
Chapter 564 - Blockade List

After several days of screening and exploring his resources, Cooper quickly selected three films that were highly worth investing in for Faaris.

"With my decades of experience in Hollywood, I swear with my life that all three of these films have the potential to win an Oscar!" Cooper confidently placed the scripts of the three films on Faaris's desk.

"The first one is 'Adaptation(2002).' It's a very intricate script, and Oscar judges are usually very interested in this type. If it were a mediocre director, they might turn such an outstanding script into a mess. However, as far as I know, the director chosen is Spike Jonze. He was nominated for an Oscar for Best Director for 'Being John Malkovich,' and I believe this script in his hands will surely blossom beautifully."

Seeing no immediate reaction, Cooper added, "Moreover, they've already secured heavyweight actors, such as Nicolas Cage and Meryl Streep."

"Streep?" Faaris became interested. "I know her, she's a very talented actress, and I really like the roles she plays."

Seeing the boss interested, Cooper became more enthusiastic in his introduction.

"Yes, she's an outstanding actress. I believe she deserves more attention. Plus, the films she chooses are always of high quality. From this perspective, I think this film should receive more attention."

Faaris nodded in agreement, "Alright. How much investment is needed?"

Cooper's heart rejoiced, "Not much."

"No problem, arrange for a meeting. Let's get the film made as soon as possible, don't delay the time."

"Leave it to me. We won't delay the time," Cooper gladly took on the task. Opportunities to expand his network in Hollywood were not to be missed. In Hollywood, investors were the most welcome group, especially someone like Faaris, who only cared about winning awards and didn't mind box office returns. He was willing to generously share his wealth for others to owe him a big favor.

"If you like Meryl, I think her other film is also worth considering."

"Another one? Do you mean it's already filmed, or is it still in production?" Faaris asked.

"Exactly, it's already halfway through. The film is called 'The Hours,' telling the intertwined stories of three women. The director, Stephen Daldry, is a very powerful director, and the cast of 'The Hours' is equally stunning. Apart from Meryl, there are also Nicole Kidman and Julianne Moore. I've read the script, and it definitely has the potential to make an impact at the Oscars!"

Faaris, in thoughtful consideration, nodded, "Can additional investment be made in a film that's already halfway through production?"

"Of course! No one dislikes additional funding. They've already scheduled it for December 18th, but due to financial reasons, many parts haven't been shot yet. Now, with our investment, it will undoubtedly be very welcome."

"Okay." Faaris, intrigued, said, "Let me take a look at the script first. If it looks promising, then let's invest."

Seeing that he didn't give immediate approval, Cooper felt a bit surprised. But now wasn't the time for him to question his boss. So, he continued, "There's one more film that I think is a heavyweight alternative."

His suddenly solemn tone made Faaris pay more attention, "Tell me about it."

"Do you know the director Martin Scorsese?"

"You mean the director of 'The Last Temptation of Christ' and 'Goodfellas'?"

"Yes, that's the one. If you know him, it's easy to explain. He has been striving for an Oscar for many years. From his first Oscar nomination for Best Director in '81 to now, he's had three nominations. Everyone knows his biggest wish is to get an Oscar. This time, his film is called 'Gangs of New York,' depicting a specific period in time. Oscar judges love these dark films, and if nothing unexpected happens, I believe he will finally get what he has always dreamed of at next year's Oscars."

"What about the cast?"

"The cast is very powerful, with Daniel Day-Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Cameron Diaz, all heavyweight stars. Their acting skills have stood the test of time, and according to my investigation, they underwent very rigorous training for this film. For example, Diaz learned lock-picking skills from a professional thief for a long time, and the other two also underwent intense training. You know, Oscar judges usually have a great appreciation for actors who put in such effort."

Faaris, not very interested, waved his hand, "I don't care about those things. I only want to defeat Moran!"

"Yes, of course." Cooper secretly pinched his palm, feeling a bit overconfident. It had been a while since he enjoyed this feeling, and unintentionally, he fell back into the memories of guiding others. He forgot their initial purpose.

"What I mean is, Martin's 'Gangs of New York' is really worth considering. Originally, they planned to film it in 1980 or '81, but that year's 'Heaven's Gate' suffered a huge loss, and the producers thought it was very risky to film a similar type. So, it was shelved. It was Martin's persistence that brought it back. I believe with his vision and capability, this film can definitely make an impact at the Oscars."

Faaris frowned, portraying a thoughtful expression. In fact, this was a way of managing subordinates. Just like earlier, although he was interested in 'The Hours,' he didn't agree to invest. For people helping him, he could give them certain rights, but he couldn't let them surpass his authority. If everything was done by subordinates, the person in the boss's seat would be sidelined.

So, he still didn't express his true thoughts, letting his subordinates guess, without giving a clear answer.

"Has 'Gangs of New York' already started shooting?"

"Yes, to be precise, it's already completed, but due to subsequent funding issues, it was originally scheduled for last Christmas, and it got postponed to this Christmas Eve."

"Is it really okay? Two films, both stopped due to financial reasons. If they're good films, shouldn't other film production companies invest in them?"

Faaris knew a bit about Hollywood. Leaving aside major production companies, even those B-grade companies like Phoenix usually formed alliances. This way, they could mutually benefit from each other's resources and, at the same time, reduce investment risks.

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