
Rebirth of a Legend: Kito's Awakening

A reincarnation with a system. In a world filled with magic and monsters, a young boy named Kito is mysteriously reincarnated in a child's body. After being confined indoors for three years, he is finally allowed to explore this new world. Follow Kito's destiny as he learns to master his magical abilities with a system, navigates a world filled with danger and mystery, and uncovers the hidden truths of the world in which he now resides. Embark on an epic adventure with Kito in this webnovel that will captivate your imagination and keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.

Anthocs · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The training (1)

Kito shared his questions with Myria, who took a moment to think before responding.

"You raise important questions, Kito. Dark magic is forbidden in many kingdoms due to the abuses committed by those who have used it to satisfy their thirst for power, and those who have succumbed to it. Of course, this doesn't mean that magic itself is evil, but fear and mistrust towards it have led kingdoms to ban it to protect their people. However, some of us, like those in the village or the rare individuals who come to the shadow sanctuary, believe that dark magic, when used correctly, can be a powerful and beneficial force."

Myria paused and added, "As for me, I decided to use dark magic to protect the people who matter to me." After a slight hesitation, she added, "well, at least try... The villagers trust me and understand that my use of this magic is responsible and benevolent."

"And as for your last question, Kito, I teach you dark magic because I believe in you and Lysar. I think you are capable of mastering this force without being corrupted by it. I have faith in your integrity and your desire to use it for good. However, keep in mind that, outside this sanctuary, you will have to be cautious and discreet in using dark magic, as you could face fear and rejection, and even worse."

Myria decided it was time to move on to practice. She began by teaching Kito how to materialize dark magic into a weapon. Myria demonstrated, concentrating her energy and conjuring a dark sword. She then explained to Kito how to channel and materialize his own energy to create such a weapon.

Kito was determined to master this technique and follow in Myria's footsteps. He concentrated intensely, trying to tap into the dark magic that lay dormant within him. His thoughts focused on the dark power he sought to master, and he could almost feel the energy gathering in his hands.

With each attempt, Kito strained to visualize the dark sword taking shape, feeling its presence become more tangible. Despite his burning desire to succeed and the will that drove him, he continually encountered an invisible barrier that prevented him from fully accessing the dark magic.

Deep down, Kito was torn between frustration and determination. A small inner voice began to whisper that he might not be up to the task, but he refused to listen. He recalled Myria's words and told himself that he just had to keep practicing to eventually overcome this obstacle.

"No, I can't give up now," he thought to himself. "I'm just getting started, I'm going to give it everything I've got every practice, and I'll succeed."

Kito tried again and again, each failure strengthening his determination to succeed. He stood there, eyes closed, hands outstretched before him, trying to block out everything except the sensation of the dark magic calling to him. Yet, despite all his efforts, the dark sword refused to materialize.

Finally, exhausted and discouraged, Kito had to admit that he could not do it for now. He lowered his hands, his shoulders sagging under the weight of his disappointment. However, he was not ready to give up. He vowed to continue training and working on his connection with dark magic until he could materialize the sword.

Myria looked at him with a stern gaze, but a slight hint of compassion could be seen. "Do not be discouraged, Kito. Mastering dark magic does not come easily, and you have already made great progress. Keep practicing and believe in yourself, and I am confident that you will eventually be able to summon the dark sword."

Meanwhile, Lysar seemed to have a natural talent for dark magic. Myria showed her how to enlarge her fangs when using the technique of the dark bite. Lysar focused, and under Myria's watchful eye, she slightly managed to grow the dark energy surrounding her fangs.

Kito observed Lysar's progress and felt both proud and somewhat discouraged by his own difficulties. However, Myria reminded him that everyone learned at their own pace and that he should not be disheartened.

"With patience and perseverance, Kito, you will succeed in mastering this technique," Myria assured him. "Do not compare yourself to Lysar, for you both have different strengths and weaknesses. Keep practicing, and soon, you too will be able to materialize dark magic into a formidable weapon."

Kito nodded, appreciating Myria's supportive words. Lysar, who had been watching her friend's efforts, approached him and rested her head on his shoulder. The reassuring touch of Lysar brought comfort and strength to Kito. He gently stroked the scales on her head, a silent connection between the two companions.

Myria decided it was time for Kito and Lysar to take a break, allowing them to regain their strength before continuing their training. The two friends spent the rest of the day resting and meditating, mentally preparing for the challenges ahead.

Myria told them to meditate as much as possible, both to strengthen themselves mentally and because it allowed for faster recovery, and it could also have an impact on magic. Indeed, magic being produced by focusing on materializing a sensation, meditation could sometimes have surprising effects on the power of spells.

In the evening, after a very long and exhausting day, Kito was glad to simply sit at the table and eat. This time, the meal that had seemed unappetizing the day before felt like a birthday feast.

Kito and Myria talked about trivialities during the meal. Myria still seemed cold and distant, but Kito made no comment. Then, naturally driven by the fatigue they felt, everyone headed to their rooms, or at least what resembled a room. It was more of an empty, dark space, and a pile of straw with a sheet laid on top to imitate a bed. But after such an intense day, Kito had no trouble falling asleep quickly. Tomorrow was sure to be just as exhausting, maybe even worse.