
Night terror part 1

Smith looked at all the humans moving at a fast pace. Food was made in minutes and then presented on the table.

10 seconds later the door to the golden carriage opened, and a fat human walked out. He had on tons of jewelry and expensive looking clothes.

Smith just kept observing them. While the fat human was still eating Smith saw the others setting up a huge tent.

Not much later a few women also went outside of the carriage and joined the fat human at the table.

Not much later it started to turn dark. The fat human and the women went inside of the tent.

Smith stopped observing them, as he felt something coming closer towards him.

"pfff, why does that fat bastard always eat so much."

The man unzipped his pants and started to piss against a rock. "hah, if I ever get the change to beat him up I'll take it."


Smith already closed his eyes as he felt the human coming closer towards his hiding spot. And just a few seconds later the human stopped before him.

And the he felt a mild hot stream running down his head.

Smith tried to keep himself composed.

As soon as the human stopped pissing on him and turned around, he attacked him.

Smith jumped up out of his hole and closed his jaws around the humans neck.

Because of his strength the humans head came of the body.

[human (lvl 3) killed]

[1000 exp]

Smith dragged the body into the hole he had made and also put the head there with the body. He then quickly covered the hole with dirt and some leaves.

He then dashed away and follow the road towards the city. Not much later he could see a little fire burning with 4 people sitting around it.

"don't you think we-" the human that was talking turned towards Smith as he heard something running towards them.

"hey do you guys hear that?"

The other 3 turned towards the one who was talking, all 3 already drunk. "haha what are you saying there is literally nothing in this forest except for sand crawlers."

"well-" just as he was about to turn his head away he heard the sound becoming louder and then something filled his whole vision.

Claws, they immediately pierced trough his helmet and skull.

The other ones couldn't even comprehend what was happening at the moment.

The person next the the one that just died wanted to scream, but before he could even open his mouth 2 jaws closed in over his head.

The other 2 wanted to run away, at the same time something crashed against the left one piercing his neck. And because of the momentum he got thrown on to his comrade.

They both fell on the ground, the one who still hadn't received a scratch was now laying under his friend who was bleeding out on top of him.

Not much later also his skull got pierced by smith's claws.

[human (lvl 4) killed] x3

[human (lvl 5) killed]

[5000 exp]

'damn these guys are so frail.'

Smith then dragged the bodies on to the fire that they had made. And the quietly watched them burn.

'now on to the other ones.'


"hey Juro, you must return, the viscout wants you to prepare a bath for him!" a frail looking girl called out towards the forest.


'bastard', "hey Avu could you help me go looking for Juro?"

"yeah no problem Bella." Avu a burly women answered. She took a light orb with her.

Avu was silver knight and was now the leading captain of the viscounts escort towards the duke's city. Because in a few weeks a big festival would be held for the duke's birthday.

She searched with Bella for Juro for around 15 minutes. "where the fuck is that bastard!"

"do you think he ran away?"

"why would he run away here?, that would be unwise, and I know that that bastard isn't stupid."

Avu then started to smell something. 'hm it's something metallic? Blood!?'

Avu quickly looked around and then saw some bloody spots on the ground.

She bend down and put the orb on the ground next to her." come look here Bella, there is blood here"

Bella ran towards Avu and crouched next to her. "do you think it's -"


"huh, why are -" Avu immediately put her hand over Bella's mouth.

"shhh, I don't know what is happening but we'll need to be quite for some time."

So Bella and Avu were now both observing what was happening.


Smith already ran back to the fat humans camp, and looked around for a few minutes.

'their seems to be a guard missing' smith's eyes narrowed as he quickly scanned the whole camp. He now was situated around the left side instead of the right side.

'I don't see the guard anywhere, well they'll probably will come out once I kill everyone here.'

Smith moved back to the front, and their he made some sounds of branches braking, ect..



David who was half falling asleep against his spear immediately woke up.

"hey Eric, I'll go check that sound out."


No response. David looked back and saw Eric sleeping on a chair. David walked over and kicked the chair.

"ah, you c*nt what's your problem.' Eric yelled out.

" I heard a sound so I'll go check it out, so watch out if anything happens. "

" ay, oke sir David go investigate the most safe forest in the whole kingdom. "

" bastard "

David moved out in to the forest holding a light orb and his spear.

'?', 'why are their so many branches together?'

Before he could could ponder anymore something he heard a lashing sound and then everything turned black.