
Rebirth of a Legend: Kito's Awakening

A reincarnation with a system. In a world filled with magic and monsters, a young boy named Kito is mysteriously reincarnated in a child's body. After being confined indoors for three years, he is finally allowed to explore this new world. Follow Kito's destiny as he learns to master his magical abilities with a system, navigates a world filled with danger and mystery, and uncovers the hidden truths of the world in which he now resides. Embark on an epic adventure with Kito in this webnovel that will captivate your imagination and keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.

Anthocs · Fantasy
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33 Chs

First Steps in the Academy

Upon entering the grounds of the magic academy, Kito marveled at the size and grandeur of the establishment. The majestic buildings were constructed from ancient stone, covered in vines and moss, which gave them an indescribable aura. The central courtyard of the academy was a massive garden filled with exotic flowers, a serene pond, and tall ancient trees that seemed to whisper secrets to the students who walked beneath their shade.

As Kito looked around the various locations, he felt a surge of excitement at the possibilities this place offered. Despite the unfamiliar surroundings and being away from his family, Kito felt invigorated by the challenge.

His first task was to enroll in the academy and find his lodgings. After navigating a labyrinth of corridors and stairways, Kito finally found the admissions office. A stern-faced staff member greeted him and meticulously checked the details of Kito's invitation before enrolling him as a first-year student.

"Here is your schedule, Kito," said the staff member, handing him a parchment. "You will be in class C, and your dormitory is called the Sapphire Wing. You will find the locations of your classes and dormitory on the provided map."

Kito thanked the staff member and immediately set off to find his dormitory. He wasn't very good at navigating, especially in such a large place with such a poorly made map. After many detours, and following the map, he arrived at a three-story building adorned with sapphire-colored banners. Inside, Kito discovered a welcoming common room, filled with comfortable couches and bookshelves.

Kito found his room on the second floor. His heart raced as he opened the door, and he was relieved to see a small but tidy space with two beds, two desks, and two wardrobes. After unpacking his belongings, Kito decided to explore the academy and familiarize himself with its layout.

As he left, he met his first roommate, a boy his age with red hair and a mischievous smile.

"Hello, my name is Dario!" the boy said cheerfully, extending his hand for a friendly handshake. "You must be Kito! We are roommates!"

Kito smiled and shook Dario's hand, introducing himself in return. "Nice to meet you, Dario!"

As they walked through the halls of the Sapphire Wing, Dario's energetic and outgoing nature became apparent. He was eager to share his past so they could get to know each other.

"I am a fire mage from a small village in the west," Dario said animatedly, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I am nothing special, but I have always felt connected to fire. I knew I had to come to the academy to learn how to properly harness my magic.

Kito listened intently, fascinated by the passion and energy radiating from Dario. "That's amazing," he replied. "I also come from a village, but more to the east. I have never ventured this far from home."

As they continued their conversation, Kito learned that Dario had an adventurous spirit who loved to explore and try new things, much like himself. He was known in his village for his daring and unwavering determination in the face of challenges. This trait had helped him overcome numerous obstacles, including a dangerous journey to the academy.

As Dario spoke, his eyes shone with contagious excitement. "You know, Kito, I think we are going to have a great time here. Just imagine all the incredible things we will learn and the powerful spells we will master! I can't wait to test my limits and see how far my magic can go!"

Kito found himself swept up in Dario's enthusiasm. He realized that having a roommate like Dario would not only help him adjust to the academy but also encourage him to embrace new experiences and face challenges head-on. And it seemed they had a lot in common, which was a good sign!

"What about you, Kito?" asked Dario with genuine curiosity. "What brought you to the academy? What are your aspirations as a mage?"

Kito thought for a moment before answering, reflecting on his own journey. "I want to learn everything I can about magic and find ways to help others," he said, determination in his voice. "I know there's so much to learn and discover, and I believe the academy is the best place to grow as a mage. Unfortunately, in our world, only strength seems to allow us to be at peace or to be listened to."

Dario nodded approvingly. "I completely agree! We'll make a fantastic team, Kito."

As they reached their room, Kito felt a growing sense of camaraderie with Dario. He knew that having an enthusiastic roommate who supported him would make his stay at the academy even more rewarding. For now, he didn't want to trust too quickly, and wouldn't reveal his secrets. But in the future, having a close person to rely on might be a good thing. Unfortunately for Lysar, she would have to stay in the ring for a while longer. It felt strange not to see her, as he had never been apart from her for very long.

In the evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Kito and Dario returned to their shared room after exploring the buildings a bit more.

As they prepared for bed, the two roommates couldn't help but engage in a lively discussion about what they imagined the upcoming day to be like – their first day of classes.

They talked about everything and nothing, not wanting to reveal too much about their more personal matters for the time being.

After talking for hours, fatigue overtook them, and they decided to go to sleep. At last they tried, the excitement and the impatience made their sleep difficult and not very restful. This was probably the case for many people in their situation.