
Rebirth of a Killer

What if a man who has killed 5000 people and who has never been caught by the authorities, reincarnates into a world full of other reincarnated people, new species, new continents, and just in general a whole new world which is bigger than earth, a lot bigger something he couldn't fantom or any other human for fact. What will the most famous killer of the 21st century do in this new world? This is my second novel, my first novel is called the knight of war. I'm still a beginner so If you want to leave a comment on how I can improve my writing or anything else, pls do. I've changed the genre as I have first put it as an action novel(which it certainly is) : but if you search the book up it comes up as an action: martial art novel, which it is not, so I've changed the genre to fantasy.

SandWarrior878 · Fantasy
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38 Chs


Smith woke up a day later after he fell asleep in the barn.

The wound that was made close to his right arm had already healed, so Smith quickly stood up and left the barn.

He then headed towards the east again.

After an hour of running he saw the sea, or at least that was what the humans called it, it was actually just a big lake.

Smith then started to run around the lake.

After a few days he saw a lot of rocks, they didn't look natural as they were all stacked together to form one big line.

Smith crawled over them and saw a lot of wooden huts in the distance. As he came closer he saw that they were all abandoned.

He started to slowly walk trough the village and inspected everything.

The houses looked too big for normal humans, and they also didn't look like the giants houses, they looked way more cruder.

So it was probably home to the only species he hadn't met yet, the Orcs.

He left the village and started to follow the lake again.

After some time he saw another village, but it was also empty.

The next village was the same and the next one was also the same.

Every village that he saw was the same, Smith didn't think too much about it as didn't have to do anything with him.

He kept on moving and eventually saw a tall wall which probably surrounded a city, after climbing it he also found that there weren't any Orc's here as well.

So he kept on moving, after a week or so he met a new border, one he had already seen before, a crudely made wooden wall those of the giants.

He climbed over the wall and saw no giants standing guard. He then slowly moved away from the lake side and started following the wall for some time.

After following it for a while he saw that a large piece of the wall was destroyed and after coming closer he saw a lot of footsteps.

Smith then followed these footsteps as he really hadn't anything else to do.

After following the steps for around a week and a half he saw a lot of destroyed city's and village's.

After two more days of following the steps he saw a huge city in the distance, it was way bigger than the Capital of the humans, a whole castle could also be seen poking out above the walls.

After coming closer he couldn't exactly estimate how big the wall was, which surrounded the city, but it was huge.

After slowly climbing the wall he started to hear the clashing of swords and other things, also a lot of screams and growls.

After reaching the top he could oversee the whole city. It was indeed bigger than the Capital.

He quickly spotted the big battle. Green looking beasts were fighting with five meter tall humans.

Both sides had a massive amount of troops.

The Orc's had flooded the space surrounding the Castle in the middle.

And Smith could see rows and rows of gaints standing on top of the castle wall.

Smith looked quietly at the battle he inspected the Orc's and the giants, both sides had completely different fighting styles.

The giants weren't as aggressive as smith had previously seen, they were more calm and composed.

And every attack that they did was carefully calculated.

But the Orc's, they would just throw their bodies at their opponents, they were what you would call berserkers, they didn't think and just acted on instinct and emotions, just like Smith had done in the last fight.

Smith kept looking at the fight for a few days before he moved again. He left the city and started to travel towards the east again.

After traveling for some time he saw a border.

But this time it was guarded, and not by giants but Orc's.

'hmm so they can think'

'well let's just fight them one time.'

Smith slowly started to move towards them.

The Orc's who were stationed by the wall quicky saw a big lizard heading towards them.

They didn't immediately rush at Smith, which he found surprising.

But when Smith kept coming closer and closer they attacked.

One of the orc's pulled his sword back and swung it at Smith.

Smith easily dodged the strike and slashed at the orc with his claws, the orcs neck got torn open and blue blood started to gush out.

For some reason the blood smelled disgusting and smith's face contorted a bit.

The other orc's seeing their friend die got extremely mad, their eyes all started to turn red, which was pretty weird put it didn't matter.

Smith started to use his fire breathing and the orc's started to quickly perish, after killing all of the orc's he just stood there for some time.

Smith then headed towards the wall and climbed over.

He saw a lot of dead trees and other dead plants. There also was a lot of sand which wasn't surprising.

'so the wyvren went towards the Paraginion territory.'

Smith then transformed into his humanoid form. As he wanted to blend in with the normal Paraginions.

He also wanted to find more info on this "world" and why it had this weird border where nobody returned from.

So he started his slow journey into the Paraginion desert.


Smith had now ran for almost one week straight and hadn't seen anything other then sand.

There was only one interesting thing that he had seen, sandworms.

They were around three meters long and thirty centimeters in diameter.

He had killed a small horde of them and stored some of them in his space necklace as they tasted pretty good.

After running for around four more days he saw a rock formation.

It was a lot different from the first one he had seen. There weren't any fortresses on top of the stones and their was actually some greenery surrounding it.

Smith slowly observed the whole stone city and only crept closer at night.

The interesting thing about this stone city was that it was build around a tower.

After observing the city for a few more days he finally would set his newly formed plan in motion.

He would first try to intrigrate into the city and then learn as much as possible from them.