
Rebirth of a Hollywood Socialite.

This is a translated Chinese novel. I am not the author, just translating for fun. Translator: Doyenro (Fan Translate) Author: Zhuang Jiang Alternative universe (AU) She can produce the most terrifying horror films and also create the most profitable commercial films; she can turn artistic films into commercial successes and turn commercial films into artistic achievements. Future critiques of Laila all say that she is synonymous with the Hollywood miracle, one of the greatest directors of all time. She even unintentionally becomes the most skilled photographer and strategist. However, she knows that all of this comes from her biggest secret, which is—she has been reborn! T/N: * The Female Lead(MC) is very patriotic to her old country, so it may be annoying to some people. * The English gets better from chapter 65, the chapters 1 - 65 will be edited soon. * The actors' or actresses' characters may be different from reality. It is just an alternate universal fictional novel. * Alternate History * Contact me if a novel of the same is officially translated so that I can stop. * Original Chinese novel completed.

Doyenro · Urban
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884 Chs

Chapter 277 - Something's Fishy

It's often said that serious men are most attractive, and serious women have their own irresistible charm. When Laila entered her filming mode, she became like the sun, around which the entire film crew revolved.

Every command from her received the quickest response, and every move drew everyone's attention to her. At least from Al Nadeem's perspective, he had never encountered such an unusual woman.

In his country, women were confined to their homes. Except for their husbands, no one else was allowed to see them. He had never been interested in docile women who were obedient at home and submissive after marriage. That's why his father, the esteemed prince, had chosen a woman from their country who had gone to study in the United States to be his fiancée, thinking she would be more independent.

Obviously, the esteemed prince had overlooked one thing: not being interested in docile women didn't necessarily mean he was interested in more outgoing ones. In fact, he wasn't interested in any women at all.

Once, even Al Nadeem himself had thought he might never be interested in any woman again in his life. But he hadn't expected that in this foreign land, he would be infatuated with a woman who was sharp-tongued, pragmatic, and terrifying.

No wonder she was known as a witch. She seemed to exude some sort of magical aura that made him unable to resist following her every move, following and following, unable to turn away for a long time.

Many people noticed the intensity of the prince's gaze, and women were sensitive. Experienced men were also familiar with that kind of look. So, in a very short time, the news that their boss was being relentlessly stared at by a handsome foreign man spread throughout the entire film crew.

Everyone felt it, and Laila was no exception. But when she saw that look, her first reaction was "Something's fishy!" Knowing that Al Nadeem had a favorable impression of Theron, she was sure he wasn't thinking about her, so the intense gaze from the poor prince made her raise her guard to a high level, just in case of any potential harm.

At first, when the prince was sitting nearby, he felt uncomfortable because some female actors were coming and going. But when his gaze was completely drawn to Laila, he couldn't see anyone else. His fear of women disappeared as silently as winter snow under the summer sun.

This was a situation even he hadn't expected. He still hadn't realized it himself, but his bodyguards, who were watching him closely, saw everything and secretly reported it. You can imagine how the esteemed prince would react when he received this news. It wouldn't be long before Laila found herself in another tragic situation.


After the scene ended, Roy handed Laila a drink and asked, "Why hasn't that idiot prince left yet?"

"I used his bodyguards. Where do you want him to go?" Laila took a sip from her drink and glanced in the prince's direction, seeing him still smiling at her.

Indeed, something was fishy!

Her level of alertness went up another notch.

Roy leaned in close and whispered, "Is he pursuing you?"

"Pursuing me? Give me a break!" Laila playfully tapped him on the head with her empty cup. "His target isn't me; it's Theron."

Roy clicked his tongue, disappointed. "Did he say that?" What a clever man! Knowing that their boss wasn't easy to pursue, he had come up with a reason to pursue Theron instead. A man with a fear of women shouldn't be interested in women at all, at least in his opinion.

"Funny enough, he did," Laila said, thinking the prince probably wouldn't lie about this.

Roy stared at her, shaking his head in regret. "It seems that even geniuses can be clueless sometimes. Let me tell you something as a man: never underestimate a man's pursuit of a woman."

"Man?" Laila laughed and handed him the empty cup. "Tell me that when you grow up into a man. You're just a little boy with barely any facial hair."

In her previous life, at her age of over thirty, seeing a twenty-year-old boy, she would indeed think he was still quite young. But now, as a "mere" twenty-year-old girl, using that tone suddenly sounded off.

"You! You!" Roy was exasperated. "You, woman! I pity any man who set their sights on you, in the future. Sooner or later, he'll realize how pitiful he is!"

"Well, it won't be you, so what's your excitement about?" Laila waved him away as if shooing a fly. "If you've got nothing to do, go learn some moves from Hong Jinbao. Don't make me dizzy here."

"I want to take on ten opponents!" Roy made a gesture behind her, as if he wanted to strangle her, and then went to learn martial arts from Hong Jinbao in frustration.

Their interactions were seen by the prince, and Al Nadeem couldn't help feeling irritated by Roy's presence. What was he doing? What was he saying to Laila? Did he really need to stand so close to her?

At Golden Island, he had seen Roy before and had almost been punched by him. Only after a lot of effort had they managed to resolve the chaos. He knew that Roy was just one of Laila's actors, but he didn't know anything more about him. After all, he was just an actor, not worth the attention of a prince.

"Who is that person?" He grabbed someone who happened to pass by and asked.

Coincidentally, the person he grabbed was Jia Xiaoming.

In fact, it wasn't exactly a coincidence. The people in the crew didn't know Al Nadeem's identity, but Jia Xiaoming had already confirmed it through some means.

Knowing this, he greatly admired Laila's dedication to her work. She had even managed to recruit a prince's bodyguards to act in a movie. Did she plan to reach the heavens with her ambitions? And with the bodyguards not by his side, what if something happened to the prince? Even if the chances were very low, any potential danger had to be prevented, or it could escalate to an international dispute.

So, Jia Xiaoming was casually wandering around the prince, keeping a close eye on him while pretending to be an ordinary member of the crew. He would monitor him and provide some protection. If anything went wrong, he could at least hold out until the other bodyguards arrived.

Al Nadeem had no idea about Jia Xiaoming's true identity, so he casually asked, "Oh, you mean Roy? He has a supporting role in this movie."

Al Nadeem wasn't asking about Roy's role in the film. He wanted to know something else: "What's his relationship with Laila?"

Jia Xiaoming immediately understood and chuckled, "Are you asking if they're a couple? Absolutely not! Our boss doesn't have a boyfriend right now. They're just really close and playful with each other, like good friends."

"Friends? Male friends?" The prince's expression was a bit strange. In his country, women and men didn't have such close contact, especially when it came to a woman. What need did a woman have for male friends?

Jia Xiaoming was quite familiar with their customs, so he explained with a smile, "This is America, and it's not unusual for girls to have a few male friends. It's friendship, pure friendship."