myria led them to their respective rooms, wishing them a good night's sleep and reminding them that the next day would be another intense training day. Kito and Lysar retired to their rooms, muscles aching and minds numb from fatigue, ready to collapse from exhaustion at any moment.