
Rebirth of a Legend: Kito's Awakening

A reincarnation with a system. In a world filled with magic and monsters, a young boy named Kito is mysteriously reincarnated in a child's body. After being confined indoors for three years, he is finally allowed to explore this new world. Follow Kito's destiny as he learns to master his magical abilities with a system, navigates a world filled with danger and mystery, and uncovers the hidden truths of the world in which he now resides. Embark on an epic adventure with Kito in this webnovel that will captivate your imagination and keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.

Anthocs · Fantasy
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33 Chs

New power

After days of relentless searching, Kito had finally found the essential ingredients and the right proportions to create a purification elixir. The mixture was made up of several rare plants and minerals from the forest, some of which he had discovered purely by chance. He had noticed certain plants that were frequently eaten by forest animals, deducing that they must be highly nutritious. He combined these with a type of charcoal known for its filtration properties and a few flowers. From there, he had to boil water to increase the concentration of active ingredients and repeat this process several times to reach saturation in the solution. To this final mixture, he added crushed horn of a horned wolf, known for amplifying magic. He had discovered during the preparation of health potions that this could strengthen the effect of a concoction.

"Congratulations! You have created a low-quality body purification potion. Would you like to store the liquid in a vial and add it to your inventory?"


Very pleased with himself, Kito decided to check the properties of the potion.

"Low-Quality Purification Potion (E).

Allows you to purify your body. Effects unknown."

For the time being, he would keep it in his inventory and not use it immediately. He preferred to wait for the right moment, at home in the evening, thinking that in the worst-case scenario, his parents could help him if the results were not as expected.

Now he had a second goal: to test his new dark powers. He left his hideout to go into the forest and find a monster to confront.

He headed toward the deeper parts of the forest, where he thought new creatures might be visible. After walking for a while, Kito came across Lysar, who was resting. It seemed to Kito that she had grown a little, but he was not sure.

"So, are you enjoying yourself in this forest?"

The little dragon emitted a small roar to signify her agreement.

They decided to continue exploring the forest together.

"This time, let me handle the enemy we find. I want to test my new abilities."

Lysar pretended to sulk but acquiesced. They continued to move through the forest when they came across a strange creature, a sort of werewolf with red eyes and black fur. It seemed a bit larger than the horned wolf he had fought in the past, and a little more intelligent. Kito felt that it was a worthy opponent for his new skills. He wanted to test the limits of his dark powers and see how he could use them in combat.

"Get ready, Lysar. We're going to face this creature together."

Lysar emitted a rumble of determination and positioned herself beside Kito, ready to fight.

The werewolf charged toward Kito and Lysar, but before it could reach them, Kito used his dark powers to plunge into the shadows. The werewolf became disoriented, unable to locate Kito, who felt at ease in the darkness and could perfectly see the creature and its movements.

Lysar moved quickly in the shadows, using her Shadow Camouflage to stealthily approach the werewolf but didn't attack, as Kito had asked her to. Using his dark powers, Kito emerged from the darkness behind the monster and concentrated his energy to cast a Dark spell. A beam of dark energy burst from his hand and struck the werewolf in the face, throwing it back and knocking it to the ground.

The werewolf, severely injured, tried to get up, but Kito and Lysar were too fast. Together, they launched a series of swift and accurate attacks, leaving the creature no chance. Finally, the werewolf fell to the ground, defeated.

Kito approached the werewolf, collecting some valuable items and useful ingredients for his future alchemy projects. He looked at Lysar and smiled, impressed by how well they had worked together. He teased her, knowing that she couldn't help but intervene in the battle, but he didn't hold it against her. On the contrary, he began to think about improving their coordination in fights, which could be an advantage going forward.

"We make an excellent team, Lysar. I'm convinced that we can become even stronger together."

Kito was surprised not to have received a quest concerning this battle, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He had still gained experience, as with every fight, and that suited him.

"You know, Lysar, I'm really glad to have you by my side. You're incredible, and I'm convinced that we'll become stronger together."

Lysar purred happily, her tail wagging with contentment. She snuggled up against Kito, and he gently stroked her head, knowing that their friendship was only the beginning of something great.

As the days went by, Kito and Lysar trained relentlessly, perfecting their skills and increasing their strength. Lysar grew rapidly, becoming larger and more powerful, while Kito developed better control of his dark powers and improved his knowledge of alchemy.

One day, after a long training session, Kito and Lysar rested near a stream, enjoying the fresh air and the birdsong. Kito reflected on everything they had accomplished so far and the challenges that awaited them.

"Lysar, I think it's time for us to go further into this forest. I have a feeling that great things await us. There's so much to discover, and I'm sure our adventure is only just beginning."

Lysar nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shining with determination.

"But for now, we better head home. It's getting late, and I'll get scolded again!"

The two companions made their way back peacefully, the little dragon hidden in the alternate dimension provided by the ring.

After thinking it over during the journey, Kito decided to tell his parents and grandfather about the little dragon's existence, He had decided to trust them, and wanted to share this with them.

He also wanted to try this purification potion on himself after the party, when he was in his room.

So the evening was going to be busy, and Kito was looking forward to it.